QES Management System
Issue Date: 08/03/2018
Confined Space Entry & Associated Works Procedure
6.4.2LIFTING MANHOLE COVERS ON LIVE SEWERS (Non Entry/Visual Inspections/CCTV/Jet Cleaning)
This document has been prepared as a generic document for use by persons undertaking Confined Space associated works on City West Water assets.
This procedure is designed to meet the requirements of Part 3.4 of the Occupational Health & Safety Regulations 2007.Although generic in nature, the document also outlines specific matters that need to be considered in fulfilling Duty of Care responsibilities under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004.
This document has been prepared for all City West Water staff and contractors engaged to undertake any confined space associated activities, be they entry or non-entry for the purpose of construction, operation, inspection and maintenance of assets owned by City West Water. It is also to be used by consultants and contractors engaged in the construction of new assets as part of the Development process.
It is important to mention at this point that prior to entering into any confined space, the need for the entry must be seriously evaluated. Alternative methods to complete a task that don’t require entry into the confined space or at least minimise the number of entries must be considered.
Occupational Health & Safety Act 2004
Occupational Health & Safety Regulations 2017
WorkSafe Victoria Compliance code - Confined Spaces
AS 2865: Confined Spaces
AS 1657: Fixed platforms, walkways, stairways and ladders
AS/NZS 1715: Selection, use and maintenance of respiratory protective equipment
AS/NZS 1716: Respiratory protective devices
Management of Confined Space Works (PRO-140)
Explosive Gases in Sewers (PRO-198)
Carrying Out Reservoir and Tank Cleaning (PRO-66)
Requirements on Undertaking Works in Sewer Affected by Trade Waste (WI-120)
For the purpose of this document, confined spaces may include spaces such as those in a tank, pit, pipe, duct, underground sewer, shaft, trench, tunnel or other similar enclosed or partially enclosed structure, if the space:
(a)is, or is intended to be, or likely to be entered* by any person;
(b)has a limited or restricted means for entry or exit that makes it physically difficult for a person to enter or exit the space;
(c)is, or is intended to be, at normal atmospheric pressure while any person is in the space;
(d)contains, or is intended to contain, or is likely to contain-
(i)an atmosphere that has a harmful level of any contaminant; or
(ii)an atmosphere that does not have a safe oxygen level; or
(iii)any substances, that could cause engulfment.
Refer to Appendix C – Confined Space Definition Table for examples.
Authorised persons:Personnel appropriately trained to undertake confined space entry and nominated by the Responsible Manager to plan and direct work activities undertaken in confined spaces.
Competent persons:All City West Water personnel and authorised contractors trained to undertake and control confined space entry.
CSE:Confined space entry
CWW:City West Water
Contaminant:Any substance that may be harmful to the health &/or safety of people
Entered:When a person’s head or upper body is within the boundary of the confined space
Entry Permit:Written approval of an employer to enter or access a confined space
Hazard:The potential to cause harm, injury or illness
OCC:Operational Control Centre - CWW 24 hour emergency communication centre
TWA:Time Weighted Average
STEL:Short Term Exposure Limit
Competent:The specification of knowledge and skill and the application of that knowledge and skill within an occupation or industry level to the standard of performance required in employment.
Manhole:Also known as access chamber, is a chamber with a removable cover through which a person can gain access to an underground structure or installation, e.g. sewer pipe, pumpstation wetwell etc.
SWMS:Safe Work Method Statement
It is arequirement of CWW that all activities in confined spaces be carried out in accordance with the Occupational Health & Safety Regulations 2007, particularly Part 3.4 – Confined Spaces, WorkSafe Victoria’s Compliance Code for Confined Spaces, Australian Standard AS 2865 –Confined Spaces,and the procedures detailed within this document to ensure as far as reasonably practicable the health and safety of all personnel involved in confined space entry and related activities.
This procedure shall apply in all circumstances that warrant entry into a confined space or access without entry. Prior to undertaking any such works, appropriate notification/approval must first be sought (refer to Section 6.3.3 – Entry/Access Permits).
Appropriate procedures must be established for the control and management of an emergency in a confined space, including procedures for:
- the rescue of any person from the confined space
- first aid to be provided to any person in the confined space and after rescue.
When establishing emergency procedures, the following must be taken into account:
- the nature of the confined space
- any hazards associated with the level (or change in level) of oxygen /or atmospheric contaminants
- the work to be done and the work method
- work done outside the confined space
- the means of entry and exit.
The preparation of the emergency procedure is the responsibility of the employer in conjunction with the actual personnel/contractors entering the confined space.
Rehearsal – The emergency procedures must be rehearsed with relevant employees to demonstrate that the specific rescue plan for the space is effective.
