Deutsch III - Syllabus
Instructor: Herr Jones
Phone: 610-579-7417
Room: G114 @herrjonesGV
Course Description
Students will further explore the German language and culture with the continuation of the Deutsch Aktuell Series Textbook Series Level 2. Students will be assessed in the four vital skill areas: speaking, writing, listening, and reading. In order to maximize their emerging German language skills, students are expected to participate in class activities, to speak in German as much as possible and to practice at home.
Units of Study
l Review: Vocab/Cases/Past and Future Tense
l Chapter One: Wohin geht’s?
l Chapter Two: Im Sommer
l Chapter Three: Ferien
l Chapter Four: Bei uns
l Chapter Five: Guten Appetit!
l Chapter Six: Einkaufen
Foreign Language Standards
All lessons will be geared around the Standards for Foreign Language Teaching. The five standards are:
*Communication: Communication in Languages Other than English
*Cultures: Gain Knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures
*Connections: Connect with Other Disciplines and Acquire Information
*Comparisons: Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture
*Communities: Participate in Multilingual Communities at Home and Around the World
Course Requirements
A. Materials
There will be a classroom set of the German textbook (Deutsch Aktuell I) available for students to use. Each student will be required to have their laptops and cell phones daily, a 1”-2” 3-ring binder with notebook paper. You will need Headphones for weekly computer lab listening activities. Students should always be prepared for class!
B. Participation
Participating by speaking in the target language is very important in the world language classroom. Students should be speaking German when asked to do so and on their own. Students should always follow classroom rules, work with one another and have required materials (laptop, notebook (3-ring binder), pen/pencil, handouts, headphones).
C. Homework/Projects
Homework will include reading and written assignments as well as activities to prepare for discussion or oral presentations during class. Homework will be due the next day, unless it is a project that requires longer preparation. Deadlines for project work will be announced separately. Each homework assignment will be worth (10) points when turned in on time. Students may turn in homework late for half credit. All assignments will be listed in ALMA or
D. Grammar and Vocabulary Quizzes / Speaking Tests
All quizzes and tests will be announced in advance to give students time to prepare. There will be one speaking test per chapter. There will be no comprehensive chapter tests.
E. Midterm and Final Exam
There will be a comprehensive midterm and a final exam testing you on vocabulary knowledge, reading comprehension, grammar, and culture.
Assessment Procedures
All assignments will be graded with an emphasis on any or all of the following categories: speaking, reading, writing, and culture. Students will be evaluated in many ways, such as: oral proficiency quizzes, role-plays, conversation practice, interviews, written vocabulary, grammar and vocabulary quizzes.
All grades are calculated based on points earned.
Grading Scale
100-98 A+ 91-89 B+ 82-80 C+ 73-71 D+ 64-50 F
97-94 A 88-85 B 79-76 C 70-67 D
93-92 A- 84-83 B- 75-74 C- 66-65 D-
Extra Help Opportunities
l During ENH A-E (F-Day German Club)
l Email Herr Jones with any questions or concerns
Rules of Conduct: statement of what is expected of students
o Be on time and be prepared to learn.
o Cooperate with each other and with your teacher.
o Respect yourself and others.
Classroom Procedures:
o When the bell rings, be in your assigned seats prepared with 3-ring binder, writing utensil, and book.
o Attend regularly. If you must be absent, YOU are responsible for making up missed work!
o Complete homework when assigned.
o Listen! This is the most important skill to develop, especially in the initial stages of learning German. As you begin to work with a partner and with groups, this skill will become increasingly more important.
o Maintain ethical conduct and decorum. This includes the Pillars of Character: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring and Citizenship.
o Raise your hand to speak. What others have to say is as important as what you have to say.
o When you borrow items, return them to their proper location.
o Bathroom Procedure: Please have your planner filled and ready to be signed. If you do not have your planner, I will fill out a hall pass but you must wait until an appropriate time. In case of an emergency just go.
Consequences: If student chooses not to abide by a rule
o 1st offence – Verbal Warning.
o 2nd offence – See me after class (phone call home)
o 3rd offence – Disciplinary Referral
**Note: Cell phones and laptops are required and usage is up to teacher discretion**
Herr Jones’ Teaching Schedule
l Period 1 Deutsch II 7:35-8:55
l Period 2 – Deutsch IV 9:00-10:23
l ENH A-E – F-day (German Club) 10:28-11:13
l Period 3 Prep 11:18-1:12
l Period 4 German III 1:17-2:37