Perth & Kinross Network Meeting

Date: 26.9.17 Venue:Birnam Arts & Conference Centre, Dunkeld

In attendance: Lauren Beck( Four seasons nursery) Helen Graham (PKC), Victoria McCarthy (Murthly Primary School)Ron McLaren (Humanism in Scotland) Mike Farrell (Perth Grammar) Helen Stockham (PKC) Jo West (Balnacraig School) Alison Clyde (GWT) Maureen O’Reilly(GWT)

Apologies:Carolyn Wilson (NHS), Audra Webster (Building Healthy Communities), Karen Gatehouse (BreadalbaneAcademy) & Fiona Mathews (Alzheimer Scotland)

GWT national update:

Welcome to Maureen O’Reilly, Intergenerational Development Officer – introductions around room

Funding secured via Pupil Equity Funding, The Gannochy Trust and the Voluntary Action Fund to fund a full time development officer to work closely with Perth Grammar School and The Community School of Auchterarder focusing on raising attainment levels in literacy and numeracy.

News from GWT

Campaign by Kate our Communications Intern –

United Nations International Day of Older Persons and Grandparent's Day both take place on the 1st of October. This year we are looking to share stories, memories and photos with grandparents as part of our campaign to challenge stereotypes and ageism. So please send us photos with/of your grandparents with a short story about their life or how they have helped/supported you. It doesn't need to be only biological grandparents, it can be anyone who has played a role as a grandparent in your life including from intergenerational projects. You can send the photos and stories to our fb messenger or e-mail our communications intern Kate at

Channel 4 documentary (1&2nd Aug 2017) - #oldpeopleshomes4yo

Pre-schoolers share their classroom with pensioners for six weeks. What impact does this intergenerational experiment have on the health and happiness of the older group?

If you missed #OldPeoplesHome4yo last night, you can catch up here @Channel4. … …

NHS Tayside Geriatrician. Alison has met with a geriatrician from NHS Tayside, who is interested in measuring volunteer activity with a view to sharing this information and will be based on tools for evaluation.

Year of Young People 2018 aims to inspire Scotland through its young people, celebrating their achievements, valuing their contribution to communities and creating new opportunities for them to shine locally, nationally and globally.


  • Provide a platform for young people to have their views heard and acted upon
  • Showcase the amazing talents of young people through events and media
  • Develop better understanding, co-operation and respect between generations
  • Recognise the impact of teachers, youth workers and other supporting adults on young people’s lives
  • Provide opportunities for young people to express themselves through culture, sport and other activities

Intergenerational Training Course for Practitioners and Trainers (CPD Accredited)

  • Thursday 26th Oct 2017 at The Hub, 102 Grampian Road, Aviemore, Inverness-ShirePH22 1RH
  • Monday 6th November 2017 at Queen Anne High School, Broomhead Parks, Dunfermline, KY12 0PQ

For more details and learning outcomes search here:

Next year Maureen will be able to deliver further training opportunities in the Perth and Kinross area.

International Certificate on Intergenerational Learning (ICIL) – 20 studentsparticipated inthe first online training course, which GWT delivered in partnership with University of Granada, Spain. The course has been a big success and the tutors are now busy reviewing feedback and making improvements to the materials. GWT plan to run the 6-week course starting on Tuesday 7th November and finishing on Monday 18th December 2017. There will be an approximate cost of £100 per person for the course, which takes approximately 50 hours to complete. The course includes tutor support. Further details will be available around September time.

As the training is still being tested we shall only be offering approximately 20 places.

Perth & Kinross Network coordinator vacancy – If anyone is interested in taking on the role of coordinator please get in touch with Maureen for further details. –leaflet circulated

Voting members

Please continue to seek your two voting members per network (cannot be a member of staff however one place could be the volunteer coordinator). Currently Gary Brown & Shona Fowler confirm?

The normal term of office for a voting member will be 2 years however people may stand for re- election at the end of each term of office.

GWT Conference - date and venue confirmed – Wednesday7th March 2018, Technology & Innovation Centre, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. Workshops will include:

1. Care homes/nurseries

2. Raising attainment through IG work

3. Intergenerational workplaces

4. IG green spaces (The Conservation Volunteers charity)

5. Year of Young People

6. Community Safety

7. Magic Me

The above is a very draft programme around the themes to be covered in 2018

Sharing and networking –

  • Lynne Lambert – HT, Robert Douglas memorial Primary, This is something our P5 year group is hoping to get involved with this session – we would be interested to find out more! We will email Maureen
  • Jo West - BalnacraigSchool, Have had an open day in gardens, with community visitors of all ages.
  • Helen Beck, Perth City of Culture bid although unsuccessful they have received positive feedback and many ideas put forward for the 2021 bid.
  • There is another £30,000 funding available, (up to £1,500 per project) which is required to be spent by March 2018. Ideas must be around Creative communities, no matched funding required.
  • Ashleigh Mustard, SCYD report attached.
  • Amanda Sword, Beech Manor Care Home has provided a report
  • Four seasons nursery is working in partnership with Beechgrove house, inviting nursery children to visit the residents to take part in singing, games and other activities
  • Mike Farrell, Perthgrammar is holding a coffee morning with residents from Balhousie nursing home and is looking into a variety of intergeneral activities within the school. MOR will be meeting with staff next week.
  • Ron McLaren, Humanism in Scotland, Newburgh community are working on an ‘adopt a granny/granddad project.

Dates for your diary – GWT Network meetings for 2018 –venues TBC

  • Thursday 22nd March 2018, 9.30am – 12noon
  • Tuesday 28th August, 9,30 – 12noon
  • Wednesday 21st November, 9.30 – 12noon

Generations Working Together is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation SC045851