Natural Stone Council

Board of Directors Meeting

December 13, 2011

Present: Jeff Buczkiewicz, Jonathan Zanger, Bill Hood, Moe Bohrer, Harry Triebe, Sr., Gary Distelhorst, Alex Bachrach, Jane Bennett, Brenda Edwards, Jim Owens, Todd Schnatzmeyer, Will Bybee, Dennis Buechel, Duke Pointer

Absent: Brad Poynter, Doy Johnson, David Large, Eddie Greene, Keith Harper

Brenda Edwards called the meeting to order. Due to time conflict Brenda will ask Bill Hood to provide his MSHA/OSHA committee report first.

MSHA/OSHA Committee:

Bill Hood reports that December 16 is deadline for MSHA/OSHA surveys. Monica Gawett, co-chair of the committee attended an NSSGA meeting recently, and although no real partnership is being offered, she does note that there is willingness to work together and add support to our efforts.

Brenda reminded each organization to send the survey to quarrying members. Jane Bennett added that in sending this survey to the entire BSI membership, she has received responses from associates of the industry, not necessarily BSI members, who were forwarded the survey from a non-quarrying member. All responses can support the cause.

Minutes from November 8 NSC meeting:

Jane reported that the minutes from the November 8 meeting were distributed and with no requests for additions or revisions to them, asked for a motion to approve the Nov. 8 minutes as written. Jim Owens made the motion and Harry Triebe, Sr. seconded. Motion carried.

Financial Report:

Jim Owens reported that the MIA will be sending in a check this week for $15,000 and the ILI will send one by the end of the year for $5,000. Brenda added that we appreciate both organizations’ support. Thank you.

Duke added that they also just received a $2,500 check from the National Slate Association. Even though David Large has not been physically active on the board, the NSA is actively supporting the efforts of the NSC with this check, received 12/13.

Jim continued that that P&L statement shows we have taken in $120,000 but have spent $170,000, making us $50,000 short for the year. However, with the recent monetary donations and the NSA matching funds totaling $45,000, we will nearly break even by end of year.

November balance sheet shows roughly $162,000 in our accounts at end of November. Jane asked if our payments are up to date to Ecoform and Duke confirmed that they are as well as a prorated payment as of the recent phone call with Jack Geibig, of approximately $5,000. Only a reimbursement payment to Jack for NSC based travel in Verona is outstanding.

Per that call between Jack, Brenda and Duke, NSC has halted work with Jack and Ecoform.

Gary Distelhorst made a motion to approve the finances as presented. Alex Bachrach seconded. Motion carried.

Sustainability Committee:

Todd Schnatzmeyer began by noting the committee makeup.

Bernard Buster – BSI

Brenda Edwards – NSC

Doy Johnson – EGA

Duke Pointer – NSC

Eddie Greene – PA Blue

Harry Triebe, Sr. – NY Blue

Garen Distelhorst – MIA

Bill Swift – NBGQA

Todd Schnatzmeyer – ILI

A mission statement and task list had been created and distributed to the committee and NSC Board. The next step is to compile a list of questions from the memberships and provide a first draft to committee.

Second, the answers to those questions will be compiled into one document and shared with committee first, then to the industry.

From there, develop Sustainability Topics of Education.

In Las Vegas, at StonExpo meeting of the Sustainability Committee, the first hour will be closed to committee only. The second hour will be open to industry.

Jane added that during the upcoming BSI convention in southern California, there will be two hour window allotted to Sustainability during committee meetings. We also have an education session on Sustainability scheduled for Monday Feb. 27 9:30 am – 10:45 am.

Todd mentioned that the Sustainability Committee will explore path of sustainability that is valid for our industry and educate about the topics, fielding concerns of the membership.

In exploring options, Todd said the committee will look [the standard development] straight in the eye. Determine what we believe as a committee.

Questions like: What led us to this conclusion? How do we explain how we spent the money? Get the pros and cons of all the questions. This may tell us the right direction or may lead us to a different decision. Todd asked whether this has all been validated.

Harry Triebe, Sr. added that he agreed with Todd.

Duke said that the process has already included research. The standard development direction was already validated by the NSC Board and Sustainability Committee that this IS the direction they wanted to go in.

Todd argued that the latest draft is the first opportunity some industry members have had to chime in. This may be true, but the stakeholder opportunity has existed since the standard process commenced.

NSC Business

Sustainability Standard Development

Brenda and Duke recently held a phone meeting with Jack Geibig of ECOform and have suspended work on the standard development and billing has ended at this time. Per Mindy Costello of NSF, she thought space could still be left open when NSC is ready to start up again, provided notice is given.

