Honors Biology Fall 2015

Instructor: Juan Roldan, MAT, NBCT

Contact Information:Email:


Required Book:Biology (Miller & Levine)

Course Rationale

Honors biology is designed to give a more challenging and in-depth experience of the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. Honors biology students are expected to work independently and collaboratively on a variety of assignments while accepting greater responsibility for their learning. Equally important, students are expected to:

  • develop their understanding and knowledge of the nature of science, its unifying concepts and connections to other disciplines
  • develop their natural curiosity and inquiry skills
  • develop their critical thinking and communication skills
  • develop their ability to reflect on their own learning experiences and assess their development as learners
  • develop their global content knowledge, skills and passion necessary for participating in the Advanced Placement program at AKHS
  • Demonstrate advanced proficiency and concept mastery on the NC End of the Course Exam

Students will be able to achieve these expectations through:

  • displaying and nurturing a constructive and optimistic learning attitude
  • continuous collaboration with other students and myself
  • daily participation in classroom discussions
  • designing and completing a series of laboratory investigations and unit projects that address important biological questions and conceptsreading, analyzing and reporting on key scientific discoveries and recent research in biology

Course Outline

  1. Introduction to Biology and Scientific Processes
  2. Biochemistry
  3. Cell Structure& Microscopy
  4. Cellular Transport
  5. Cellular Energetics
  6. Cellular Growth, Division & Regulation/ Asexual Reproduction
  7. DNA & Protein Synthesis
  8. Meiosis and Genetic Variation
  9. Genetics
  10. Biotechnology
  11. Evolution
  12. Classification
  13. Living Organisms
  14. Adaptations
  15. Structure & Function
  16. Animal Behavior
  17. Ecology & Human Impact on the Environment

Course Grading

We will follow the prescribed grading policies by ArdreyKell High School. Formal grades (tests, quizzes, laboratories, projects) will comprise 60% of your grade Q1 and 70% of your grade Q2. Informal grades (in-class activities, homework and other assignments) will comprise of 20% of your grade Q1 and 30 % of your grade Q2. The Midterm exam will account for 20% of your Q1 grade. The NC End-of-the Course Exam will account for 20% of your overall grade.


Tests will generally cover various topics from multiple chapters. The test material will come from assigned textbook chapters, classroom lectures and discussions and other assigned work.


Laboratory investigations are the basis for understating the nature of science, developing scientific inquiry skills and applying scientific knowledge. There will be a series of laboratories performed during the semester; however, the continuation and success of each laboratory will depend on the adherence to safety procedures by each student and their lab team. If a student or lab team fails to follow safety procedures during a laboratory, the lab will be stopped immediately.

Unit Projects

During each quarter, you will receive guidelines for completing 2 Unit Projects which unify concepts discussed in class. You will have ample time to research, develop, and present your project to the class.

Article Reviews

During each quarter, you will receive 2 scientific articles from a major science journal (i.e. Scientific American, Nature, Science, JAMA etc). You will be responsible for reading, analyzing and writing an article review. The criteria for writing a successful article review will be explained when each article review is assigned.

Other Assignments

As an Honors Biology Student, you will be responsible for completing all the assigned material in preparation for our goal of receiving a Level 4 proficiency in the biology EOC. Quizzes, in-class activities, homework and other assignments will be part of this category.

Mr. Roldan’s Expectations

During the semester, each of you will embark on an exciting journey through life with an emphasis in biology. As the instructor for this course, I will provide an environment that is exciting and conducive to learning, embracive to all angles of reasoning and most important of all, I will make the greatest effort to relate every topic to your existence as a human being on this planet. In return, I expect that each student has a positive learning attitude, asks questions, participates in classroom discussions, develops and nurtures strong critical and analytical skills and comes to class fully prepared for daily lectures, laboratory experiments, tests and other activities.

Suggested Formula for Success

  1. Do not plagiarize, cheat or get unauthorized aid.
  2. Do your own work when working independently and collaborate with other students when working in groups.
  3. Prioritize and practice good organizational skills. Use an organizer or planner!!!
  4. Keep up with the reading assignments and utilize my wiki often.
  5. Study in increments. Do not wait to study until the night before the test!!!
  6. When working in groups participate and contribute to the success of your group!!!
  7. Participate in classroom discussions by asking questions. Ask for clarification of any topic during class or after class. Remember I have an open door policy!!!
  8. Review for the E.O.C. in Biology.
  9. Do not neglect a due date. Failure to turn in work creates disaster.
  10. Use your common sense and observe all safety procedures in the classroom/lab.

Extra Help

If you need extra help, please do not hesitate to ask for it! You are your best advocate. I am available before and after school – please communicate with me to make an appointment.

Honors Biology

Mr. Roldan, ArdreyKell High School

Fall 2015

Name: ______Period: ______

To the Student:

My signature below indicates that I have been provided with a copy of the course syllabus for Honors Biology. My teacher has reviewed these policies with me and I understand what is expected of me to be successful in this course. I also understand how my grade for this course will be determined. I agree to abide by these rules and guidelines.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

To the Parent / Guardian:

I have read the guidelines on course expectations and grading that were provided to my child. I understand these guidelines and will support their use in ensuring my child’s success in the Honors Biology class this year.

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent Name: ______

Preferred contact (phone or email): ______