Reepham Primary School
Minutes of the Governing Body Meeting held at 6.30pmon Tuesday6thMay 2014 at Reepham Primary School
Present:Eleanor Cockerton (EC) / Alison Kennedy (AK) (Chair)
Bruce Hubbard (BH) / Helen Lindsay (HL)
Natasha Hutcheson (NH) / Catherine Mallett (CM)
Nichola Johnson (NJ) / Catherine Ogle (CO)
Jacqueline Jones (JJo) / John Richardson (JR) (Clerk)
Miriam Jones (MJ) (Head)
Apologies were received from, Mark Harradine, James Joyce,Robin Stevens and Melloney Jones.
Declarations of Interest
No declarations of Interest were made.No / Item / Action
1 / Confirmation of Minutes
The minutes of the meeting held on 18th March 2014were confirmed by the Governors, and signed by the Chair. / JR copies in min book
2 / Matters Arising from the Minutes
Minute 5 Premises – Catering Contract
MJ said that there had been no negative feedback. Staff were positive and feedback from children was good.
Minute 5 SEND
BH said that he was surprised that there was no mention of what was planned about local offers. MJ responding said that the LA were still considering whether the offer would be a school offer or a Cluster offer. BH said that he was in a SEND Group and he understood that all schools will have to make an offer. MJ replied that she was told at the HT meeting that further advice would be sent to schools shortly and to wait until this had been communicated. Following further debate it was concluded that it was a national issue and that as governors we could do nothing. It was agreed that an item be placed on the July agenda to look at the issue again.
(Update: We have now received dates in June for a briefing from NCC re. the local offer and MJ is attending this and will then write our offer using the guidance and will meet with BH.) / JR add to agenda
3 / Correspondence
Keep Children Safe
MJ said that revised Government guidance on thishad been received. All staff had been given a copy. She was happy to provide any governor that wanted a copy with one. She said that we did everything listed on the summary of requirements.
Pupil Premium Conference
MJ said that she had been invited to a Conference on this. JJo asked how many pupil premium people there were in Year 6. CO said that there were 6.
Japanese Children
MJ showed governors copies of an illustrated book prepared by the Japanese Children with the stories we did. The stories were in English at the front of the book and in Japanese at the end.
4 / Headteacher's Report including School Improvement and Development Plan update and School Self Evaluationand Education Challenge Partner (Cambridge Report), Results of parents Questionnaires
Education Challenge Partner Report
A copy of the report was circulated with the agenda.
The ECP had analysed the 2012 and 2013 Raiseonline (ROL) reports, read the previous inspection report, looked through school tracking data, helped the headteacher to calculate the likely APS growth of the current year 6 and revise her SEF and school improvement and development plan. The ECP toured the school visiting each of the classes. The headteacher, the chair of governors and two other governors, Natasha Hutcheson and Eleanor Cockerton, helped to draft the contents of the report.
MJ took governors through the report. She said that issues he identified we were already working on. However it identified useful evidence to show where we are. We knew our children and did not have an inflated idea of where we are. The ECP also gave some useful pointers for preparation for Ofsted.
NJ said there were no surprises in the report. MJ aid that tracking had moved on in Yr5 and 6 and there was now better practice than he saw on his visit
The summary of the report suggested:
“The tracking data, particularly from R to Y4, suggest that the school has the capacity for a good inspection judgment.
The ECP agrees with the school’s assessment of how well it is performing and with its evaluation of the risk of an ‘RI’ judgement at the next inspection.
The main area of concern is the historic data, which may lead an inspection team to judge that the school has not improved far enough fast enough.
Key actions and agreed outcomes to be completed by next visit:
1. Progress the restructuring of the leadership team to ensure more distributed leadership, and hold teachers and leaders to account for the impact of their work.
2. Monitor closely the way teachers mark children’s work and how effectively they give feedback that helps children to improve and make faster progress in their learning, to ensure greater consistency and rigour.”
CO reported on the recent business enterprise week with Pet-xi. She felt the target group had gained in confidence. CO said that we would be receiving data and a report from Pet-xi. It had felt like a Curriculum Week and we would be measuring its impact to see whether a similar scheme should be considered again. It was agreed that an item be placed on the next agenda to discuss the value of the programme.
Parent Questionnaire
An analysis of the Parent Questionnaire responses was circulated with the agenda with a comparison of the results 2013 and 2014. Additional information was circulated at the meeting giving a comparison between the responses of KS1 and KS2 children’s parents.
