OCEANS 11 LAB –“Ocean Floor Model”
Students construct a simulated model of the ocean floor in a shoebox or other similarly sized container.
You and your partner(s) are responsible for bringing flour, salt, mixing bowl, spoon and the shoe box.
salt (1 cup)flour (2 cups)water (1 cup)
bowl. & spoon
cardboard shoe box (with lid) or similar container
optional food coloring (2-3 drops)
1. Each group draws out a plan for their ocean floor which includes aminimum of atleast 12ocean floor features
2.After a plan is approved begin making the dough mixture
3. Place water and food coloring in a bowl, add salt and mix, add flour and continue to mix to form dough.
4. Shape theocean floor with the dough on the bottom of the shoe box.
5. The dough will dry in 3-5 days. Label the ocean features with toothpicks and “flags”.
Use any 12 of the following terms…abyssal hill
abyssal plain
submarine fan
continental shelf
continental slope / transform fault
island arc
mid-ocean range
oceanic crust / rift valley
subduction zone
submarine canyon
Answer the following questions in full sentences and submit with your model. Each person is responsible for doing their own questions, in their own words. See your Rubric for details.
1. Where is new ocean floor created? How? Explain, using plate tectonics in your response.
2. Describe two features that could cause earthquakes and why.
3. Explain how guyots form and what this tells us about the past sea level.
4. How did Oceanographers “map” the ocean floor “back in the day”? How do they do it today?
5. Describe how island arcs form, and give 2 examples.
Ocean Model Lab Rubric
All components of the model were completed. Featuresarecorrect and distinguishable with labels. 12 or more than the minimum features were included. / Almost all of the components were correctly done.Featuresare distinguishable with labels. Most requirements are met. / At least half of the components were completed.
Labels arefairly clear.
Some effort was made. / Many components of the model were missing.
Little effort was shown.
For incomplete or not attempted, score is 0.
10 / 9 8 7 / 6 5 / 4 3
All questionscompletedwith excellent detail, full sentences and critical thinking evident.(Partner answers are separate and distinct.) / Almost all questions completed with good detail, full sentences and some critical thinking. / Questions were attempted with some completed with detail and critical thinking. / Work on completely answering questions. More critical thinking needs to be applied. Partner answers are copied.5 / 4 / 3 / 2 1 0