Peer Review of Teaching Reviewer Checklist
This document outlines steps in the peer review of teaching (PRT) process from the reviewer’s perspective. It also includes process information that the reviewer should be aware of, but may not be directly involved in.
Beginning of Term
☐PRT Coordinator (CTLT) meets with Dept. Head, CLP Director and JLP Director to confirm reviewer-reviewee matches for formative teaching consultations and summative peer reviews.
☐Dept.Head sends memo to 12-month Lecturers with details of the program and information about process. This memo specifies the due date for the summative report.
☐PRT Coordinator contacts reviewers and reviewees with introductions and brief outline of next steps.
☐Reviewers should individually read over the forms titled “Formative Teaching Consultation Report 12-Month Lecturer” or “Summative Peer Review of Teaching Report 12-Month Lecturer” and come prepared to discuss with the other reviewer prior to the pre-observation meeting.
Prior to the Pre-Observation Meeting
Prior to the pre-observation meeting, reviewers:
☐Establish contact with one another.
- If reviewers have not worked together before on peer review, it is advisable for them to meet to discuss their approaches to peer review, what process they will adopt, who will take the lead in writing the report and any other relevant questions/concerns.
- Reviewers should discuss any questions arising from the Formative Teaching Consultation Report 12-Month Lecturer form or Summative Peer Review of Teaching Report 12-Month Lecturer form.
☐Determine who will take the lead in contacting the reviewee,booking private meeting spaces, and coordinating meetings and other logistics.
- Several external reviewers have indicated that it is preferable for the internal reviewers to be the first to establish contact with the reviewee.
Prior to the Pre-Observation Meeting (continued)
☐Set dates, with the reviewee, for:
- the observation (minimum of 1 hour of observation per reviewer)
- the pre-observation meeting
- the post-observation meeting
The above meetings take place with the reviewee and two reviewers.
☐Specify what material the reviewee will need to provide (and by when) as part of the PRT.
For aformative teaching consultation, materials may include:
- Course syllabus
- Lesson plan
- Teaching dossier
- Teaching philosophy statement
- Assignments
- Exams
- Evaluations of teaching
- Previous formative peer review of teaching reports
For a summative peer review of teaching, materials must include:
- Syllabi of courses you have taught at UBC for the past 5 years
- Statement of teaching practices outlining your approach and style (attached)
- 3-5 samples of assignments, projects or quizzes you have used
- 1-2 sample lesson plans you have used
Note: Materials from the formative teaching consultation list can also be shared.
During the Pre-Observation Meeting
During the pre-observation meeting, reviewers:
☐Review the PRT process and help the reviewee know what to expect.
Some items to discuss include:
- confidentiality
- how the“12-month lecturer PRT review form” will be used
- format of the report
☐Inquire into and make note of the reviewee’s goals for the peer review.
☐Discuss the instructor’s approach to teaching and assessment, the course context and any specific challenges/issues.
Note: The formative review is “reviewee-driven”. Reviewees are strongly encouraged to reflect on and discuss their approach to teaching and assessment, the course context and any specific challenges/issues. The summative review is “criteria-driven”. As such, reviewers and reviewees will go through all the criteria on the summative review form, in addition to discussing the reviewees’ approach to teaching, goals, course content, specific challenges, etc.
During the Pre-Observation Meeting (continued)
☐Review and discuss the instructional materials provided by the reviewee, if these have been provided ahead of this meeting. If these have not been collected and reviewed ahead of time, reviewers should obtain the materials during the meeting or soon after.
☐For a smaller class, reviewers should determine where they will sit so as to create less interference in the class.
☐Discuss filming the instructional session. Filming is optional, but highly encouraged as reviewees can learn a lot from watching themselves teach. If reviewees opt out of filming, they should send an email to Isabeau Iqbal ().Reviewers can remind the reviewee that the recording belongs to them. If this is a summative peer review, the recording should be brought to the post-observation meeting to supportdiscussions of pedagogical success and address issues.
☐Confirm dates for:
- the observation
- the post-observation meeting
- submission of the final report to Head of the Department.
Classroom Observation of Teaching
During the classroom observation of teaching, reviewers
☐Recall the instructor’s goals.
Take notes that will be used to shape the discussion at the post-observation meeting and will be used in crafting the report. Use the 12-month Lecturer form, as determined ahead of time.
After the Classroom Observation of Teaching
After the classroom observation of teaching, reviewers:
☐Should meet and/or have a conversation to discuss general impressions and confirm who will take the lead in writing the PRT report. This is an opportunity for reviewers to plan the post-observation meeting.
☐Prepare a report to present to the reviewee.
Options for Reports in Formative Teaching Consultations
- The draft report is co-written by the reviewers and sent to reviewee prior to the post-observation meeting. At the meeting, the report is discussed. Reviewee has the opportunity to note any disagreements etc. OR
- Feedback is discussed at the post-observation meeting and, based on that discussion and reviewers’ observations, a report is drafted. It is sent to the reviewee who can then make note of any desired revisions.
Peer Review of Teaching Reviewer Checklist October 2016
After the Classroom Observation of Teaching (continued)
Process for Reports in Summative Peer Reviews
Step 1. The report is co-written by the reviewers and presented as a final document at the post-observation meeting. At that meeting, the report is discussed in detail (we recommend you set aside 2 hours for the post-observation meeting). Reviewee signs the report and has the following choices:
- Sign and accept the report as is.
- Sign and indicate they will dispute the report. Disputing the report means the instructor will submit a written response to the Dept.Head within 2 weeks of the post-observation meeting.
- Sign and take 5 business days to determine whether they want to respond. If the instructor opts to respond, s/he must submit their response within 2 weeks of the post-observation meeting.
Step 2. reviewers submit it to the Dept.Head.
☐Once the report has been shared with the reviewee (formative teaching consultation) or submitted to the Dept.Head (summative peer review), reviewers send an email to the PRT coordinator to let her know the process has been completed.
Please contact Dr. Isabeau Iqbal with any questions about the peer review of teaching process.Phone: 604-827-0628
Peer Review of Teaching Reviewer Checklist October 2016