If a worker is overcome:
- Do not attempt a rescue if you cannot protect yourself from the same hazard(s) that has overwhelmed your workmate;
- Where prepared, follow the emergency rescue procedures detailed in the Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) which must be specific to the activity being undertaken (refer to Appendix D for sample ‘Emergency Procedure’ SWMS.
- Summon help:
(a)from the rest of the working party
(b)from the Ambulance Service and/or Fire Brigade Phone 000 (who you call will be dependent on the situation at hand). You may need to ring 112 on your mobile phone if you are in an ‘out of service’ area.
(c)from CWW’s Operational Control Centre. Contact No 9313 8499
- Apply first aid as quickly as possible;
- Obtain medical treatment:
(a)If victim is unconscious or showing significant symptoms, summon ambulance
(b)Medical opinion must be obtained in every case of gas attack or suspected gas attack
(c)Gassing victims must never be permitted to drive until declared fit by a doctor
Once the needs of the patient have been attended to, report the circumstances to your supervisor to allow the incident to be fully investigated and the cause identified. The incident may also need to be reported to WorkSafe. If so, ensure that this is undertaken.
(e.g. injury/illness, near miss, unmanageable working atmosphere etc. to City West Water)
Where a safety related occurrence takes place, it is the contractor’s/worker’s responsibility to advise CWW at the earliest convenient time. This is to allow CWW an opportunity to either investigate, restrict future access, monitor future access, review current protocols or whatever other action may be required in order to prevent any future reoccurrence from taking place.
In such instances, CWW must be advised by the contractor/worker via a direct call toCWW’s Operational Control Centre (OCC will refer to appropriate personnel for follow up) or CWW Project Manager associated with the activity being performed (who will also refer to appropriate personnel for follow up)(refer to PRO-140 Management of Confined Space Works).
Responsible Managers (e.g. Departmental, Project Managers, Contract Managers etc.) shall:
(a)Ensure that all appropriate actions are taken to implement this procedure.
(b)Ensure equipment is available and in good working order
(c)Ensure that training facilities are available to enable training to be carried out at required frequency.
(d)Provide a visible commitment to the procedure by undertaking regular on-site visits and participating in checking on-site conditions.
(e)Hold managers/authorised personnel under their direction accountable for meeting the objectives of this procedure.
(f)Nominate Authorised Persons
Authorised Persons (e.g. Coordinators, Supervisors, Project Managers etc.) shall:
(a)Ensure that all personnel undertaking confined space entries and associated worksunder their direction or managementhave the latest information (particularly CWW requirements) on confined space work.
(b)Monitor the effectiveness of safety training.
(c)Arrange for specialist atmospheric testing to be conducted in areas identified as high risk by Competent Persons during normal work activities.
(d)Arrange safety training and medical examinations for employees under their control at the specified frequency.
(e)Ensure that:
Where sub-contractors are used to undertake works with or on behalf of a primary contractor, evidence of their knowledge and qualifications must be demonstrated. This should include evidence of current in-date confined space training, knowledge of the intended works, as well as a signed documented form stating that the sub-contractor has been advised of and is aware of CWW’s confined space entry and associated works procedures. This must be available on site. The sub-contractors in these situations form part of the primary contractor’s structure and therefore require appropriate supervision whilst undertaking the works.
Competent Persons (e.g. Employees, Contractors)shall:
(a)Ensure that a current copy of this procedure is available on site at all times and that it is followed by all persons entering/accessing any confined spaces.
(b)Record the results of atmospheric testing when required and advise the relevantAuthorised Person of any dangerous atmospheres detected.
(c)Attend training and medical examinations as directed.
(d)Wear the correct safety gear for the task being performed.
(e)Ensure that the safety equipment is in good order and is only used for the designed task and is not willfully damaged.
(f)Report any defective safety equipment and prevent it from being used for confined space work.
(g)Ensure access/entry permit and if required the confined space entry record/permit is completed prior to any persons entering/accessing the space.
Confined Space Entry
All personnel involved in confined space entry work groups must have achieved a certificate of competency from a registered/endorsed training provider.
Training must be competency based and attended at the nominated frequency of 12 monthly. For personnel who are expected to utilise airline or Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA), specific training on these items must also be undertaken.
For personnel who are required to utilise a six gas detector, specific training on the use of a gas detector and each of these gas sensors must also be undertaken. This shall be provided by the training provider and proof of such may be requested by City West Water from time to time.
The Responsible Manager may deem more frequent training intervals appropriate in some situations. Situations where this may apply include those with little or no previous experience in working in confined spaces or where the frequency of confined space entry is minimal.
All personnel not previously trained in CSE shall be required to undertake initial training in confined space entry to meet the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007 – Part 3.4 Confined Space as well as CWW specific requirements. Reference to this procedure should be included in the training and evidence of such must be made available through the training provider if requested.
