Monday, July 18, 2011 - 6:00 P.M.
High School Library
The Board of Education meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairperson, Dayton Westra.
Members present were Dan Fischer, Linda Lund, Tim Hermeling, Dayton Westra, Theane Pagel and Tom Klein, absent was Stan Kramer. Others present were Superintendent Luther Onken, Lisa Staples, Betsy Kno che and Jerry Johnson.
Motion by Tom Klein, seconded by Linda Lund to approve the agenda with the following revisions: Add item 4.U-Consideration/Approval of Coaching recommendations, add item 4.W-Consideration/Approval of revised Contract with SW/WC Service Cooperatives, add item 8.K-Betsy Knoche from Ehlers, add item 8.L-consideration/Approval of Easement for County Tower, add item 8.m-Approve milk bids, add item 8.N-approve fuel bids, add item 8.O-approve snow removal bids, delete item 8.G-quote from Playsafer for Rubber Mulch. Motion carried.
Motion by Dan Fischer, seconded by Tim Hermeling to approve the Consent Agenda, which included the following items: Minutes from Regular Board Meeting on June 13, 2011. Imprest Fund Report, Activity Fund Report and Financial Reports. Approve “Attachment 10” Health & Safety. Designate Superintendent Luther Onken as the District’s Purchasing Agent, Federal Programs Director, and Activity Fund Coordinator for Fiscal Year 2012. Designate Lisa Staples as Activity Fund Representative for Superintendent Luther Onken during 2011-2012 school year. Designate Building Principals as Section 504 Coordinators. Designate the Fulda Free Press as the official newspaper. Designate Ratwik, Rosak and Maloney and Dorsey Whitney as District Legal Counsel for Fiscal year 2012. Designate First National Bank as the official depository; MN Liquid Assets, Fulda Credit Union, and First National Bank as depositor for investments; Bremer Bank of Marshall as depositor for wire Transfers. Approve Treasurer and Bookkeeper Bonds for fiscal year 2012. Authorize payment of salaries, transportation, water and sewer bills, heating oil, natural gas and district credit card bills when due. Approve of District Handbooks. Approve membership in Minnesota School Boards Association for 2011-2012. Acknowledge outgoing Open Enrollment requests. Approved contract for Choir/Band Accompanist-Sherri Isder, Approved lane change request for Grant Harms. Approved letters of resignation from Lisa Letcher-English Teacher and Cody Bell-Jr. High Football Coach. Many thanks to them for their committed service to the district and Good Luck in the Future! Motion carried with Tom Klein Abstaining.
Open Forum
No one present
Presentation from Betsy Knoche from Ehlers and Associates. Gathered information and set workshop for August 1st at 4:00 in the High School Library
Community Ed
§ Presented pool numbers
§ Presented summer program numbers
Mr. Slaathaug’s Report
§ None
Mr. Onken’s Report
§ Will interview for English position
§ Have 3 applicants for ECFE position
§ Hallways have been painted
Board of Education
§ None
Recognition of District Groups and Supporters
§ Congratulations to Mr. Pagel and the Ag Program for being recognized at State
Old Business
Motion by Linda Lund, seconded by Dan Fischer to approve final reading of Policy 705. Motion carried.
Motion by Tom Klein, seconded by Tim Hermeling to approve quote from Bargen for pavement patching around drain. Motion carried.
New Business
Motion by Dan Fischer, seconded by Tom Klein to set Substitute Teacher pay at $95/day, Substitute Para pay at $8.50/hr, Food Service Manager Sub pay at $9.50/hr, Food Service Sub pay at $8.00/hr, and Custodial Sub pay at $8.00/hr. Motion carried.
Motion by Tim Hermeling, seconded by Dan Fischer to leave all activity prices the same and to increase Elementary and High School lunch prices by $.05/each. Motion carried.
Motion by Tom Klein, seconded by Theane Pagel to keep District 505 mileage rate at $.45 for the remainder of the year. Motion carried.
Member Linda Lund introduced the following Resolution and moved for its adoption:
BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of Independent School District No. 505, Fulda, Minnesota as follows:
1. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 205A.11, the precincts and polling places for school district elections are those precincts or parts of precincts located within the boundaries of the school district which have been established by the cities or towns located in whole or in part within the school district. The board hereby confirms those precincts and polling places so established by those municipalities.
2. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 205A.11, the board may establish a combined polling place for several precincts for school elections not held on the same day of a statewide election. The following combined polling place is established to serve the precincts specified for all school district special and general elections not held on the same day as a statewide election:
Fulda High School
410 North College Avenue Fulda, MN 56131
3. The polling place designated herein is accessible to and usable by elderly individuals and individuals with disabilities in accordance with Minnesota Statutes Section 204B.16, subd. 5.
4. Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 205A.09, the polling place will remain open for voting for school district elections not held on the same day as a statewide election between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.
5. The clerk is directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the county auditors of each of the counties in which the school district is located in whole or in part.
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing Resolution was duly seconded by Theane Pagel and upon vote being taken thereon the following voted in favor thereof: Dayton Westra, Linda Lund, Tom Klein, Dan Fischer, Theane Pagel and Tim Hermeling
and the following voted against the same: NONE
whereupon said Resolution was declared duly passed and adopted.
Motion by Tom Klein, seconded by Dan Fischer to approve Proposal from Kramer Fence to install bottom rail to fence at the Elementary School. Motion carried.
Motion by Tim Hermeling, seconded by Tom Klein to approve quote from Beeck’s Gravel for removal and disposal of garage. Motion carried.
Set board retreat date for August 1st at 4:00PM in the H.S. Library.
Handed out Superintendent Evaluations – Need to be returned by July 28th.
Motion by Dan Fischer, seconded by Linda Lund to approve Easement for a time period of 20 years to be reviewed. When Tower is abandoned, the County will remove material and restore ground to the current conditions. Motion carried.
Motion by Linda Lund, seconded by Tim Hermeling to approve the bid from Kemps for milk. Motion carried.
Motion by Tim Hermeling, seconded by Dan Fischer to approve the bid from Witzel for fuel. Motion carried.
Motion by Linda Lund, seconded by Theane Pagel to approve the bid from Witzel for snow removal. Motion carried.
Adjournment at 7:20 p.m.
Tom Klein, Clerk