Unit Plan
Unit Theme: 5.3 Discovering My Neighborhood Date: Period: 1 weekTeacher:
Subject: ______
Reform Strategy (PCEA):
Grade:12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Transversal Theme: Cultural Identity Civic and Ethic Education Education for PeaceEnvironmental EducationTechnology and Education Education for Work
Integration:Spanish English Social Studies Science Math Fine Arts Physical Education Health Sciences Technology
Transfer Objective (T) and Acquisition (A)The student will leave the class able to apply his/her knowledge of reading skills to succinctly convey (through speaking and writing) the main idea and details of any literary or informational text.
The student will leave the class able to apply his/her knowledge of reading skills to appropriately summarize, construct sequence and identify cause-and-effect relationships within a text.
The student will leave the class able to apply his/her knowledge to identify and articulate features of a non-fiction text.
The student will leave class able to apply his/her knowledge to construct written work that is varied in its sentence structure and utilizes a wide range of verbs to accurately express his/her ideas.
Essential Questions
What creates community?, What makes a good neighbor?, How does my neighborhood shape who I am?, How does my writing clearly communicate my ideas?
Days / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / FridayStandards and Expectations
5.R.2L – determine the theme and summarize the text
5.L.1d – listen and respond to comprehend the main idea
The teacher selects major events from a read aloud focused around the theme of neighborhoods and illustrates them to create a visual summary.
attachment: 5.3 Learning Activity – Summarizing through Pictures / Standards and Expectations
5.L.1d – listen and respond to comprehend the main idea
Distinguish between main idea and supporting details by using cards which have examples of a main idea and details of a paragraph related to the central theme of community and neighbors
Attachment: 5.3 Learning Activity – Main Idea and Details Pyramid
Lesson plan ideas on main idea and supporting details (see attachment: 5.3 Sample Lesson – Main Idea and Supporting Details) / Standards and Expectations
5.S.5 – describe and explain experiences, ideas, concepts
5. LA.6 –acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and content-specific words and phrases.
Read aloud a text related to neighborhoods
Encourage his/her partner to retell what happened in the paragraph using transition words, then they switch roles.
Practice exercise based on attachment: 5.3 Learning Activity – Transition Words
Lesson on non-fiction text features in content areas: / Standards and Expectations
5.W.7 – draw evidence from literary
5.R.2L – determine the theme and summarize the text
5.R.4L – determine meaning of words as they are used in the text
The student summarizes a fiction and non-fiction text by finding key words and using them in a summary of the main idea
Attachment: 5.3 Other Evidence – Key Words Summary
PT – Book Review - After reading several books throughout the unit, the student selects his/her favorite text to review
attachment: 5.3 Performance Task – Book Review
Lesson on writing book reviews: / Standards and Expectations
5.LA.4 – determine the meaning of unknown words
5.LA.4a – use context clues to help determine word meaning
5.R.4I – determine the meaning of general academic and content words
PT - Use KWL chart to explore about student’s neighborhood.
The student then completes his/her own Nonfiction Conventions Notebook appropriately utilizing this academic vocabulary to record new information and reference throughout the unit.
5.3 Performance Task – KWL Chart and 5.3 Nonfiction Conventions Notebook
Standards and expectations
5.LA.1g – form and use homophones
5.LA.4 – determine and clarify the meaning of unknown words
Introduction to homophones
Attachment: 5.3 Learning Activity – What are Homophones?).
Keep an homophone chart in the classroom
Students keep homophones in their reading journal (Individual Homophone Word List) / Standards and expectations
5.R.4L – determine meaning of words as they are used in the text
5.R.5I – describe the overall structure
5.L.1 – listen and interact with peers during group participation
5.LA.1g – form and use of homophones
Read a nonfiction text.
Attachment: 5.3 Other Evidence – Vocabulary Inference Chart
PT - My Neighborhood Research Project – research about his/her neighborhood to complete the KWL Chart
Lesson on Idea development for writing using the novel Nothing Ever Happens on 90th Street (see attachment: 5.3 Sample Lesson – Nothing Ever Happens on 90th Street) / Standards and expectations
5.R.2I – determine the theme of the story
5.S.2d – expand and enrich sentences to provide details
5W.7 – draw evidence from literary and informational text.
5.LA.1g – form and use of homophones
From nonfiction reading
Attachment: 5.3 Other Evidence – Story Map Summary
Students keep homophones in their reading journal (Individual Homophone Word List) / Standards and expectations
5.W.1 – support opinions or persuade by expressing accurate reasons
5.W.4 – develop and strengthen writing (writing process)
5.LA.1g – use homophones
PT – student selects three important findings and writes a descriptive paragraph for each. (Prewriting)
Attachment: 5.3 Writing Tool – Paragraph Checklist
Students keep homophones in their reading journal (Individual Homophone Word List) / Standards and expectations
5.W.4 – develop and strengthen writing (writing process)
5.W.1 – support opinions or persuade by expressing accurate reasons
5W.7 – draw evidence from literary and informational text.
