CHAIRMAN Michael Petcu CHIEF P. L. Graeber
Commissioner Petcu called the Regular Meeting of June 15, 2011 to order at 7:03 pm.
Also present were Commissioner Hoopman, Chief P. L. Graeber and Administrative Aide Wendy Canoy. Guest list attached.
Commissioner Petcu stated that Commissioner Catron is recovering from knee surgery and is
excused from this meeting.
Commissioner Hoopman moved to approve the Agenda as written. Motion seconded.
Vote: Aye – 2, Nay – 0. Motion carried.
Commissioner Hoopman moved to approve the May 18, 2011 Regular Meeting Minutes. Motion seconded. Vote: Aye – 2, Nay – 0. Motion carried.
A pig roast/bar-b-que will be held at Station 3-2 on Krabbenhoft Road on July 4th at 1:00 p.m. All District #3 Commissioners may be in attendance.
Secretary’s Report
1. Thank You Card from Sue Duncan
2. Letter to Commissioner Hoopman from Stan Walster
3. Thank You Letter from Bill Cable
May/June Revenue - $1,431.12. Copy attached.
Public Records Requests. Copy attached.
May 16, 2011 – LexisNexis regarding May structure fire.
Chief Graeber stated the budget reflects the current vouchers and is on track.
The following June vouchers were approved for payment:
Voucher numbers: 201 through 237 totaling $21,363.44
Voucher numbers: 238 through 238 totaling $32.00
Commissioner Hoopman moved to accept and pay Expense vouchers 201 through 237 in the
amount of $21,363.44 and EMS vouchers 238 through 238 in the amount of $32.00 totaling
$21,395.44 for June, 2011. Motion seconded. Vote: Aye- 2, Nay-0. Motion carried.
Unfinished Business
1. Buildings and Grounds
Chief reported there has been a lot of work done outside Station 3-1; flowers planted and a lot
of areas cleaned up with the weed eater. Station 3-2 will be mowed soon.
2. Vehicles
Chief reported we took delivery of the new engine on May 27 and it was just returned from
the post-delivery inspection by Hughes Fire Equipment. The hose bed divider and the radio
will be installed soon and personnel are transferring the equipment from the old engine.
When everything is finished a letter will be sent to the National Fire Ratings Bureau informing
them we now have a responding engine at Station 3-2, which will lower the area residents
homeowner’s fire insurance rates.
3. Communications Committee
Commissioner Hoopman discussed the possibility of reviving a communications committee and
said he would contact the prior chairman to see if there was interest.
4. Meeting Room Utilities Fee
Commissioner Petcu asked if the District had received $100.00 utility payment for June from the
Grapeview Community Association. Chief Graeber responded that we have not yet received any
payment. Commissioner Petcu said the GCA has 32 events scheduled this year so far, so the
$100.00 a month breaks down to $37.50 per event for utilities. He added that GCA is only paying
for the last half of 2011 which makes the amount $18.75 per event.
Chief Graeber said a letter could be written to the GCA at the Board’s request.
5. Building Expansion Construction Documents
Commissioner Petcu stated the Fire District has not received all the documents requested by our
attorney from the GCA concerning the building expansion; no further financial, bid or retainage,
etc. documentation has been received.
New Business
1. Personnel/Equipment Sanitation Center
Commissioner Petcu reported that all Commissioners individually have seen the layout of the
Personnel/Equipment Sanitation Center (PESC) prepared by Bob Shanks. Chief Graeber said
she has talked to one contractor and will contact others. Chief will update the Commissioners
individually as she gathers information.
Commissioner Hoopman moved to advance with PESC. Motion seconded.
Vote: Aye – 2, Nay – 0. Motion carried.
Commissioner Hoopman moved to authorize Chief Graeber to proceed with preliminary
plans for PESC and report monthly to the Board. Motion seconded. Vote: Aye – 2,
Nay – 0. Motion carried.
Chief’s Report
Call Report/Membership Summary. Copy attached.
Chief informed the Board that one staff member and one support member are leaving for
college, and one staff member has resigned.
Chief reported the Firefighters Association pancake breakfast had a large turnout and was
very successful.
Chief read two thank you notes received by the Department.
Public Comment
Gayle Hoopman, Jackie Longmire, Judy Berry, Curt Fugere, Stan Walster, Jolene Dumont,
Terry Mittenberger, Kent Hillisland, Gary Kerking, Judy Berry.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Submitted by: ______
Wendy Canoy, Administrative Aide
Approved: ______Date: ______
Commissioner Petcu
Approved: ______Date: ______
Commissioner Catron
Approved: ______Date: ______
Commissioner Hoopman
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