Chi Epsilon
Auburn University Chapter (15)
Fall 2005 Transit
The Auburn University Chapter of Chi Epsilon had an outstanding year in 2005, growing in number and accomplishment. The new officers elected in April 2005 were Eric Dunlap-president, Tara Liyana-vice president, Claire Schrantz-secretary, David Stanley-treasurer, David Lyon-editor, and Trent Turner-marshal. These officers welcomed the twenty members initiated in the Fall and Spring Semesters. Dr. Robert Barnes continued to serve as faculty advisor.
Last year’s President Kelly Levy was awarded the Katharine and Bryant Mather Scholarship from the American Concrete Institute. She is currently pursuing a graduate degree in structural engineering at Auburn University. We were excited to have two chapter members win National Chi Epsilon Scholarships and Awards with Kate Donovan winning the Brother Austin Barry National Scholarship and Lewis Agnew winning the Southern District Award.
The Auburn Chapter continued its traditional service project this past year by cleaning a mile-long stretch of U.S. Highway 280. The chapter also continued its organization of review sessions for the Fundamentals of Engineering Exam. In 2003, our chapter started these review sessions as a service to Auburn Civil Engineering students. Since that time, Auburn’s performance on the exam has improved markedly. These review sessions would not have been possible without the following faculty members: Dr. Alhan, Dr. Barnes, Dr. Barnett, Dr. Elton, Dr. Lange, Dr. Melville, Dr. Timm, Dr. Turochy, and Dr. Zech. We look forward to continuing and improving this service.
In February, Chi Epsilon welcomed high school students visiting Auburn on an engineering recruitment day and showed the students some of the engineering facilities and research at Auburn.
Through the Auburn University Division of Student Affairs, our chapter helped collect over ten thousand dollars for Hurricane Katrina relief. Through this fundraiser and other opportunities, our chapter has increased its exposure not only in the College of Engineering but also in the greater Auburn Family.
Without a doubt, the chapter’s commitment to sociability was enjoyed by members. The chapter held several cookouts over the course of the year as well as two dinners to honor our fall and spring initiates. We look forward to another exciting and successful year in 2006!
David Lyon
940 Lem Morrison
Auburn, AL 36832