Polk School District E.A.T.S Lesson Plan(s)
Daily Lesson Plan Template /Day & Date: / Monday, February 22, 2016
Standard: / SSUSH18 The student will describe Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal as a response to the depression and compare the ways governmental programs aided those in need.
d. Identify Eleanor Roosevelt as a symbol of social progress and women’s activism.
Essential Question:
Learning Goal: / EQ: What role did Eleanor Roosevelt play in society during her time as First Lady and beyond?
LG: Students will be able to explain the role Eleanor Roosevelt played in society as First Lady and beyond.
Activating Strategy: Lesson Opener: (5 min.) / Students will take out their Herbert Hoover work from Friday. This was a Flow Chart and Photo Analysis.
Teaching Strategies: Procedures/Technology/Performance Tasks: (40 min.) / • Whole Class discussion over the Hoover Notes. This will be done to ensure that students have the correct information
• Students will begin research for a biography of Eleanor Roosevelt. Their research will need to include the following information: DOB, DOD, What she did as First Lady, How this affected society, What she does after she is no longer First Lady, How she helps women and African Americans and her humanitarian efforts. Students will also have to explain how her efforts can be seen today.
• Students need to include two quotes that they view as important and an explanation as to why those quotes are important. Students may put this information in any form they choose, PicCollage, KeyNote, Newsletter, Brochure, or on paper.
• Students will Think, Pair, Share their work with a partner. Students can listen to music as long as they are working and not being disruptive.
Summarizing Strategy: Closing Activity:
(10 min.) / Students will give examples of how Eleanor Roosevelt changed life and how those changes can be seen today. Students will also think of modern day people who are doing the same type work or impact Eleanor Roosevelt had on the 1930 and 1940’s.
Assessment/Evaluation: (55 min.) / Hoover Work, Whole Group Discussion, Student research, Students Biography work, Think, Pair, Share, Summarizing Activity.
Materials Needed: / iPads with Internet Access, Various Apps