As a part of the partnership work between GHI and SEIU on employee wellness, we have established an employee wellness labor management committee. The goal of this Committee is to strengthen the partnership with SEIU to engage SEIU represented employees in living a healthier lifestyle.
This Committee meets monthly and minutes developed from each meeting are distributed by e-mail to all employees represented by SEIU and corresponding leaders.
Below are the minutes from our January 2012 meeting.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the work of this Committee, feel free to contact any of the Committee members listed below.
GHI/SEIU Wellness Committee Minutes
January 16, 2012
Attendees (all committee members in attendance):
Dawn Barker, Human Resources
Ashley Burt, Communications
Brenda Hilbrich, SEIU
Kevin Kuehn, SEIU
Tony Mrnak, Human Resources
Ryan Nagle, SEIU
Liz Swanson, Human Resources
Janice Ullery, RN (Apple Valley)
Lynelle Wood, Human Resources
December 19th, 2011 GHI/SEIU Wellness Committee meeting minutes review.
- No changes noted to the minutes
- Discussion occurred on the following topics.
- Electronic posting of the meeting minutes
- Lynelle suggested adding all previous, current and future GHI/SEIU Wellness Committee meeting minutes to myPartner. All in attendance agreed with this recommendation and this will be implemented.
- Kevin said he will look into the feasibility of posting past, current and future minutes on the HealthPartners section of the SEIU website.
- The electronic posting and archiving of GHI/SEIU Wellness Committee meeting minutes will be in addition to email correspondence of these monthly minutes to SEIU represented employees and attendant leaders via HR Connection.
“Branding” banner status update
- Ashley provided two versions of the Be Well header to accompany all joint GHI/SEIU Wellness correspondence. The group agreed to move forward with a green HealthPartners logo and the SEIU Healthcare Minnesota logo.
- Going forward, this logo will be used when all committee minutes are distributed via HR Connection.
Communication planning exercise
- At previous meetings, the group has worked on a communication plan for this committee.
- The group reviewed the situation analysis section discussed at the December 19, 2011 meeting.
- The group then reviewed and discussed additional sections within the communication planning document including:
- Goals/Measurable Outcomes
- Increase participation in wellness activities
- Educate employees about wellness programs
- Build trust with SEIU-represented employees
- Lead and innovate in wellness
- Target Audience
- SEIU-represented employees
- Leaders of SEIU-represented employees
- SEIU leadership
- HealthPartners leadership
- PQC (Partnership for Quality Care)
- Local media
- Key Messages
- We’re partnering to support you in achieving your wellness goals
- We care deeply about your health and want you to achieve optimal health
- We want all activities to be fun, easy and engaging
- This is about getting healthier with the added benefit of lower health care costs which is for the greater good.
- The group decided that the next step is for Ryan, Tony and Ashley to meet to revise and complete the remaining sections (strategy, tactics and performance measures/evaluations) of the communications planning document.
- The group will review the final document at the February 21, 2012 meeting