Undergraduate Joint Consultative Committee

Minutes of the meeting held on 16th May, 2017, Seminar Room 2, Gibson Building.

Present: Mary Marshall, (Director of Undergraduate Studies & Chair), Professor Johannes Zachhuber (Faculty Board Chair), Dr Hilla Wait, Moritz Adam, Samuel Oliver, Peggy Reeder, Hannah Stone and Katie Winstanley

In attendance: Alison Broadby (HAF), Fran Roach (Secretary)

Apologies: Dr James Orr

The DUS opened the meeting by welcoming the new Student Representatives and introducing other members of the Committee (point 3 on the agenda)

1.  Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes were approved as a correct record.

2.  Matters Arising

(a) The DUS confirmed that she will be offering a drop-in service every Friday during term time between 11.15 and 12.15. Any student is welcome to come along to see her.

(b) Plans for the ROQ site continue although a final model for the new building has not been finalised. It will, however, contain the library and some social space for students.

4. Review of the proposed distribution of responsibilities

The proposed table showing a distribution of major meeting attendance between members of the UJCC was agreed with one amendment: Faculty Board Meeting in Thursday of 8th week in Trinity Term: Moritz Adam will attend instead of Hannah Stone. Hannah will attend Thursday of 8th Week in Michaelmas term 2017

5. Junior Members’ Business

(i) SO reported some concern that there is not enough information on papers for 1st years to make their paper choices; and some disquiet that some individual College Tutors did not have enough information either. The DUS explained that both reading lists and specimen papers will be available very soon and will go on WebLearn.

(ii) MA asked whether information about the Oxford Theology Society could go on the Faculty website. AB is happy to look at putting it on as a “Faculty supported” society.

Action: MA to email AB with information

(iii) PR expressed concern about the Figure of Jesus paper which is very broad and that the Tutors don’t seem to know what has been communicated. DUS explained that the new curriculum was developed within the Faculty and that all Tutors know who is lecturing from the content in the Handbook. This explanation was supported by the Chair of the Faculty Board.

(iv) PR raised the Religion of Religions paper, saying that the teaching provision seemed light. The importance of attending lectures in Michaelmas was not stressed enough with some students expecting to be able to attend later lectures.

(v) PR expressed concern about the vagueness of Prelims’ dates, saying they didn’t come out early enough. DUS explained that the exams are an enormous procedure and that the Faculty has no control over putting the timetable together. The rule is that the timetable has to be published six weeks before an exam. The Faculty had a consistent expectation of Prelim Examinations in 8th and 9th weeks but some confusion has crept in from other sources (possibly arising from comparison with other Philosophy joint schools).

(vi) PR reported that the Old Testament classes varied in quality with one tutor apparently unprepared. DUS said that issue was being dealt with, but asked the reps to flag it again should it re-occur.

6. Report from the Director of Undergraduate Studies

(a) Open Days

The DUS confirmed the dates of upcoming Open Days as: 28th June, 29th June and 15th September. She asked the representatives to canvass the undergraduate community for volunteers to help with directing people and talking with prospective students and parents. These are important days and should be fun; Professor Alister McGrath will be lecturing on the June dates. The Faculty can help with travel costs, within reason! HW also asked for volunteers for the library on the day and confirmed that there will be space for booths that could be used by, for example, the Oxford Theological Society. AB is fully open to suggestions.

(b) Testimonials

This is looking for volunteers from the undergraduate community to write up a short testimonial (approx. 50 words) for the website outlining their experiences and with permission to use profile pictures. Examples included:

Why I decided to go to Oxford

My experience of admissions/interviewing

Filming testimonials in person (“I’m a first-year…” / “I’m a second-year…” etc.

It would be helpful to have some of these before the end of term.

Action point: KW stated she would be happy to do this

(c) Paper choosing tool

The students reported that they were still looking at it. PR suggested that there should be a separate one for joint-school?

7. Library business

HW updated the committee on what is happening in the library, and asked that students inform the Library immediately if they are struggling to find any book, (not to leave it until the end of term.)

8. Photograph of representatives

The DUS asked for permission to take a photograph of all the Student Representatives to be posted on a new Undergraduate notice-board in the corridor. The picture, with information about who they are and where they can be found would be helpful for undergraduates to recognise them and to give them feedback for the committee. The notice-board will also have information about the DUS drop-in times; approaching deadlines and any other information useful to undergraduates.

9. Any Other Business

AB asked for suggestions to improve communications with the Undergraduate community, especially for urgent notices. Suggestions included:

§  Split the mail lists into years so the information is likely to be more pertinent

§  Create a FaceBook group specifically for communicating with undergraduates (rather than Twitter)

§  Ensure the subject line in emails is specific (e.g. “DEADLINE APPROACHING”); and flagged as important

Action point: AB to take forward suggestions

MA noted that the date of the next meeting is the 500th anniversary of Marin Luther’s Ninety-five Theses and asked whether anything was planned to mark it.

AB asked whether there were any suggestions for The Theologian

6. Date of Next Meeting:

Tuesday 31st October, 2017