October 7, 2016
Location: Young Student Center at KSC
Present: Jim Faux, Phinie Faux, Gabe Klueh, Carol Littleton, Bruce Norlund, Robert Taylor.
Secretary’s Report: Accepted as submitted.
Treasurer’s Report: Club balance. October 1: $1,441.73. September 1: $1,441.73.
Upcoming Events:
- Stay tuned for possible on-the-fly future club observing sessions. Notifications with details will be by email from Bob.
- Our monthly observing will be with the Keene Library celebrating International Astronomy Day with Moon observing on October 8th at Ashuelot Park at 6:30pm. President Bob will notify all members by 4pm whether the event is a go or no-go due to the weather.
- Our next club meeting is scheduled for November 4that 7pm in the Student Center at KSC, with observing at the observatory afterwards.
- Club Monthly Observing. November 5th at the Sullivan observatory.
- KSC CALL class viewing: Claudio has invited hisfall CALL Astronomy class to the observatory on October 29th for observing with us beginning at 6pm.
- Perkin Observatory. Bob is contacting Eric to schedule an observing session at the Dublin school in the coming weeks.
- Julie has scheduled an observing session with her Monadnock HS astronomy class for 10/27 at 7pm with 11/3 as the weather back-up date. Her students will be focused on the current constellations.
- Reminder: The 2017 total eclipse will occur on August 21st in the mid-afternoon. We will be planning activities in conjunction with the Keene library.
Old Business:
- Observatory maintenance: Bob put a second coat of paint on the south side and left an empty paint can for future exact color replacement in the building. We scheduled a members’ work session for 10/15 from 9 to noon to finish cutting the brush along the west side. Bring your loppers and small brush cutters.
New Business:
- Outreach/Viewing:
- Gabe had an excellent session on Wednesday at the observatory using our 12.5” and 15” large telescopes. On a perfect clear night, there they were: Andromeda, double stars, lots of background stars, the Ring and Dumbbell nebulae, and much more.
- Discussion on revising Club adopted By-Laws and officer responsibilities. After a brief discussion, the members voted unanimously to adopt the proposed list.
- Election of 2016-2017 club officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer. With unanimous votes, the club elected the officers for the 2016-17 club year: Treasurer – Bob Taylor, Secretary – Gabe Klueh, Vice-President – Carol Littleton, President – Bob Taylor.
- Bob transmitted the donated used small refractor telescope, with the damaged mirror, to Junie to give to a teacher in the Fall Mountain high school.
- Gabe has been researching eyepiece filters for our now well-functioning large telescopes. This led him to recommend several options from Orion:
- Orion SkyGlow Broadband Filter:SkyGlow Broadband filter enhances deep-sky objects in moderately light polluted skies. They block the most common wavelengths of light pollution for increased contrast and better views of all deep-sky objects, without needing to drive to dark skies.
- Orion Oxygen-III Nebula Filter: Orion Oxygen-III filter shows amazing detail when viewing nebulae. Completely blocks all other visible wavelengths to boost contrast on emission and planetary nebulae as well as supernova remnants.
After a discussion, the members voted unanimously to approve the purchase of the SkyGlow 1.25” eyepiece filter at a cost of $79.99.
- Bob indicated that he would be giving a talk on SuperNovas at the November meeting.
- Members discussed ways to further our knowledge of the constellations and our abilities to move ahead in the AL constellation program.
Respectfully submitted,
Jim Faux, Secretary