Borough of Poole

Planning Committee

List of Planning Applications

13 May, 2010


Planning Committee

DATE: 13 May 2010 at 18:00


1. Items may be taken out of order and therefore no certain advice can be provided about the time at which any item may be considered.

2. Applications can be determined in any manner notwithstanding the recommendation being made.

3. Councillors who are not members of the Planning Committee but who wish to attend to make comments on any application on this list or accompanying agenda are required to give notice by informing the chairman or Head of Planning and Regeneration Services before the meeting.

4. Councillors who are interested in the detail of any matter to be considered should consult the files with the relevant officers to avoid queries at the meeting.

5. Any members of the public wishing to make late additional representations should do so in writing or by contacting their Ward Councillors prior to the meeting.

6. Letters of representation referred to in these reports together with any other background papers may be inspected at any time prior to the Meeting and these papers will be available at the Meeting.

7. For the purposes of the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, unless otherwise stated against a particular report, “background papers” in accordance with section 100D will always include the case officer’s written report and any letters or memoranda of representation received (including correspondence from all internal Borough Council Service Units).

8. Councillors are advised that if they wish to refer to specific drawings/plans which are not part of these papers to contact the relevant case officer at least 24 hours before the meeting to ensure these can be made available.

9. Members are advised that, in order to reduce the size of the agenda, where conditions are marked on the plans list as Standard these will no longer be reported in full. The full wording of the condition can be found either in hard copy in the Members rooms, or via the following link on the Loop http://bopwss3/sus/ww/Shared%20Documents/Standard%20Conditions.doc


Planning Committee

13 May 2010 at 18:00

Not before 18:15
01 / 17-19 & 30-32 Panorama Road / APP/09/00946/F / 4
02 / Branksome Chine Promenade (West of Branksome Chine Car Park), Poole / APP/10/00149/F / 20
03 / 7 Lakeside Road, Poole / APP/10/00163/F / 24
Not before 19:00
04 / St Marys Rc Va Combined School, Devon Road, Poole, BH15 3QQ / APP/10/00229/F / 30
05 / St Marys Rc Va Combined School, Devon Road, Poole, BH15 3QQ / APP/10/00396/F / 35
06 / 6 Labrador Drive, Poole, BH15 1UX / APP/10/00158/F / 42
ITEM NO / 01
SITE ADDRESS / 17-19 & 30-32 Panorama Road
PROPOSALS / Demolish 3 existing houses and replace with 9 houses and boatyard with associated workshop, restaurant, chandlery and underground car park.(Amended plans received 02/11/09, 16/11/09, 04/12/09, 15/01/10 and 15/02/10)
REGISTERED / 20 August, 2009
APPLICANT / Roundset Westingley Ltd
AGENT / Munden Robinson
WARD / Canford Cliffs
CASE OFFICER / Clare Spiller


1.1 This application is brought before committee at the request of Cllr Sorton reflecting residents concerns of overdevelopment of the site and inappropriate development, and the proposals would restrict public access to the harbour.

1.2 Recommendation for Grant Section 106

Policy Considerations

Poole Core Strategy (Adopted February 2009)

PCS05 Broad Locations for Residential Development

PCS06 Affordable Housing

PCS15 Access and Movement

PCS28 Dorset Heaths International Designations

PCS34 Flood Risk

Local Plan First Alteration Adopted 2004

BE02 Landscaping

NE23 Coastal Zone and Shoreline Character

NE16 Sites of Special Scientific Interest

NE28 Tree Preservation Orders

TO01 Tourism Assets

TO06 Tourism Zones

L17 Provision for Recreational Facilities

NE27 Individual or Grouped Trees

T14 Access to the Highway Network

T02 Cycling Provision in New Development

L12 Boatyards and Boat Storage

T13 Traffic Generated by Development

Planning Policy Guidance

PPG13 Transport

PPG20 Coastal Planning

Planning Policy Statement

PPS01 Delivering Sustainable Development

PPS03 Housing

PPS25 Development and Flood Risk

Supplementary Planning Guidance

A Design Code

Parking Guidelines

Shoreline Character Areas

Affordable Housing

Site Description

·  This application relates to the Sandbanks Yacht Co. boat yard site which is sited on both sides of Panorama Road, (i)to the rear of 17/19 Panorama Road operated by Sandbanks Yacht Co. Ltd for winter boat storage and parking comprising approximately 0.3 hectares on the south side of Panorama Road with a rear boundary to premises bordering properties in Salter Road, and (ii) to the rear of 30 and 32 Panorama Road. The application site also includes the residential properties of no. 17 and no. 19 Panorama Road and also the flat at 34a Panorama Road.