5.S.2d – expand and enrich sentences to provide details
PT- student writes a descriptive paragraph for each important finding. (Drafting)
Standards and expectations
5.W.1 – support opinions or persuade by expressing accurate reasons
5.W.4 – develop and strengthen writing (writing process)
5.LA.1g – form and use of homophones
PT- student writes a descriptive paragraph for each important finding. (revise and editing)
Attachment: 5.3 Writing Tool – Paragraph Checklist
Students keep homophones in their reading journal (Individual Homophone Word List) / Standards and expectations
5.W.1 – support opinions or persuade by expressing accurate reasons
5.W.4 – develop and strengthen writing (writing process)
5.LA.1g – form and use of homophones
PT- student writes a descriptive paragraph for each important finding. (publishing)
Students keep homophones in their reading journal (Individual Homophone Word List) / Standards and expectations
5.S.6 – plan oral presentations
5.L.1 – listen and interact with peers during group participation
PT - Presentation of the three paragraphs about neighborhood research. / Standards and expectations
5.S.6 – plan oral presentations
5.L.1 – listen and interact with peers during group participation
PT - Presentation of the three paragraphs about neighborhood research / Standards and expectations
5.W.1 – support opinions or persuade by expressing accurate reasons
5.LA.6 - use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and content-specific words and phrases, including those that signal contrast, addition, and other logical relationships
PT - Compare and Contrast neighborhoods from oral presentations
Attachment: 5.3 Graphic Organizer – Venn Lines
Standards and expectations
5.LA.1d – apply knowledge subject-verb agreement
5.S.2b - express self-using correct simple and compound sentences
Attachment: 5.3 Learning Activity – School House Rock
Attachment: 5.3 Learning Activity – Subject-Predicate / Standards and expectations
5.LA.1d – apply knowledge subject-verb agreement
5.LA.1a – use correctly the conjunctions and prepositions
5.LA.1f – produce complete sentences, recognize and correct run-ons
Break run-on sentences apart by adding conjunctions or additional clauses with prepositions.
Creates sentence strips with subjects and predicates and combines them to create complete sentences, avoiding fragments and run-on sentences / Standards and expectations
5.LA.3a – choose words and phrases to convey ideas precisely
5.FS.12a – apply combined knowledge
The student completes a sentence fragment test
Attachment: 5.3 Other Evidence – Sentence Fragment Test
PT - The teacher introduces the Reading Response Letter format and expectations
Attachment: 5.3 Performance Task – Reading Response Letter Sample and Reading Response Letter Rubric / Standards and expectations
5.RF.12- know and apply phonics
5.LA.3a – choose words and phrases to convey ideas precisely
The student builds fluency with words that have blends, studies, and takes weekly spelling tests to assess his/her ability to decode and encode these words
Attachment: 5.3 Learning Activity – Blends
The teacher models the process for writing a Reading Response Letter using the sample provided
Attachment: 5.3 Performance Task – Reading Response Letter Sample / Standards and expectations
5.LA.5d – applying coordinating conjunction
The teacher uses a class read aloud to model how to think aloud and generate connections with the text, reinforcing the importance of writing in complete sentences and avoiding fragments and run-on sentences.
Spelling Test (blends)
Attachment - Dialogue Journal
week / Standards and expectations
5.LA.1b – form an appropriate use of perfect verb tenses
5.LA.1c –apply appropriate verb tense
5.LA.1e – correct inappropriate shift in use of verbs
5.W.7 – write routinely over extended and shorter time frames
PT –Reading Response letter
The student practices writing a Reading Response Letter first using the same class read aloud as the topic for the letter. Writing Process - prewriting / Standards and expectations
5.LA.1b – form an appropriate use of perfect verb tenses
5.LA.1c – apply appropriate verb tense
5.LA.1e – correct inappropriate shift in use of verbs
5. W.8 – write routinely over extended and shorter time frames.
PT –Reading response letter
Once the teacher checks the student’s work, the student writes his/her own Reading Response Letter based on another book he/she has read in which the main character has been influenced by his/her neighborhood. Writing process – first draft / Standards and expectations
5.W.7 – draw evidence from literary or informational text
5.W.8 - write routinely
The student uses his/her dialogue journal as a graphic organizer to find examples of connections with the text.
Attachment: 5.3 Other Evidence – Dialogue Journal
PT – Reading response letter
Writing process (drafting) / Standards and expectations
5.W.7 – draw evidence from literary or informational text
5.W.8 - write routinely
5.LA.1g – form and use of homophones
Students work with a partner to identify the incorrect use of homophones by reading words in the context of a story
Attachment: 5.3 Other Evidence – Homophone Hunt
PT – Reading response letter
Writing process (revise and editing) / Standards and expectations
5.W.7 – draw evidence from literary or informational text
5.W.8 - write routinely
5.LA.1g – form and use of homophones
PT – Reading response letter
Writing process - publishing