Journal Response (20 points)

Christopher Creed was the kid at school that everyone knew, that everyone disliked, made fun of, and couldn't stand. But that didn't stop him from always tagging along, irritating people, and being weird. In fact, Chris was so annoying that he was beaten up all the time. Everyone had an "I beat up Chris Creed" story or two to tell. That's just the way it was. Now think about a kid like “Christopher creed” from your past whether it be elementary school, middle school, or high school who you disliked. Now write why you disliked this person, in other words, what made him/her odd or weird. Were they any rumors you can recall about this person? If so, what were they? How did you treat this person and why? How would you feel if you were that person or what might you have done differently than him/her to fit in?

The Body of Christopher Creed

Study Guide

Directions: complete this study guide as we read the story in class.

Chapter 1

1. What grade is the narrator entering into at his new school? How difficult would this be for you to do? Explain why.

2. What type of school is the narrator entering?

3. What is the name of the school the narrator is attending?

4. What does the following quote lead us, as a reader, to believe? “Nobody stares at me here. Nobody is suspicious of me. That part is gone.” (2)

5. Who is Cartright? Describe him.

6. How is the narrator’s hair different from everyone else’s?

7. Do you agree with the following and why? “It’s always the girls who ask stuff. Most guys are content to accept you just because you’re cool and didn’t make waves.” (3)

8. What’s the narrator’s nickname?

9. What are some of the things the narrator used to be involved with at his old school?

10. Why do people think Leo is gay? Why does Leo bother people so much?

11. Why are certain lines in the story italicized?

12. Do teenagers think like Torey does? Why or why not?

13. What’s Torey finally say to Leo when Leo tries to look at the computer screen?

14. What supposedly happened to Creed?

15. Who is the letter Torey is writing addressed to?

16. What kind of town is Steepleton? Where is it located?

17. What three people will vouch for Torey’s story about Creed?

18. What is the narrator’s full name?

Chapter 2

1. What starts to happen to Torey’s life on Sunday?

2. Who is Torey’s best friend?

3. What is Torey’s view on attending church?

4. Explain what reverend Harmon meant when he said: “…the truth was less important, in this case, than the impact the truth would have on people.” (19)

5. Who were the members of Torey’s band? What instrument did each play?

6. When a cop car arrives at your school, what type of gossip is heard in the halls and classrooms?

7. Who wears “the pants” in the Creed family?

8. What were some of the rumors surrounding Chris’ disappearance?

9. On what day did Chris disappear?

10. What is the “surface stuff” that Chris refers to that would look good to anyone?

11. Torey says Chris’ parents are delusional about their son, why?

12. Describe a person from the boondocks.

Chapter 3

1. Whose dad is chief of police?

2. Who is Torey’s girlfriend? Why does it seem an odd match?

3. For what is Torey feeling guilty?

4. Why did Alex hot Creed in the second grade?

5. What does Alex suggest they access?

6. How does Alex access this info?

7. What do Torey’s parents do for a living?

8. What was the one wish that Creed had? Is this a reasonable thought to have as a teenager?

9. How does Torey feel after the note is read?

10. Torey says he would have helped Creed if he had known about his wish. Do you think Torey really would have helped him? Why or why not?

Chapter 4

1. Who does Torey see that makes his good day go bad?

2. What is that person Torey sees doing?

3. What does Chris look like?

4. What is Torey implying about Ali McDermott?

5. What is Torey in the “minority” about?

6. What does Ali say about people liking her? What does she also say about kids like Torey and their lives?

7. How does Ali get out of school?

8. What bad habit does Ali have?

9. What is the problem with Creed’s parents? Why is this odd for a teenager to live with?

10. How is Creed’s room not a typical kid’s room?

11. Did Chris keep a diary? If yes, where was it hidden?

12. What is Ali implying is so odd when Creed changes out of his towel, especially the night someone came to put away laundry?

