DECEMBER 18, 2012

5:15 PM

The Dec. 18, 2012 council meeting was called to order by Mayor Mark Brown at 5:15 PM at the Springfield Area Community Center. Those present include Brown, Lowell Helget, Ken Bishir, Phil Jensen, City Attorney Paul Muske, City Manager Mac Tilberg and City Clerk Amy Vogel. Absent was Mike Rothmeier. Others present include Andy Kehren with Bolton & Menk, Keith Kottke and TJ Brown with the school, Doug Cook, John Nicholson, Donna Woidylla and Doris Weber.

Motion by Helget, second by Bishir to approve the agenda with the addition of the gambling permit for the Cottonwood River Gobblers Feb. 23, 2013. All ayes.

Motion by Jensen, second by Bishir to approve the Nov. 20, 2012 minutes. All ayes.

Motion by Jensen, second by Helget to approve payment of the audited claims along with the list of additional bills as presented. All ayes.

Motion by Helget, second by Jensen to approve the consent agenda as listed. All ayes.

Motion by Helget, second by Bishir to approve payment of pay estimate #3 to Salonek Construction for the SRE building in the amount of $50,997.28. All ayes.

Kehren stated that construction is done for the season on the levee project. Unfinished items include installation of the sleuce gates and the final turf restoration. A partial turf restoration had to be completed this fall due to the amount of area worked up. The whole project should be completed by the first part of June. The sleuce gates are to arrive in January and will be installed as soon as they come. Liquidated damages were calculated after the substantial completion date of Nov. 9 to Dec. 7, which was 28 days at $600 per day equaling $16,800. There will be another pay estimate in January. He recommended payment of this estimate as presented. Motion by Bishir, second by Helget to approve payment of pay estimate #4 to Schmidt Construction for the levee project in the amount of $182,069.02. All ayes.

Kehren asked the council if they desire to continue calculating liquidated damages until the end of the project. They agreed to stop the penalties at Dec. 7, 2012. There may be negotiations before the final payment is issued.

Tilberg stated that the standing lumber at 216 W Sanborn St has been removed and questioned whether the council was satisfied with the abatement of the nuisance. The owner at 512 N Cass Ave has removed some of the white goods that were accumulated. The nuisances could be revisited in the spring. Motion by Helget, second by Bishir to approve the nuisance abatements. All ayes.

Tilberg stated that Shawn Wandrie had claimed that he was suffering for injuries received while he was employed by the city as a police officer and was pursuing work comp and health insurance benefits for the disability. The potential liability to the city over his lifetime was about $200,000 for the health insurance. The estimated legal expense was about $25,000. Wandrie agreed to settle for $20,000 lump sum instead of moving forward with the legal claim. Motion by Jensen, second by Bishir to approve the settlement amount and authorize the mayor to execute the agreement. All ayes. The total cost to the city is estimated at $25,000 and the risk has been eliminated.

The ambulance dept is requesting the council to increase the ambulance rates and the weekday on-call for 2013. The base rate would go from $650 to $675, mileage from $14 to $15, and weekday on-call pay from $0.50 to $1.00 per hour. Motion by Helget, second by Bishir to approve these increases effective Jan. 1, 2013. All ayes.

Kottke and Brown presented a plan for the school to acquire the property at 307 W Central St to place the greenhouse and compost bin. This site would be more convenient than the site at Sticker Field and cheaper as well because the utilities are all close by. A proposed site plan was prepared meeting the setback requirements. Most trees on the site would have to be removed because of the greenhouse. A privacy fence may be installed along the east property line. The property is zoned R1, which allows schools to operate without a CUP. The planning commission could require screening and/or fencing. Motion by Helget, second by Bishir to offer the lot for sale to Springfield Public School for $5,200. All ayes. It was recommended to apply for a zoning permit before the purchase to make sure it passes with them. The school will let the city know in January or February about the purchase.

Brown opened the truth in taxation hearing at 6:00 PM. One person with commercial property was concerned that the value went up so much causing the property taxes to go up. The Homestead Exclusion change was explained. Motion by Jensen, second by Bishir to close the hearing at 6:04 PM. All ayes.

Motion by Bishir, second by Jensen to adopt Res. #12-121804 approving the 2013 levy and budget. All ayes.

Nicholson stated that the police dept is in need of equipment replacement including a new squad, 2 computers $986.49 each, copier $2,449, squad camera $4,745, glock replacements with trade-ins $870, police software $2,000, and replace 2 tasers $1,307.69 each. Most of these items were discussed at the budget workshop in August. The amount of $43,000 was budgeted in capital equipment in 2013. Quotes for a Ford Taurus ($28,700) and a Ford Explorer ($28,100) were reviewed. Motion by Helget, second by Jensen to approve the police equipment purchases listed above with the squad being a Ford Explorer. All ayes.

Motion by Helget, second by Bishir to approve the Gold Cross attachments for the ambulance director and management support services for 2013. All ayes.

Cook stated that the new ambulance was quoted at $129,900 and the final design price ended up at $119,350 – a savings over $10,000.

Tilberg stated that the Springfield Flying Club has a balance of $1,213.36 left in their account and they want to close it. They would like to donate the funds to the city to be used to benefit the pilots. A new desk and chair will be purchased along with a security camera system. Motion by Jensen, second by Bishir to adopt Res. #12-121805 expressing acceptance and appreciation for the donation from the Springfield Flying Club to be used to purchase the desk, chair and security camera system. All ayes.

The snow hauling and sanding charges are currently charged per hour and at the end of the season. There was a request to charge by the load and bill monthly for the charges incurred that month. There was also a request to sand driveways/parking lots. While the city isn’t in the business of sanding, they will do it on a case-by-case basis. Motion by Bishir, second by Helget to approve billing $60 per load, with a minimum of $15, and to bill every month. All ayes. Motion by Helget, second by Bishir to approve sanding at the cost of $85 per hour. All ayes.

The street dept has requested the council to declare the old monkey bar equipment as surplus property. Motion by Bishir, second by Helget to declare them surplus property and allow them to sell them for scrap. All ayes.

Motion by Brown, second by Bishir to approve the gambling permit for Cottonwood River Gobblers for Feb. 23, 2013. All ayes.

Motion by Helget, second by Bishir to adjourn at 6:48 PM. All ayes.

Submitted by City Clerk Amy A. Vogel