Contract for transferral of author’s rights
concluded on ______in Łódź,
(given and family name, address)
hereafter referred to as the Author, and the Institute of Biopolymers and Chemical Fibres (IBWCh) in Łódź, publisher of the periodical ‘Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe’ (FTEE), hereafter referred to as the Publisher, represented by the Director of the Institute Danuta Ciechańska,Ph.D., D.Sc. Eng. of the following content:
§ 1
1. The Author declares that s/he is entitled to all author’s rights to the composition entitled
hereafter known as the Article.
2. The Author declares that the article is an original composition, that it contains no defamatory content and violates no author’s rights or patent laws of other persons, and that it has not been submitted for publication in any other place.
3. The Author declares that the above article has/has not been presented at ______(name of conference)/any conference1, symposium or other official meeting, on______(date) in ______(town/city), with the provision that the content of this article or its summary may be included only in the internal informational materials of this meeting.
4. The Author is obliged to present the current contract to all co-authors, and to obtain their signatures of agreement.
§ 2
The author will without condition of payment transfer to the Publisher, and the Publisher will take over the rights of ownership to the Article named in Paragraph §1, in accordance with author’s law of the Republic of Poland. Transferral of author’s rights principally includes the following fields of exploitation: publication, copying, distribution, reprinting, photocopying, microfilming, diskette and other forms of transcription, translation and other means of dissemination, and also by means of electronic means of transmission.
§ 3
The parties agree that the author retains the rights to:
1. oral presentation of the same or similar information as contained in the Article, to any forum, on condition that s/he informs the Publisher of this in advance, and if the Article has not yet been published. In case the forum is a conference, symposium or other official meeting, the Author is obliged to represent to the authors of this meeting that the content of her/his presentation may only be included in informational materials for the internal use of the participants in the meeting, with an annotation of expected publication in FTEE;
2. making copies of the Article published in FTEE or any fragments of it for the personal use of the author connected with teaching;
3. re-use of all or part of the published Article in compilations of her/his own publications, or in books of which s/he is the author, on condition that reference is made to the first publication of this Article;
4. use of the copy for internal purposes of the institution where the Author is employed;
5. use of patent specifications based on information contained in the Article.
§ 4
The Author accepts responsibility towards third persons for the content of the article, and also within the field in which the Publisher may be liable for responsibility as a result of any declarations made by the Author in this Contract which are not in agreement with the true state of affairs.
§ 5
This Contract is void if, after hearing the opinions of the reviewers, the Article is not accepted for publication.
§ 6
All changes in the Contract may be made only in written form, on penalty of invalidation.
§ 7
The Contract has been drawn up in two copies, one for each party.
(authorised by Director of IBWCh,
editor-in-chief of FTEE, Emilia Jaszczurska, M.Sc. Eng.)
1) delete as appropriate