Members of the Parish Council of Bassingham are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the Council at 7:30 pm on the 10th of August 2017 in The Hammond Tower, Bassingham
Members of the public are invited to attend and there will be a 15 minute open session at the start of the meeting
Councillors are reminded of the requirement to declare any Disclosable pecuniary interests.
Open session and police.
Reports from District and County Councillors.
AUG 17: 1. To approve and sign the notes of the previous meeting.
AUG 17: 2. Financial report by The Responsible Finance Officer.
AUG 17:3. To discuss and give comment on any Planning applications received from the District council:
Receipt of Amended Plans/Additional Information.
REF: 17/0753/HOUS.
Proposal: Erection of a single rear storey extension.
Location: Peartree Lodge, 2 Village Farm, Bassingham.
Town and Country Planning General Permitted Development Order 1995, Schedule 2, Part 24-Application for prior notification of proposed development by telecommunications code systems operators.
Proposal: Installation of base station.
Location: Land at JA Harvey (Bassingham) Ltd. Navenby Lane, Bassingham.
REF: 17/0697/FUL
Proposal: Demolition of existing double garage, store and office block and construction of new two storey building to house parking for three farm vehicles and farm office on ground floor with agricultural storage area to first floor.
Location: Northfield Farm, Lincoln Road, Bassingham.
AUG 17:4. Hammond Hall Sub-Committee Update.
AUG 17:5. Neighbourhood Plan Update.
AUG 17:6. Health and Safety Update
AUG 17:7. Speed Indicator Devise Update.
AUG 17:8. Village Lands Update re. The Holmes.
AUG 17:9. To have Taylor Tree Services carry out works on the trees on the eastern boundary of the Holmes, Newark Road, Bassingham.
(a)Cut back all growth to boundary fence up to 4m from ground for the sum of £400.
(b)Cut back all growth to boundary fence for the sum of £700.
In both cases all debris to be left on track in manageable sections.
AUG 17:10. To accept the gift of £5,000 from Councillor David Wall, to be used as a contribution towards the costs of: The repair of the Community Clock (£4,000), The 2017 Bassingham Community Fireworks display (£700) and new play bark in the Children’s Play Area (£300), under Section 139 of the Local Government Act 1972.
AUG 17:11. To review the progress that has been made on implicating the action plan from the Community Led Plan.
AUG 17:12. To allow the Friends of the Hammond Hall to fix a Hammond Tower sign to match the sign on the Hammond Hall on the north-facing wall of the Hammond Tower, as recommended by the Hammond Hall Sub-Committee.
AUG 17:13. To enter into a contract with Guardian Legionella and Hygiene Ltd. to carry out monthly water monitoring services on the Hammond Complex for the sum of £225 per annum under Section 133 of the Local Government Act 1972.
AUG 17:13. To authorise the signing of orders for payment.
AUG 17:14. Clerks report.
AUG 17:15. Correspondence.
AUG 17: 16. Information from councillors.
Roger Hales (Parish Clerk)
Please be aware that due to the new openness regulations 2014, all Council meetings may be filmed by members of the press and public, Bassingham Parish Council has no control over this matter.