13. What does Ali invite Torey to do?

Chapter 5

1. What does Renee accuse Torey of seeing? What does she mean by this?

2. What does Torey show Leandra and her friends?

3. What does Torey and his friends think Creed is feeling in the letter?

4. What does Renee suggest about the letter?

5. Who is Bo Richardson?

6. How is Torey’s opinion of his friends beginning to change?

Chapter 6

1. Which members of the band don’t show up for practice?

2. What according o Torey is Alex’s major problem?

3. What is Torey’s song about?

4. How do you feel about your hometown or where you live now?

5. Why haven’t Leandra and Torey “done it” yet?

6. In what ways are Ali and Leandra alike?

7. What does Leandra and the other girls think Ali’s doing before cheerleading practice?

8. Why doesn’t Torey want to talk to Leandra on the phone anymore?

9. Do you agree with Torey that it’s “easier to point the finger at somebody else”? Why or why not?

10. What does the last sentence in the chapter imply about Torey?

Chapter 7

1. What did Alex remember about Creed?

2. Why does Alex do this?

3. What was Mrs. Creed doing at the Wawa?

4. What did Mrs. Creed tell Mrs. Kyle at the Wawa?

5. Why does everyone think Bo had something to do with Creed’s disappearance?

6. What does Torey not tell Alex at the end of the chapter? Why do you think he does this?

Chapter 8

1. Why does Ali tell Torey not to “let his jacket get too far from him”?

2. Who does Torey think is Ali’s boyfriend?

3. What does Creed’s mom do in his room each night?

4. Where is Creed’s diary hidden?

5. What does Ali want a second opinion about?

6. What is strange about Chris’, Justin’s, and Matthew’s rooms?

7. How is Justin Creed different from his brother?

8. What grosses Torey out completely at Ali’s?

9. How is Ali’s mom’s boyfriend a bit “creepy”?

10. What is the real reason Ali’s parents are divorced?

11. Who is Ali really dating? Why is this so odd?

12. What does Bo say to Ali’s mom? What does this say about him as a person?

13. How do you view Bo now? Has your opinion of him changed? Why or why not?

14. Why do you think Torey feels immature and stupid?

15. Where does the theme of Appearances can be Deceiving be seen?

16. What does Bo intend to do?

Chapter 9

1. Why did Bo stop breaking into houses?

2. How did Bo first learn about the Creed ‘suicide’?

3. What does a proctor do?

4. Has Bo been questioned about Creed’s disappearance?

5. What do Bo and Ali do in the woods before Ali’s cheerleading practice?

6. Why might Bo get in trouble for Creed going missing?

7. How are Bo and Torey alike? How are they different?

8. Have Bo and Ali had sex yet?

9. What’s the deal with Bo’s sister, Darla? How does that affect Bo?

10. How do we know that Bo really cares about Ali?

11. What “plan” does Torey talk about?

12. Where does Torey tell the Creeds to meet him?

13. What does Torey do to himself while on the payphone? Why?

14. After the phone call, where does Torey go?

Chapter 10

1. Where is Torey at the beginning of this chapter?

2. What does Torey think the police are doing to Bo in the interrogation room?

3. How does Torey’s mom explain all the noise?

4. How does Torey’s mom react to his asking if she’d help Bo?

5. What does Mrs. Creed threaten to do to Bo?

6. What did Mrs. Hoffsteader say she saw Torey doing?

7. What does Torey blurt out in the interrogation?

8. What does the Chief threaten? What are the charges against them?

9. What is the Chief asking Ali and Torey to do?

10. What did Bo ask Torey’s mom to do before she went home? What does this say about Bo?

Chapter 11

1. What does Ali admit to Torey’s mom (Mrs. Adams) about the night of Creed’s disappearance?

2. Where, how, and when did Bo and Ali meet?

3. Who is Bob Haines? Why is he important to the story?

4. What happened to Digger Hanes? How do the kids react?

5. According to Mrs. Adams, what happens when a “kid suffers a personal tragedy?”

6. What ended up really happening to Digger?

7. What happened to Digger’s father?

8. What does Mrs. Adams hand Ali before they all head up to bed?

Chapter 12

1. Why can’t Torey sleep?

2. Why is Torey not like Bo?

3. Who is Isabella?

4. What is so strange or interesting about #6 on creed’s list?

