B.Tech VI (Sixth) Semester Examination 2014-15
Course Code: ECS601 Paper ID: 0966406
Artificial Intelligence
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70 Max Marks: 75
Note: Attempt six questions in all. Q. No. 1 is compulsory.
1. Answer any five of the following (limit your answer to 50 words). (4x5=20)
a) “Computer cannot be intelligent, because they can only do what their programmers tell them to do. Hence AI is a hoax.” – Comment.
b) Write any two application areas of Artificial Intelligence, in day to day life.
c) What do you mean by Non-monotonic reasoning?
d) Write any two differences between declarative and procedural knowledge.
e) What is Case Grammar? Explain.
f) Discuss Frame as a tool for knowledge representation.
g) Discuss PROLOG as a language for AI programming.
h) Define temporal models.
2. a) How will we know, when we have succeeded in building an Intelligent Program? Explain with an example. (5)
b) What is Heuristic? How does it help in solving the problems in AI domain? (5)
3. Briefly differentiate the following Heuristic Techniques: (10)
(a) Hill Climbing (b) Best First Search (c) Problem Reduction
4. What are the major issues in Knowledge Representation? Represent the following facts into the first order predicate logic: (10)
1. Bhaskar was a man.
2. Bhaskar was a physician.
3. All physicians were Indian.
4. Ashoka was a ruler.
5. All Indians were either loyal to Ashoka or hated him.
6. Everyone is loyal to someone.
5. a) What do you mean by Resolution by refutation? Explain with the help of a suitable example. (5)
b) Differentiate between forward and backward reasoning with the help of a suitable example. (5)
6. a) Draw a Conceptual Representation (CD) of the fact “While talking to Ramu, I saw that Jacob punched Joseph”. (5)
b) Draw a Semantic Net representation for the fact “Joseph is a Programmer or John is a Lawyer”. (5)
7. What is Natural Language Processing? What are the important stages in NLP? Explain them briefly. (10)
8. Write short notes on any two of the following: (5+5)
b) Expert System Development Life Cycle
c) Script as a tool for knowledge representation