
Pupil Deprivation Grant (PDG) Annual Spend Plan

CraigfelenPrimary School



Mrs Alison Williams

Head teacher

NB: Please refer to the Welsh Government, Pupil Deprivation Grant, Short Guidance for Practitioners, Guidance Document No: 125/2013

Total PDG / Cyfanswm GAD / £53,550
Outputs – evidence that activities have occurred, for instance the number of teachers that have received catch up training (WA) / Outcomes –the difference / impact made, for instance improvement in numeracy levels. (WA) / Inputs –resources, in this case the PDG funding and human resource required (WA)
Intended Outputs
(evidence based) / Intended Outcomes
i.e. Provision / Cost
enhance teaching and learning by providing an exciting and motivating hands on curriculum that meets the needs of all our pupils. / More engagement in learning results in increased standards. Class teachers to plan activities which particularly motivate boys. Develop school grounds to ensure the school is maximising the resources we have available, leading to increased engagement levels. Involve pupils (and community) in these developments / £4000
develop expertise of staff to meet needs of disadvantaged learners / Review of dyslexia strategies, whole staff update training, screening of pupils and specific programmes delivered by qualified dyslexia teacher results increased standards and self-esteem of identified pupils. / £3100
provide intervention and support programmes that are proven to have the greatest impact and to be sustainable, e.g. linking training to the development of expertise of staff to meet needs of disadvantaged learners / Following analysis of impact of intervention programmes 2014-15, identified pupils to follow successful programmes which will result in increased standards of below average and more able pupils. / £25000
implement and use data tracking systems to identify learners’ needs, target interventions and monitor impact / Class teachers to receive additional designated SIMS time to specifically analyse the progress of identified pupils. / £2000
improve attendance of target group by employing a part time pastoral support officer / TA identified for excellent skills in communication to work for 1 hr per day on pastoral work, including monitoring attendance. / £3000
developed leadership capacity to prioritise the impact on the quality of provision and outcomes / SMT designated time to continually analyse literacy and numeracy progress of all pupils. / £2000
provide enriched experiences (see attached SDP) through the development of intergenerational community projects through the creative arts. / The use of specialists in art and music to create motivating intergenerational projects which will further enhance parent skills, leading to improved self-esteem and confidence. These projects will also contribute to building good family relationships. / £10000
enrich experiences via extra-curricular activities (see attached SDP) through involvement with the dance groups / To develop a series of hip hop/street dance sessions to further enrich the life experiences of our community.
To develop the skateboard ramp facility to include classes with experts to enrich the life experiences of our community. / £3550
Hyfforddiant / Training CPD / No. / £
Number of teachers to be trained in deprivation based activities e.g. Sutton trust or intervention programmes / 5
Number of support staff to be trained in deprivation based activities e.g. Sutton trust or intervention programmes / 5
Number of Family Learning programmes / 2
EffaithGweithgareddau / Impact of activities (igwblhaufel y bo’nbriodol / complete as appropriate)
2014-15 / TARGED / TARGET
Attendance % of pupils in receipt of FSM
Foundation Phase
% of pupils in receipt of FSM attaining FPOI
Key Stage 2
% of pupils in receipt of FSM attaining CSI

Mae’nbosibnadywrhaieitemaugwirioneddolargaelarhyn o bryd, plîsdefnyddiwchddatamewnol a diweddarwch y ffurflennesymlaen.

Actuals may not currently be available, please use internal data where it is available and update later.

Please note: “Schools are required to publish online their PDG allocation, together with details of

how they have utilised the grant, the grant spend and its impact, to ensure that they

are accountable for their performance to parents/carers and the wider community

and that they have addressed the specific focus of the funding.”

PDG Short Guidance for Practitioners, Guidance Document No.: 125/2013

City & County of Swansea Pupil Deprivation Grant (PDG) 2015-2016: School Annual Spend Plan

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