Inland side of the site:-

·  The landward side of the site is of an irregular shape having a frontage to Panorama Road, and widening out to the rear at the back of No 15, 15a, 15b and 21 Panorama Road and is relatively level to the adjacent pavement with significant changes in ground level rising towards the south and the Salter Road gardens, being bungalows/chalets.

·  The majority of the site is now vacant but was last used for storage of boats/boat trailers. To the site frontage the area is predominantly used for the parking of cars with access to the rear for boat storage and to a range of outbuildings/storage buildings which adjoin the frontages of No 15 and 15a, 15b Panorama Road.

·  No 21 Panorama Road, to the north west boundary, is a detached single storey bungalow with integral garage. This adjoins an existing dwelling, No 19, being a detached 2 storey dwelling, under a pitched roof.

·  To the east lie No. 15a and 15b Panorama Road, a pair of detached chalet bungalows with access via the application site. Further east is No 11 Panorama Road, a detached cottage with access off Panorama Road. To the south east is garaging to two blocks of flats, No. 32 and 34 Banks Road.

Harbour side of the site:-

·  Most of the boatyard buildings were demolished a few years ago but a concrete yard remains with a slipway and two jetties, a WC block. and a flying freehold with an adjacent building that is currently arranged for residential use.

·  On the west side abutting the application site is no. 9 The Horseshoe, this is a detached dwelling with port hole windows on the side elevation abutting the application site. There is also a disused access into the site from The Horseshoe.

·  To the east side is a flatted block no. 28. The levels of this site are around 1m lower than the application site. The boundary is demarcated by a 2m (approx) high brick wall.

·  The predominant character in this area is that of detached two storey/single storey properties. Those properties having a reasonable amount of private amenity space and constructed around the 1970s. Whilst a number of buildings have been demolished and re-developed, the proportions of those buildings have retained the spacious character that exists within this area and the domestic scale of development. Building heights along Panorama Road vary, however in almost all cases the buildings sit unobtrusively on sites with the landscaping allowed to dominate in views from the harbour, foreshore and Banks Road.

·  Overall, the Sandbanks Peninsula exhibits a spacious character. This impression is due mainly to the large groups of trees along boundaries between plots, in places extending right down to the waters edge. These trees form the back drop to buildings when viewing the peninsula from the sea, harbour, foreshore and Banks Road and form an almost continuous wooded skyline. Different areas of trees form the backdrop when viewing from different angles and locations. Along Panorama Road clusters of trees are situated to the front of plots and along their front boundaries.

Relevant Planning History

Sandbanks Yacht Company has occupied the site of 17-19 and 30-32 Panorama Road for a considerable time and various applications for minor developments have been made since 1956.

Relevant History for 30-32 Panorama Road :

·  Planning permission was refused in 1964 for erection of 3 maisonettes on land adjoining No. 32 Panorama Road for reasons relating to unsatisfactory backland development out of character with the area and relationship with continuing industrial use at No. 32 (Ref 3718/19).

·  Planning permission was refused in 1968 for erection of 3 storey block of 10 flats and 1-3 storey dwellings for reasons relating to retention of the site solely for boating recreation purpose and contrary to provision of the Poole Town Map (Ref. 3718/23).

·  Planning permission was granted in 1990 for the erection of a new 2 storey building incorporating chandlery and office stores and to level the yard to create additional parking. (Ref: 3718/035). A condition secured the use as a 'chandlery' only as opposed to an open A1 (retail use).

·  Planning permission was granted in 1991 to re-level the slipway and yard area (Ref. 3718/36).

·  Relief of condition on 3718/35 was granted in 1991 to allow the storage of boats during period 15 October to 15 April in an area previously allocated for car parking (Ref. 3718/37).

