Community Watershed Alliance
Regular Meeting – Jan. 23, 2007
6:30 P.M. Benson City Hall
Approved Minutes
PRESENT: Approximately 35 people from Benson, St. David, J6-Mescal, Pomerene and
Cascabel, attended as well as guests from the University of
Arizona, Federal and State Agencies/Organizations.
MTG CALLED Meeting called to order by Peter Moran at 6:45. Participants were asked to
TO ORDER: sign-in. Purpose of donation jar explained. News-Sun Reporter Thelma Grimes and
Councilman Fenn requested the order of presentations be changed so they might hear
Tom Whitmer, Arizona Department of Water Resources, speak on Rural Water Consumption Management Programs before having to leave for another commitment.
CALL TO No Response
COMMUNITY Community Updates included USPP Committees, CWA
UPDATES: Admin/ Steering/ and TECH Committees. Posted meetings also included the
the Statewide Water Advisory Group meeting in Phoenix, Tucson Water Harvesting
Workshops, and the Emerging Contaminants Workshop sponsored by the U of A, ASU,
and Northern Arizona.
APPROVAL Membership was referred to CWA Website to “Staff Only” area. Draft minutes
OF MINUTES: will be posted in this area for review by membership prior to meetings. Password is “Review”. Dec. and Jan. minutes will be approved at Feb General Meeting.
FINANCIAL Kali H. provided End of Year 2006 Financial Report. Finalization pending approval
REPORT: from Admin/ Steering Committee review at next staff meeting.
Petty Cash – Cookie Jar / Membership Account / TOTALSDonations / $636.60 / $390.00 / $1,026.60
Memberships / $600.00 / $600.00
Total Expenses / $1150.89 / $98.74 / $1249.63
Loan to Grant Account / $300.87 / $300.87
Balance / ($164.29) / $240.39 / $76.10
ADMIN/STEERING Postponed to Feb. Meeting to allow for more presentation time.
TECH UPDATE: Postponed to March Meeting as TAC is preparing update for General Membership
Meeting for March.
AUGMENTATION Mary provided brief update of USPP Joint Work Session held Jan. 10, 2007 which
UPDATE: reviewed potential water augmentation projects for the Sierra Vista Subwatershed.
The Joint Working Committee is not recommending the Benson Augmentation Alternative to PAC as viable option due to explosive growth scheduled for the area.
CAP Water Alternative is being recommended as a long-term possibility that should advance to Feasibility Study – a possible source for 20,000 to 40,000 acre-feet per year.
Tom Whitmer, ADWR provided specifics related to CAP water allotments that will possibly be available within several years, making this alternative more promising. One of the routes being considered would allow possible opportunities for the Benson
Subwatershed to partner with this endeavor.
Partnership Advisory Committee will discuss and vote to accept the Joint Committee’s recommendations on Feb. 14th.
PRESENTATION: Tom Whitmer, ADWR provided review of several rural communities with successful water management programs – what works, what doesn’t.
Highlights of presentation:
· Payson is most restrictive with 87 gpcd – derived by dividing all the water pumped by the population, includes industrial, commercial, etc.
Residents fined if policies are not followed. The city prohibits planting grass, requires businesses to use waterless urinals, prohibits construction of new
motels with more than 44 rooms, and requires projects using more than 150,000 gallons to furnish a new water supply to the town.
· Flagstaff now using 116 gpcd. City provides incentives: up to $500 reward for turf removal, $100 for dual-flush toilets, and a $100 rebate for hot water recirculation pumps.
Additional packets reviewing ordinances for the Cottonwood, Prescott Valley,
Tucson, and Scottsdale were provided.
Additional comments included:
· The most effective means for controlling water use is conservation-tiered water pricing.
· Users on water companies tend to use less water than those on individual
private wells.
PRESENTATION: Tom Whitmer provided additional updates on approximately 20 Water Bills that have been introduced in either the State Senate or House of Representatives.
Five of specific interest to this area are:
· HB2533 – Property; disclosure – requires all sellers of “lot splits” (and commercial developments) to disclose whether or not there is an assured or adequate water supply determination.
· HB2534 – Amends Growing Smarter to require cities with 50,000 or more people to include as an element in their general plan - mandatory water conservation measures beginning in 2010 and a 25% water use reduction by 2020.
· HB2693/SB1609 – Allows counties to require new subdivisions to have a determination of adequate water supply from ADWR.
· HB 2692/SB1608 – Creates a Water Supply Development Revolving Fund to provide loans and grants to water providers for water supply development. The ability of water providers to access the Fund will be linked to water Adequacy.
· HB2484 – Prohibits the drilling of a well if the Director determines that the well will likely cause the migration of contaminated groundwater from a remedial action site.
ELECTION OF Mary presented slate of individuals who were interested in running for the 2007-08
OFFICERS: CWA Board of Directors. Nominations were requested from the floor. When no nominations were forth coming, Frances Goodman moved to close nominations.
Seconded by Pat Pringle, and approved with no opposition.
Harry Stacy moved that the following candidates be elected by acclamation. Dave Connors seconded. Passed with no opposition.
Executive Director: Mary McCool Chairman: Peter Moran
Secretary: Nancy Upp Treasurer: Kali Holtschlag
Members at Large: Wayne Fields,
Fred Kartchner, St. David Domestic Water
Ellis East, Pomerene Water District
1) State Legislative Updates
2) Kartchner Caverns – Science used to protect the Caverns
3) Cooperative Extensions – brief updates regarding services, programs available in subwatershed
4) Overview of Watershed-based plan - NEMO
MEETING ADJOURNED: Frances Goodman moved to adjourn meeting, seconded by Kali H.
No Opposition.