She did caution that ANSI standard guidelines suggest that during development, any length of suspension runs the risk of loss of continuity, availability of NSF and momentum.

Gary Distelhorst asked what the timeframe is to pick this back up.

Jonathan Zanger asked why we are suspending. What will this gain?

Harry Triebe, Sr. added that the NYS Bluestone association is not comfortable with the draft.

Jonathan answered that if there are uncomfortable feelings about the standard development – join a committee. That is the only way to insure the language is written fairly. Not everyone is going to agree with it.

As an industry, we want to agree, but everyone will have an opinion. Member interests are voiced so that all opinions are being considered.

If the committees are partially complete, then find people. It is one thing to shoot holes at something, but another to not be involved. Jonathan stated that he understands Harry is not presently involved on a committee

Brenda - The first draft is in its infancy.

Jonathan added that as an employer, and one who has invested both resources and the time of his employees to serve on these committees is now a waste of time. His feeling now is that if he were questioned about supporting the sustainability initiative by the NSC by an industry member, he would say “don’t do it”.

Alex Bachrach said he constantly hears questions “What is the NSC doing?” Every time he sees emails about the NSC, he is scared. We have to move forward.

Jonathan added that someone has to make the decision.

In the end, the Joint Committee votes on whether to pass the standard. But this is after it has been put out for public comment and concerns are answered. The industry doesn’t vote on it. Ideally, the NSC would like industry support of a standard that the industry develops.

Jonathan continued that the companies who do certify to this standard simply will have the ability to bid on LEED projects requiring certifiably sustainable products. Certified natural stone products will contribute to LEED credit rating. An ANSI standard gives credibility to the certification.

Todd believes there could be existing standards that the natural stone industry can certify to that will accomplish our goals.

Brenda stated that the path the NSC took was to establish a sustainability standard.

An attempt to solicit votes again from the various organizations began. Jane reminded the Board that a vote was held on November 8th from which a majority vote resulted to continue with the stakeholder process for a sustainability standard development. Why are we voting again?

Jane made a motion to continue with the standard criteria development. Jonathan Zanger seconded it.

Gary Distelhorst questioned why we would abandon our efforts. With the momentum that is growing in the green building movement, [not necessarily just LEED], there is the potential for mandates to be handed down to us that will be stricter than what we are proposing. We should regroup, go back to work and get more people involved.

An additional vote was asked by Brenda Edwards on whether the NSC should move forward with a sustainability standard criteria development. As a clarification to the voting of the day, NSC Board members each have a vote and the charter organizations have two representatives and two votes and the "newer" organizations have one representative and one vote. The vote yielded the following results:

ASI – Abstain BSI – move forward with criteria development

ILI – Abstain MIA – move forward

NBGQA – Yes, move forward NSA (Stone Alliance) – Yes

NSA (Slate Assoc.) – Absent NY Bluestone – Abstain

PA Bluestone – Absent MCAA – Yes, move it forward

Brenda will collect votes from any absent Board members and advise.

Brian Porto Letter and Anti-Trust

Brenda has reached out to an attorney who is reviewing the recent letter from Brian Porto that claims the NSC is possibly in anti-trust violation with the process of creating an industry stone standard.

Duke added that the current NSC Directors and Officers Insurance policy has an Anti-Trust exclusion, meaning the NSC board individuals are not covered for anti-trust. However, he does not believe there is a problem of anti-trust violation if we go ahead. They will have a standard attorney look at it prior to adoption.

Brenda also advised that the legal fees for this review have been donated!


Reminder - that the NSC Board meeting is Monday January 23 beginning at 11:30 –6:00 pm.

Part of the Board responsibility during this meeting is to review board terms and vote on renewing terms or selecting new representatives. Terms expiring in 2012 include:

ASI – Dennis Buechel

EGA – Keith Harper

N Slate A – David Large

ILI – Jim Owens (part-time with ILI – serves on NSC board, Todd on Sust. Comm.)

NSA – Tom Schlough

PA Blue – Eddie Greene

Sustainability Committee Meeting - Monday January 23 8:00 am – 10:00 am

Industry Association Leadership Meeting – Tuesday January 24 8:00 am – 11:00 am

Moe Bohrer shared that with Chuck Monson’s resignation from the NBGQA board, John Mattke, as President of the organization will stand in as the NBGQA’s NSC Board representative in Las Vegas meetings. The NBGQA will vote on a Board replacement for Chuck, at which time their representative on the NSC board will also be determined going forward.

Meeting adjourned!

Minutes respectfully submitted by Jane Bennett, BSI.