Grade 3 Visual Vocabulary Cards Answers
CardNumber / Word / Ask / Answer
1 / addition / If you add the number of girls and boys in the class, what will be the sum? / Sample answer:
9 girls + 8 boys = 17 girls and boys
2 / angle / Find the angle of an object in the room. / Sample answer: A corner on a desk is 90°.
3 / array / Name another example of objects that are set up in an array. / Sample answer: crayons in a box
4 / Associative Property of Addition / Which equation shows the Associative Property of Addition?
8 + (2 + 1) = (7 + 3) + 1 or
(8 + 2) + 1 = 8 + (2 + 1) / (8 + 2) + 1 = 8 + (2 + 1)
5 / Associative Property of Multiplication / Write a problem that has the same factors multiplied in a different order. / Sample answer:
Sam has 3 boxes of oranges. There are 6 oranges in each box that he is cutting in half. Amanda has 3 oranges per box that she is cutting into 6 slices. If she has 2 boxes, who will have more slices?
6 / capacity / Give examples of other tools that are used to measure capacity. / Sample answer: measuring spoon; measuring cup
7 / centimeter (cm) / Give an example of another object that can be measured in centimeters. / Sample answer:
The length of a shoe.
8 / Commutative Property of Addition / Which equation below is an example of the Commutative Property of Addition?
8 + 12 = 10 + 2 or 6 + 5 = 5 + 6 / 6 + 5 = 5 + 6
9 / Commutative Property of Multiplication / Which is an example of the Commutative Property of Multiplication, 3 5 = 5 3 or
15 1 = 5 3? / 3 5 = 5 3
10 / customary system / Name some units that can be found on a ruler. / Sample answer:
inches and centimeters
11 / decimal / How would you write a decimal number to show that the cost of a movie ticket is five dollars and twenty-five cents? / $5.25
12 / denominator / Name a fraction with a denominator of 10. / Sample answer:
13 / digit / How many digits would you press on a calculator to put in the number 763? / 3
14 / division / How many equal groups can 15 pennies be divided into? / 4
15 / dividend / Write a number sentence where 12 is the dividend. / Sample answer:
16 / divisor / Write a number sentence where 8 is the divisor. / Sample answer:
17 / equation / Which is an equation,
6 + 10 or 12 + 6 = 18? / 12 + 6 = 18
18 / equivalent fractions / Name a fraction equivalent to . / Sample answer:
19 / estimate / How would you estimate 98 + 19? / 100 + 20 = 120
20 / expanded form / What is the expanded form of 842? / 800 + 40 + 2
21 / expression / Which expression is correct for showing that there are 18 cars, 2 motorcycles, and an unknown number of trucks in the parking lot?
18 + 2 + or 16 + 3 + / 18 + 2 +
22 / face / Point out the face of different objects around you. / Sample answers: the front cover of a book; a wall in a room
23 / fact family / What is the addition and subtraction fact family for the numbers 5, 9, and 14? / 5 + 9 = 14; 9 + 5 = 14;
14 – 9 = 5; 14 – 5 = 9
24 / factor / What are the factors of 24? / 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24
25 / foot (ft) / Name some objects that would be easy to measure using a ruler that is a foot long. / Sample answers: chalk board; teacher’s desk
26 / fraction / If a pie is cut into 8 slices, and you ate 3 of those, what fraction of the pie did you eat? /
27 / graph / Why do you think they call this graph a bar graph? / Sample answer: The heights or lengths of bars are used to compare data.
28 / Identity Property of Addition / What is your age plus 0? / Sample answer:
9 + 0 = 9
29 / Identity Property of Multiplication / What is your height multiplied by 1? / Sample answer:
54 inches 1 = 54 inches
30 / inch (in.) / Which do you think would be easier to measure in inches, the length of a toy train or the length of a real train? / toy train
31 / inequality / Is the number of boys less than or greater than the number of girls in the class? / Sample answer:
number of boys < number of girls
32 / kilometer (km) / Which of these should be measured in kilometers, the distance a student walked to school or the amount of water in a swimming pool? / the distance a student walked to school
33 / mass / How can we find the mass of an object? / Sample answer:
use a balance scale
34 / meter / Which measuring unit is longer, a centimeter or a meter? / meter
35 / metric system / Name a unit in the metric system that can be used to record the amount of orange juice in a glass. / Sample answer: milliliter
36 / mile / Is the number of miles it would take you to walk to school the same as if you were driven to school? / yes
37 / multiplication / Write a multiplication and an addition problem showing that two groups of five are equal to ten. / 2 5 = 10 and 5 + 5 = 10
38 / numerator / Name a fraction with a numerator of 7. / Sample answer:
39 / perimeter / How would you find the perimeter of your desk? / Sample answer:
Use a ruler to measure the length of the four sides of the desk. Then add up the measures of the four sides.
40 / plane figure / Which is a plane figure: a rectangle or a cube? / rectangle
41 / polygon / Is a circle a polygon? Why or why not? / Sample answer: no; Polygons do not have curved sides.
42 / pound (lb) / Do you know how many pounds you weighed when you were born? / Sample answer:
7 pounds 4 ounces
43 / probability / If you have a bag with 6 green marbles, 3 red marbles, and 4 black marbles, which color marble has the greatest probability of being picked? / green
44 / product / Name two numbers that will give you a product of 12. / Sample answer:
2 and 6
45 / quadrilateral / Name items in the home or in the room that have the shape of a quadrilateral. / Sample answers:
chalkboard; books; windows
46 / quotient / Name a division problem that has a quotient of 2. / Sample answer:
10 5 = 2
47 / regroup / How can you regroup 543 to show more tens? / Sample answer:
You can regroup 543 as 4 hundreds, 14 tens, and 3 ones to show more tens.
48 / round / What is 87 rounded to the nearest ten? / 90
49 / subtraction / What is the difference between 39 and 24? / 39 – 24 = 15
50 / vertex / How many vertices does a pentagon have? / 5