·  Planning permission was refused in June 2000 for the part demolition of existing buildings and provision of boat storage, and erection of 18 apartments, resulting in the closure of the Boatyard. Reasons for refusal related to the loss of the boatyard and conflict with Policy L16 of the adopted Local Plan and also the failure to make contributions towards recreation facilities. (Ref. 3718/38).

Relevant History for 17-19 Panorama Road:

·  Permission was granted in July 1977 for use of land rear of Nos. 17-19 Panorama Road for use as a car and boat park painting and routine maintenance. This was personal to Sandbanks Yacht Company whilst carrying on its business at No. 32 Panorama Road with use restricted to between 1 October and 31 May, no maintenance to boats or vehicles or other operations on the site and land should not be used for the sale of any article (Ref. 11644/16). There was a legal agreement associated with this consent, dated 24 April 1980, which contained these restrictions and remains enforceable today.

Planning History since 2002:

·  With regards to more recent planning history on the sites, in 2002 Planning Permission was refused for the re-development of both 30-32 and 17-19 Panorama Road. This application sought consent for residential development (12 on either site) together with an underground boat storage yard and new boat yard facilities solely on the site of 30-32 Panorama Road. Following a Public Inquiry the refusal of Planning Permission was upheld and the appeal dismissed.(ref. 35959/000 and 3718/039).

·  In 2004 Planning Permission was refused for re-development of the site 15B, 17 and 19 Panorama Road. The applications sought consent for residential development one scheme for 12 2-storey houses and one scheme for 14 2-storey houses with associated car parking to be accessed from Panorama Road. Following a public Inquiry the refusal of planning permission was upheld and the appeal dismissed (ref. 35959/005/P and 35959/006/P)

·  A number of similar applications have been submitted more recently although these have been withdrawn prior to any formal decision being reached.

Adjacent sites

No. 9 The Horseshoe has extant permission (08/24228/009) to erect a second floor extension to the existing to create a part 3 storey dwelling. The permission was granted in February 2009.

Current Proposal

The proposal is to demolish the existing houses at no. 17 and 19 Panorama Road, and to convert/extend the old owners accommodation sited at no.34a Panorama Road into a restaurant/chandlery building. The proposal includes erecting 6 houses with semi basement parking and open air parking for boat storage and residents parking on the landward side , and erect 3 dwellings with vehicular access from The Horseshoe and boat parking/car parking workshop at ground level with vehicular access to the flats over forming an underground car park and surface level boat store.

The application is supported by :-

Flood Risk Assessment

Engineers Report

Viability Assessment (confidential)

Design and Access Statement

Arboricultural Method Statement and Construction Method Statement

Technical Paper 1:Comment on Vehicular Access and Boat Storage Arrangements and a Method Statement and Risk Assessment associated with boat storage.

Since the application has been registered the following further information has been submitted:-

·  Biodiversity statement submitted 24/09/09

·  Method Statement and Risk Assessment associated with Boat Storage arrangements submitted on 24/10/09

·  Amended plans submitted on 16/11/09 moving units at upper floor level to no. 9 The Horseshoe by 1m and provision of a landscape planter to prevent overlooking to no. 9 The Horseshoe; House 4 and 5 joined together to make a semi detached properties and bring House 4 and the garden off the driveway to the car park at the rear; re-orientation of house 9 in the plot to allow greater views of landscaping through the site

·  Plan submitted on 04/12/09 showing the proposed construction method to the southern boundary wall of the site to ensure retention of exiting trees

·  Amended plans submitted on 15/01/10 which re-orientate parking spaces to the frontage of properties proposed on Panorama Rd

·  Flood Risk mitigation measures showing escape routes for properties adjacent to the site though the application received on 15/02/10


A site notice was posted and neighbouring residents were notified of the application and also of the amended plans received on 16/11/09. 34 letters of representation have been received both in support and objecting to the proposal.

The comments received are as follows:-

23 letters of Objection

·  Overdevelopment of the site

·  The houses will not fit in with the design of the road

·  15a Panorama Road is entitled to an access road along the front of the property. There are double gates off this private driveway which enable a boat to be parked at 15a- when the development is built it will be unlikely that a boat will be able to be parked at 15a due to the reduction in width of the current free space adjacent to the private access drive.