Name: ______Date: ______

Egypt Weekly Check Sheet/Goal

Weekly Question: Why is it important to understand ancient civilizations?

Comprehension Skill: Graphic Sources Comprehension Strategy: Summarizing

Vocabulary: Greek and Latin Roots Fluency: Expression

Conventions: Past, Present and Future Tenses Writing: Advertisement

Goal for the week: ______


What can I do to achieve this goal: ______


Fill in each block with the activity completed and shade with the appropriate color.
Each block is a 10 minute segment.
___/___/14 / ___/___/14 / ___/___/14 / ___/___/14 / ___/___/14
Shade in each block of time spent during class.
Comprehension / Fluency / Conventions / Vocabulary / Writing / Spelling
Vocabulary / √ / Comprehension / √
·  Vocabulary notebook activity / ·  Read main selection text
·  InstaGrok activity / ·  Read guided reading text
·  WS 155/159 / ·  Read Companion text
·  Free Rice / ·  Fresh Read
·  SCOPE article and interactive quiz
Spelling / √ / Fluency / √
·  Sp. City pretest / ·  Fresh Read-First reading timed
·  Spelling activity page DVD 98 + 104 / ·  Partner Poem-“I Love You”
·  Word pyramids for practice words / ·  Partner Task Sheet
·  Spelling Test on Sp. City / ·  SCOPE Reader's Theatre
Writing / √ / Conventions / √
·  Daily Response Journal Entry / ·  Introduction Worksheet (Past/Present/Future Tenses) WS 156
·  Writing Packet-Advertisement / ·  Practice Worksheet DVD-106
·  Reading Sleuth Question / ·  SCOPE Lazy Editor pp. 28-29
·  Write Like A Reporter
Small Group Meetings / √