5. What does Ali mean when she says this: “People are blind. All they see is a person’s reputation?

6. What conclusion does Torey come to about Mrs. Creed?

Chapter 13

1. What happens when Torey gets on the bus?

2. Which friend tells Torey that he isn’t the enemy?

3. What does Torey wonder about “being a geek”?

4. For what does Ali apologize to Torey?

5. What did Ali read about the psychic in the diary?

6. Who walks up behind Ali and Torey at school and surprises them?

7. How did Bo really get the diary?

8. What does the phrase “You don’t know me from Adam.”

Chapter 14

1. What info does Torey’s dad provide about Bo and the police?

2. What realization does Torey come to about music?

3. What happens between Leandra and Torey over the phone?

Chapter 15

1. What does Ali tell Torey about Bo?

2. What does Leandra assume is happening between Ali and Torey?

3. When Ali asks Torey if he thinks she’s a slut, how does he respond?

4. People are worried about WHERE Creed is, but not about what?

5. What does Ali tell Torey about everyone they know?

6. How does Ali know all of these secrets about the other kids at school? Would you be friends with her?

7. Where is Ali’s mom?

Chapter 16

1. Who does Ali and Torey meet at the Wawa?

2. What are they trying to figure out while sitting outside the Wawa?

3. How’s Torey feel about his relationship with Leandra now? Why?

4. Why did Ali punch Renee?

5. What does Renee threaten Bo with?

6. Did Renee know her father had an affair with Ali’s mom?

7. Why does Bo run off?

8. When Ali and Torey get home, what does Torey do?

Chapter 17

1. How has Ali changed, at least at school?

2. What does Shawn Mathers say about Bo? What does this say about the type of person Bo is?

3. What three people show up at the cafeteria? Why?

4. What does Torey confess to having done?

5. What does Torey think makes him more “grown-up” than the adults?

Chapter 18

1. What does Mr. Ames ask Torey to do? Why?

2. What does Torey say about Chris?

3. What won’t Mrs. Creed admit to herself? Why?

4. What does Mrs. Creed admit about her past?

5. Does Mrs. Creed believe Ali or Torey when they confess? Why or why not?

6. How do you feel about Mr. Ames’ question: “Why do people have so much trouble seeing their own faults but such an easy time seeing everyone else’s?”

Chapter 19

1. What’s happening t the disk?

2. Explain what the Biblical story Torey recalls means.

3. Who calls on the phone?

4. Describe Isabella physically.

5. Did Chris and Isabella date?

6. What did she and Chris do that made him 10x worse? Why might this make his situation worse?

7. What does the aunt (the psychic) tell Torey? Be specific.

8. Where will Torey find it?

9. What’s the psychic say about the dead?

Chapter 20

1. What did Bo tell Chief Bowen? What happens?

2. What did the Chief end up doing?

3. What does Torey tell his mom?

4. What dos Torey’s mom firmly believe?

5. What does Ali offer to do with Torey?

6. What does Torey find in the hole in the middle of the three rocks? What happens to this item?

7. Who calls Torey and what’s he want?

8. What has happened with the Bowen’s family?

9. What do Renee and Alex think Torey and Bo did? Why?

10. What’s Alex’s theory now about the death of Chris Creed?

11. What do you think will happen in the next chapter?

Chapter 21

1. What is Torey most afraid of? Why?

2. What does Torey see on the trail that night? Why is this significant?

3. How does Torey feel like Creed?

4. According to Torey, why is lying so dangerous?

5. What do you think the italicized words mean on page 285?

6. As Torey is thinking to himself at the burial ground, what happens to him?

7. What’s beneath the rock? What is in it?

8. What does Torey think he sees happening? Do you think this is real?

Chapter 22

1. There is an allusion to Nurse Ratched. Define allusion. Who is Nurse Ratched?

2. Where is Torey at the beginning of this chapter?

3. Describe Torey’s mental state. Explain why he is this way.

4. Who is Dr. Fahdi?

5. What’s the problem with people?

6. How many days is Torey in the hospital?

7. What is Torey diagnosed with having? Why might he have this?

8. What does ‘immaculate decomposition’ mean?

9. What is so shocking about the body Torey found?