Lutheran Family Services to hold orientation April 26, 2006

For those interested in foster parenting Page 2

For immediate release

February 1, 2013

Contact: Linda Montgomery, Manager, 434.791.2733, ext. 5109;

Stanley Cousins, Community Relations Manager, 434.791.2733, Ext. 5102;

Lutheran Family Services Day Support Center grant

helps adults take a ‘leap’ into learning

(Danville, VA)— A $1,350 grant from The Community Foundation of the Dan River Region will help adults with disabilities build their fine motor skill and improve basic comprehension. The money will allow the Lutheran Family Services Day Support Center in Danville to buy the LeapPad Explorer Learning System, a personalized learning tablet for PreK and elementary school age children that is often used as a learning tool for adults with intellectual and developmental delays.

“The individuals in our day support programs enjoy using electronic devices for intellectual stimulation as well as for relaxation and play,” says Linda Montgomery, the center’s program manager. “It’s a great opportunity for them because the skills are self-paced, fun and teach important skills for increased independence.”

The Day Support Center at 152 Deer Run Road is part of an array of services offered by Lutheran Family Services of Virginia that include group homes, respite care, sponsored residential services and in-home support, all of which help adults with disabilities live fulfilling lives in their preferred community setting. Transportation is provided to the center, which is open 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday.

For more information about the center’s programs, please contact Linda Montgomery, day center manager, 434.791.2733, ext. 5109, or Stanley Cousins, community relations manager, 434.791.2733, ext. 5102; .

Lutheran Family Services of Virginia, which is headquartered in Roanoke, offers adoption and foster care, community-based services, educational services and services for older adults and adults with disabilities in locations throughout the state. For more information, visit