Personnel who are also required to access Melbourne Water assets may be required to undertake Melbourne Water specific CSE training.
OH&S Construction Induction Training
The Occupational Health & Safety Regulations 2007 – Part 5.1 Construction: requires that all personnel involved in construction activities (of which confined space is considered to be) have been provided with OH&S Construction Induction Training.
Records of training undertaken must be maintained by a nominated person and also available on request.
All persons undertaking confined space entry shall undergo a medical examination on a 2 year cycle to determine physical capacity for carrying out activities during CSE.
The medical examination is to assess the medical fitness of the person for work in confined spaces, its associated hazards, including the use of respirators. Working in confined spaces and the wearing of respirators and some other personal protective equipment imposes a burden on the cardiac, respiratory and muscular -skeletal systems. AS/NZS 1715: Selection, use and maintenance of respiratory protection equipment, recommends medical screening is conducted for any person who uses any type of respirator.
A Certificate signed by a Registered Medical Practitioner confirming they are fit to work with the hazards with due consideration being given to:
(a)Demands arising from working under stressful conditions (such as high temperature environment)
(b)Variable atmospheric conditions, including possible exposures to irritant gases.
(c)Ability to maneuver in cramped conditions.
(d)Microbiologically active environments (waste water organisms)
(e)Immunization status
(f)Demands arising from wearing air supplied or self-rescue respirators from time to time.
(g)Demands arising from the wearing of extra personal protective equipment, e.g. waders, safety harnesslifeline, helmets, safety boots, etc.
(h)The physical fitness of the person carrying out work in the confined space.
These Certificates are valid for 2 years from the day they have been signed by the Registered Medical Practitioner unless a review is needed with the person becoming ill in the interim. Where required,CWW’s records are to be kept by its medical practitioner and a copy of certificate placed in the employee’s personnel file held in Human Resources. Contractors are required to produce medical certificates as soon as practical on request from the CWW representative.
The Authorised/Competent Person on site controlling the CSE shall also look for obvious signs relating to the individual members of the work group and their suitability to undertake activities in a confined space. Where it appears that a worker(s) is not in a suitable condition, their position in the work group should be replaced.
CWW employees who are CSE trained for project management and awareness reasons and would not be expected to neither enter a high risk confined space nor utilise breathing apparatus are not generally required to undertake a medical examination.
Application for Permit
Prior to undertaking any confined space related activities, a Permit Number must first be applied for and received. To do this, anApplication to Access/Enter Confined Space (FOR-159) must first be completed and submitted to CWW’s Operational Control Centre (fax 9313 8108), or to the relevant CWW Project Manager.
CWW/Maintenance Contractor personnel are excluded from this requirement, particularly for emergency works, and areable to process their own confined space entry application via the creation of a Focus Service Request. This entails completion of the CSE checklist therein and the resultant Service Request Number becomes the Entry/Access Permit number.
Communications to OCC
Entry/Access Call
After obtaining a permit number and on the day of the intended entry/access, one hours* notice must be given to CWW’s Operational Control Centre (9313 8499) prior to the entry/access taking place.
*One hours’ notice is not required for works undertaken directly for or by CWW, i.e. maintenance contractor, Trade Waste/Operations personnel, capital works, scheduled sewer cleaning/CCTV etc.
A Competent person on site responsible for controlling the work must complete an Entry Permit before any person is permitted to enter the confined space.
Exit/Completion Call
Once works are completed, CWW’s Operational Control Centre must again be contacted to advise that all have exited the confined space or completed the confined space associated works. Note that the Operational Control Centre must be notified in advance, if it is anticipated that the exit time nominated on the entry/access permit is going to be exceeded.
Availability and Retention of Permits
The completed CSE permit must be available on site during the currency of the works andcopies of completed permits must be retained for at least one month from time of issue.
In accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007 – Part 5.1 Construction, confined space activities are considered ‘high-risk construction work’ which are therefore required to comply with additional aspects including the preparation of a SWMS.
A SWMS is a document that:
- Lists the type of high-risk construction work being done e.g. confined space entry
- States the health and safety hazards and risks arising from the work
- Describes how the risks will be controlled, and
- Describes how the risk control measures will be put in place.
A SWMS must be undertaken and understood by all relevant workers prior to any works taking place. On site, works must be performed in accordance with the SWMS. If circumstances relating to the activity change, the SWMS must be reviewed to ensure that it remains adequate.
The work group size of at least 3 persons (refer below) relates to entries into the sewerage system.
There must be at least three people in the working group, two must remain at the surface to help the one below if needed. Where there is more than one person below, there must be an equal number at the surface (refer to table below).
Number of Persons below / Number of Persons required above1 / 2
2 / 2
3 / 3
4 / 4
Communication between the surface parties and those below must be maintained at all times.