August, 2002

Dear Parent:

The biggest percentage of injuries and fatalities involved in transporting students is in the immediate area of the school bus. Students who must cross the roadway during the pupil transportation process experience the greatest risk. To reduce the risk, the assumption is made that the only adult in a responsible position, other than the motorists who appear on the scene, is the school bus driver, and that the driver should be in charge of releasing the students to cross the roadway after the traffic scene is secure.

Senate Bill 534, requires school districts to develop a written procedure or policy which establishes a standard bus driver signal to direct the movement of students who are in the process of crossing the roadway to reach or leave the stopped school bus.

Many schools in Michigan already have adopted special procedures for students to cross the roadway. The schools have developed a signal to students that requires the students to check with the driver, who has a better view of the traffic conditions and greater experience in assessing the traffic movement, before crossing the road.

Because our school district joins so closely with Delton, and the Delton- Kellogg Schools travel many of the same roads, the Delton Transportation Supervisor and I have worked out a safety procedure which we feel will develop consistency among all the drivers in our districts. We have what looks like a ping pong paddle, with one side painted red with the word STOP, and the other side painted yellow with the word WALK. This signal will be used at any stop where students must cross the road. The signal will be used for all students grades K-12.

Please help us continue this important safety procedure by discussing this program with your children. The drivers will be instructing the students on the bus to make them familiar with this procedure.

Please help us keep our students safe! If you have any questions, please call me at the bus garage (948-4418).


Sharon Duits

Supervisor of Transportation Services
