Northwestern Ohio Volunteer Firemen’s Association
Convention Queen’s Contest Rules
Friday June 16, 2017
1) The Contestant must be from age 16 to a current graduating senior of an
Accredited High School
2) The Convention’s Host Department Queen shall not enter the contest
3) Shall be from a sponsoring department’s fire district
4) Shall be unmarried
5) Shall wear a formal dress when requested
6) An entry fee of $25shall be paid to the Rossford Firefighters Assn.
7) A copy of each Fire Department’s NOVFA dues certificate must be included
in the application as well as the signature of the Fire Chief on the application
8) Sponsoring department shall furnish transportation for their Queen’s entry in
Friday’s Queen’s Parade and for Saturday’s Convention Parade.
Convertibles are encouraged.If necessary, contact the Queen’s Contest
Chairperson for help
9) Each Fire Department will be responsible for their Queen’s entry and lodging
at the Convention
10) Contestants are to be entered with their own department in the Convention
Parade on Saturday, except the newly crowned Queen, who will be placed at
the front of the parade with the NOVFA officers (unless she would rather
proceed through the parade with her own department)
11) An 8”x10” colored photograph of the contestant must be included with the
entry form.The contestant will pick up her photograph immediately after the
contest. No picture frames, please
12) A 100 word essay on the topic of “A Communities Respect for the Volunteer Firefighter” shall be written and accompany the entry form
13) The entry form, fee, essay and colored photograph must be sent into the
Rossford Fire Department by May 30, 2017
14) The duties of the NOVFA Queen are as follows:
a) attend the opening of this year’s Fire Muster, Softball Tournament and the
Fun Day / Golf Outing
b) attend the opening of next year’s Hose Bowling Tournament, Regional
Fire School, Pre-Convention Meeting, Bowling Tournament, and the
Queen’s Contest at the Convention
c) Attend other functions, as requested
15) Failure to comply with these requests may be cause for the Queen to
relinquish her position to the 1st Runner-up
16) TheRossford Firefighters Association will award the following positions
a) Queen - Tiara, Trophy / Plaque, Sash,and $500 in prize money
b) 1st Runner-up - Trophy / Plaque, Sash,and $250 in prize money
c) 2nd Runner-up - Trophy / Plaque, Sash,and $100 in prize money
d) Essay Winner - Trophy / Plaque, and $100 in prize money
17) When all requirements are met and if the Queen is furthering her education,
a $500.00 scholarship will be sent to the college or school of her choice by
the Northwestern Ohio Volunteer Firemen’s Association
18) All decisions by the appointed judges shall be final