Chapter 18: Incarnation

New Testament Honors

  • Incarnation: ______
  • central event in ______which date all historical events before or after Christ’s birth
  • Hypostatic Union = ______

Genealogy of Christ: Matthew 1

  • Matthew’s Audience = ______
  • Why is Christ called “son of david”? ______
  • Five women listed in genealogy:
  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  4. ______
  5. ______
  • Structure
  • ____ sets of ____ generations
  1. Abraham to ______
  2. David to ______
  3. Babylonian exile to ______
  • New David (______) is judge, king, and priest
  • #3 shows perfection, ______, fulfillment

David is Ideal King

1. first true king of ______as willed by God

2. Made ______capital of kingdom of Israel

3. conquered enemies of Israelites give people ______

4. brought Ark of Covenant to ______

5. made plans and got ______to build temple

  • DAVID = DVD (___ + ____ + ___) = 14 (3 sets of 14)
  • Significant only two people have titles in genealogy?

1. ______

2. ______

  • Immaculate Conception –
  • Assumption –
  • Annunciation –

Annunciation: Luke 1:26-38

  • Mary born in Jerusalem; parents Sts. J&A
  • Gabriel’s address to Mary: “Hail full of grace”
  • replaces name with “full of grace” to capture her identity
  • “______” Gabriel is actually saying hail to you from beginning of existence; not present tense, from moment of being was full of grace and will never cease to exist (different than favored one)
  • Mary ______because of her humility Gabriel said “hail” – means mortal is more important than angel
  • V. 34: “______” –(no sexual intimacy) -- took vow of virginity
  • Wants to make sure she doesn’t break vow, then accepts with “Behold I am handmaid of Lord, ______
  • Overshadow = ______
  • Why did Mary marry?

1. Wouldn’t be accused of ______

  1. ______would have protection
  2. Joseph would assist in ______


  • Mary visits ______
  • Magnificat:
  • John ______in Elizabeth’s womb+ moment of his Baptism and overflowed into mother

Mary as Ark of the Covenant

  • OT ARK uses: ______& ______
  • NT ARK:
  • Mary’s important role in ______life
  • Used in ______
  • We become Ark of Covenant through the ______

John the Baptist

  • ______= person dedicated to God; don’t cut _____ or drink wine
  • He is consecrated to God
  • Zechariah became ______for his unfaithfulness
  • Forerunner to ______

Cousin Comparison

John the Baptist

Old ______

Previously ______mother

Conceived by normal means

Conception follows angel’s ______

Father ______that it can happen

Father punished for disbelief – ______

Jesus Christ

Young ______

Conceived by ______

Conceived by extraordinary means

Conception occurs with angel’s visit

Incarnation takes place at Mary ______

Mother questions how it can happen

Mother rewarded for her ______

Birth of Christ: Luke 2

  • Luke is a historian and giving details so readers are aware when the Messiah was born

1. during reign of ______Augustus

2. Quirinius was governor of ______

3. Augustus decreed that “all the world should be ______”

  • ______: official count of people in given area
  • Jews return from which ______they came from
  • Joseph- tribe of ______, back to Bethlehem
  • v 7- “______” :doesn’t mean Mary had other children, title for eldest or only son, this title ensures child is given family inheritance
  • Luke 2:7- Jesus’ birth shows ______
  • ______first to visit –lowest on the ladder
  • Wear swaddling clothing –______after death
  • Born in ______– tomb
  • ______–animals eat food out of
  • Bethlehem = “______”: JC born in house of bread and placed into feeding place
  • ______is present at moment of birth
  • ___ days after birth JC is circumcised

Presentation at the Temple: Luke 2:22

  • ______days after birth he is presented at Temple

1. All ______had to be redeemed (substitute animal for person)--- lambs, dove, pigeons.

2. Purify mother of uncleanness after child birth

  • ______= righteous and devout, would not die until he met the Messiah
  • “NuncDimittis” – “______”
  • “sword will pierce my heart”

Flight into Egypt

  • Joseph had ______to journey to Egypt, he was obedient and fled immediately
  • Dreams are significant way of ______communicating to people
  • ______ – Church holds these children as the first martyrs (feast is 12/28)
  • End of Herod’s life – killed by horrible serious disease – punishment for trying to kill ______



Born under ______pharaoh  ordered killing of male children

Saved by intervention of mother

Went into ______

Fasted, prayed 40 days waiting for 10 Commandments upon Mountain

Gave _____comm. To people

Freed Hebrews out of ______


Born under ______king

Killed  massacre of Holy Innocents

Saved by family

Went into exile

Fasted _____ days in mount. and tempted by devil

Gave ____ beatitudes

Freed all people from ______

The Epiphany: Matthew 2

  • King ______reigns during birth of Jesus
  • King Herod: notoriously evil, gentile, grave sin is murder of ______
  • Magi come from Persia and ______because they seek truth, good and holy
  • Followed ______
  • Why is Herod troubled? He was put to rule over Jews, his title is “______” and now this title he heard Christ is given

1. wise men hear about JC and want to ______

2. Herod hears and wants to ______

  • ______:symbolizes kingship of Christ
  • ______: type of incense – only priests can burn incense, symbolizes Christ as high priest
  • ______: ointment to symbolize Christ’s death, used in burials – sole purpose of his coming

Finding in the Temple: Luke 2:41-51

JC is ____ years old, went to Jerusalem for feast of ______

60 mile trip; used ______

Point= JC chose to stay behind, Mary and Joseph weren’t careless ______

1st recorded words of JC – point toward his divine mission – “______”

JC is teaching the ______in matters of faith and religion