AK introduced the documents. She said that there were 138 responses as against 142 in the previous year. The responses were overall positive. There were slightly less strongly agree responses and more agree responses. MJ said that some parents put their response on the line between categories.
AK thought that it would be helpful if Ofsted published benchmark data for this. MJ said that the Ofsted on-line questionnaire was not as good as our questionnaire and it was useful to have our own.
JJo asked whether there was room for comments from parents. MJ confirmed that our form did provide this but the Ofsted one did not. AK agreed to produce a schedule of the comments received for governors.
BH asked whether the 6.5% of KS2 parents disagreeing that they would recommend the school to another parent was acceptable. MJ said that the figure for the whole school was 3.5%. AK said that there were 4 parents who had said that they would not recommend the school (but 5 questionnaires as one parent had two children in KS2). It was generally felt that 4 parents from four classes was acceptable.
BH thought that we should decide on a figure that is acceptable. AK said that if we had national data we could do that but currently it did not appear that it was available. MJ said that we were above average and were not complacent.
(JJo left the meeting at 7.30pm)
BH suggested that we ask the views of children. MJ said that we already do that and we administer a pupil questionnaire annually and have discussed this as the last governor meeting. / JR to add to agenda
5 / New National Primary Curriculum
MJ said that she andthe SLT (CO, LG and RD) went to a Conference in London about the new curriculum. It had been invaluable and covered a range of subjects. All teaching staff, including part time staff, had also been to a Norfolk County Council Inset day on the new curriculum. The London Conference included a particularly inspiring Headteacher from Potters Bar (The Wroxham School) and MJ has booked three teaching staff to hear her speak at a course in Norfolk in June.
MJ had a copy of the new curriculum and outlined the major changes and requirements. There was a framework for each subject. IT was now called computing and even foundation children had to understand simple coding. For English and Maths it lays down what children should know at the end of each year.Many objectives in English and maths have to be met a year before the current requirements, for example children in Year 2 will have to meet standards currently expected at Year 1.
EC suggested that there was not enough information to show how to do what is required and still keep good teaching.
AK asked if the Curriculum was adaptable. MJ said that while it would be a challenge we will work creatively to ensure that we have coverage and are able to meet the objectives by use of careful planning and that staff were confident that they would be able to do this whilst ensuring that our current values and vision was kept in place. With History some things were not now included and there were additional things that were. As a result there were resource implications for some topics and we would address these.
CO said that the London Conference had shown the possibilities and she felt good about the new curriculum.
MJ said that the next NCC Conference was in June for school leaders but as our SLT had attended the national event in London we would use this day to work with all staff at school to plan the detail of our long term curriculum plan.
AK asked how we measure the attainment of pupils within the new curriculum as levels are being withdrawn. EC and MJ said that there would be statements and that children would be judged as to whether they had achieved the objectives for their year group. There was a new test in reception on entry. MJ said that one original proposal was to rank children but this hadn’t been included in final assessment guidance from central government.
In response to a question by AK, MJ said that we had a resources budget in place for all that we felt we needed. For computing there were programs we needed. It was intended to put an I-pad in each room as a trial. It was hoped REFRESH could help.
MJ said that one member of staff (Mrs Goodson) was going on maternity leave. We were planning that her job share partner will cover PPA and have appointed a full time teacher (Charlie Wallace) fora temporary period of a year in Year 4. He is particularly strong in IT. / .
6 / Budget
The budget was approved leaving a carryover of £23k. MJ said that there would be some saving of money next year on catering costs as some additional costs needed to be met in the first year which were one off costs in order to improve the kitchen.
7 / Updates on Various items
Governors received updates on the following:
International Links
Our Japanese School Link teachers had visited us and joined in various activities. JJo had come in to help. They made sushi with all 90 children inKS1 and also came into Assembly. Staff had taken them out for a meal. It had been a most enjoyable few days with them.
Contact with our Malawi School link had now improved. We had arranged to have taken to them equipment including pencils etc, and football kit, the children had raised funds for this to happen.
Our attendance was still high.
School Council/E Club
The E Club had not yet met. However the School Council had met and had discussed issues relating to the wildlife garden.
Sports Leaders
This was on hold until SATS was over.
This was on hold until SATS was over.
8 / Nursery School Update
MJ said that she had looked at Wroxham Nursery and discussed it with the school head.
