Call for Presentations
Creating Rural Connections 2015
Rural homelessness is real: what can we do about it?
May 26-27, 2015
Executive Royal Inn
Leduc, AB
Application Deadline Extended to: March 23, 2015 at Noon
ARDN is hosting the Creating Rural Connections 2015 (CRC 2015) conference. This event will focus on issues surrounding rural homelessness and its relevance to Albertans, and provide opportunities for participants and presenters to learn, network, share expertise, and collaborate on innovative approaches that contribute to the quality of life in rural Alberta. We believe that exploring and addressing the challenges facing Alberta’s rural homeless and those at risk of becoming homeless is an important step toward developing a better understanding of homelessness in rural Alberta communities and enhancing the quality of life of all rural Albertans.
Presenters and participants will investigate the most crucial challenges facing rural homelessness and present, explore, and plan for innovative solutions to those challenges. We are seeking proposals for presentations (sessions or workshops) on topics related to rural homelessness. These can be community-based or academic, based on research or experience, etc.
CRC 2015 will look at a variety of issues related to rural homelessness, including (but not limited to) the following:
· Client services, including best practices in working with homeless and at risk individuals, etc
· Housing (all aspects)
· Limited resources in a small community: how to maximize the use of available resources to best service client needs
· Handling client privacy issues in small communities
· Issues specific to homelessness impacting First Nations people off reserve
· Dealing with the unexpected
CRC 2015 will be an interactive and engaging knowledge-sharing event that will help bring rural Alberta’s homelessness issue to the forefront. It will highlight the important issues, feature the best practices, ideas and knowledge of local talent, and bring together the growing community of those working to end homelessness in rural Alberta.
CRC 2015: Hidden Rural Homelessness will include up to 125 individuals who are invested in rural homelessness. Delegates will represent community-based organizations, post-secondary faculty, staff, and students, and municipal, provincial, and federal governments. Most importantly, they will represent the people in Alberta’s rural communities who are dedicated to enhancing the quality of life in their communities, and our province as a whole.
“Please be aware that portions of this event may be webcast.”
SESSIONS are scheduled for a total of 50 minutes, with approximately 35 minutes for the presentation and 15 minutes for discussion with the audience. They consist of a person or group of people sharing interesting, innovative, and transferable learnings from a research project, working experience, networking event, or other initiative or practice.
WORKSHOPS are scheduled for 50 minutes. A workshop includes instruction by the workshop leader(s), exploration of a specific subject, work on the part of participants, and lots of discussion. Participants should leave the workshop with knowledge and information they can put into practice.
Event registration is free for accepted presenters.
Presenters will be expected to make a description of their presentation available for the ARDN Rural Project Forum (see no later than noon on May 29, 2015. A project description template (one page) will be sent to you upon acceptance of your presentation. We encourage the use of existing summaries/reports (i.e. the presentation description could double as the project description required for the forum posting). The forum posting should also include any PowerPoint or other presentation materials used at the conference and other supporting documents or links to websites where the information is posted. Exceptions to posting can be granted upon consultation with ARDN (e.g. if the work is in progress and pre-publication).
Please use the attached Presentation Application Form. Plain language is required. Avoid the use of acronyms unless they are well known and unambiguous. Submissions must be sent to on or before February 23, 2015 at Noon.
Please direct any questions to:
Joy Vonk
Operations Manager
Alberta Rural Development Network
Tel: 780-449-1006 ext 221
Cell: 780-935-2790
Call for Presentations
Creating Rural Connections 2015
Rural homelessness is real: what can we do about it?
May 26-27, 2015
Executive Royal Inn
Leduc, AB
Application Deadline Extended to: March 23, 2015 at Noon
Contact Information (if this is a group presentation, please list one main contact)
Mailing Address:
E-mail: / Phone:
About the Presentation: “Please note: portions of this event may be subject to webcasting.”
Session Workshop
Presentation TitlePresenter Profile (Describe yourself/your group in 100 words or less. If there is more than one presenter, include each one.)
Description (Describe your presentation using a maximum of 300 words. What can people expect to learn?)
Availability limitations (If you can only attend part of the conference please indicate.)
Submit to on or before Noon on March 23, 2015.