AK asked whether the Nursery School Committee had responded to our response to the request considered at out last meeting. MJ said that she had talked to two Heads with Nurseries where the nursery was on school grounds but were run independently from the schools. Both had felt that they still had some control. The point was made that because the nursery is a charity it has access tofunding which was not available to the school. It was unlikely that we could get it up and running without it being independent.
MJ said that it would be good for us to have a pre-school here but we may have to go the independent way. What is clear is that they wish to involve us as they do now.
AK asked whether the possible Nursery mentioned at the last meeting opposite the High School was proceeding. MJ said that nothing had been heard but the nursery owner had not purchased the bungalow she had intended to use so it was assumed she was not doing it.
BH asked if it would be a problem, if it were independent, if people from outside the school catchment area came expecting then to get a place at RPS. MJ was clear that it made no difference and would have no impact. It would not guarantee a place at RPS. The decision on who came to RPS was made by the LA.
9 / PolicyUpdate
SRE Policy Update
MJ said that we were proposing a date in June for the consultation with parents. It would be an INSET day and governors were welcome to attend.
The proposal was to teach it in July. She agreed to let JR have a note of the dates to send to governors.
Safeguarding Policy
A copy of the NCC model policy had been emailed to governors. Changes were identified. Mentioned in particular was the requirement for schools to get extra information about adult living with children. BH asked who was to blame if the information was not available. MJ said that we sent out a form termly and that in most case we had both parents. We had no power other than to request the information and could only act on the response.
Also mentioned was a list of policies in article 12.1. It was noted that within the policies listed were ones which we were not legally required to have. These included Attendance – this was included in the school attendance statement. It was agreed that the Premises, Health & Safety Committee should look at Intimate Care and Medical Practices. It was agreed that CO should look at Educational Visits.
AK made it clear that the Policy included all staff and volunteers.
The Policy was agreed subject to the changes and to the list of Policies being looked at.
Whistle Blowing Policy
The Policy was circulated to governors with the agenda.
The Policy was agreed.
Complaints Policy
The Complaints policy had been circulated with the agenda.
The Policy was agreed.
Health and Safety Policy
This Policy was referred to the Premises, Health and Safety Committee for consideration.
It was reported that the Health and Safety Audit had taken place. AK had attended. It had taken 3 hours. Two fire doors had not been properly shut. This had been addressed. One bonus had been that the missing 2011 Risk Assessment had been found. This had been scanned and sent off to the solicitors dealing with the tree issue.
HL asked whether anybody had considered the 30mph outside the school being reduced. MJ and AK said that we had tried in the past to get it reduced to 20mph without success. It was going to be done but the funding was removed. AK suggested that we should re-visit that issue. It was agreed that it would be appropriate to ask James Joyce to look at it.
Looked After Children Report to Governors
MJ reported orally. She said that we only had 2 looked after children. Neither were SEN Children. Their progress was good.
MJ had to complete a form and send it to the LA. She advised governors of the answers she proposed to give under each of the headings.
MJ circulated for information a note of “The five Ps in preparation for Ofsted –Children Looked After”. The five Ps are Policies, Progress, Personal Education Plans, Pupil Premium and Pastoral Support. Under each heading were questions relating to issues Ofsted would expect to have been addressed. / MJ/JR
AK (P,H & S)
10 / Governor Action Plan Update
It was agreed that the Governor Self Evaluation should take place on Monday 16th June 2014 at 6.30pm / JR add to programme of meetings and circulate (done)
11 / Link Governor’s Progress
NH had met JW about the History Curriculum and would place a note on the file.
MJ said that JJo had met with her about IT.
EC said that she was still trying to organise a date with Louise Forster about Maths. MJ said that she would remind LF.
NH said that she would be doing Music on Thursday. / MJ
12 / Governor Training
HL said that she had booked in to do Right from the Start Training but she was having to re-arrange it due to another commitment. / HL
13 / Staff Work Life Balance - Update
Following the spell of illness staff were experiencing CO said that things were now mostly improved.
14 / Date and Time of next Meeting
It was noted that the next FGB meeting would be held on Tuesday 1st July 2014 at 6.30pm
It was agreed that the Health and Safety Committee should meet at 9am on 11th June 2014
(The meeting closed at 9.05pm)
JER-Clerk to Governors Items/Reepham Primary/Minutes/20140506draft)