Dear Members of the TC,
The draft minutes of our meeting in Belgrade have been up for review in the members only section of our website for nearly two weeks now, and until now there are no substantial remarks from your part.
That’s why I took the liberty to put the minutes into a task list.
Yesterday, 1st of November was the deadline for a few tasks concerning the PQ and the portfolio.
Will everybody please look into that, and ask for assistance if necessary.
If members who did not attend the Belgrade meeting want to join in on some workgroups, please don’t hesitate to do so.
You can also download the list as an excel file from the members only section of
Lets not lose the momentum we built up in Belgrade!
Best Regards,
Ivo Kersmaekers
Chair Technology Commission.
CEN working group / Bert / ongoing / attend meetings and provide notes to Ivocooperation with AC / Ivo / ongoing / keep TC informed
Costing Forms / All / 1/03/2007 / provide example for website
New Theatre Words / All / suggestions for editors to Olle Sönderberg
Next meeting / Fritz / explore Houston, Texas March 2008
Next meeting / Pavel / Look into meeting during PQ07 June 07
Next meeting / Bert / amsterdam?
Portfolio / Ivo / 1/11/2006 / talk to karin winkelsesser about tc section
Portfolio / John / 1/11/2006 / write paragraph introducing the TC for the OISTAT Portfolio
Portfolio / John / 1/11/2006 / Provide 3 pictures of technicians at work
PQ: Panel Discussion on economic implatations of technical choices / Martin / 1/11/2006 / sent to Pavel and Coördinate
PQ: Presentation on CEN / Bert / 1/11/2006 / ask Olle if he wants to
PQ: Scenofest / All / 1/11/2006 / suggestions for workshops to Marina Raytchinova
PQ: Technical Directors Forum (OMC) / Bert / 1/11/2006 / sent to Pavel and Coördinate
PQ: Technicians' Tour of PQ / Bert / 1/11/2006 / sent to Pavel and Coördinate
PQ: Workshop for designers and technicians / John / 1/11/2006 / sent to Pavel and Coördinate
PQ:Critiques of scenography students by techical professionals / Bert / 1/11/2006 / sent to Pavel and Coördinate
PQ:Tech day at PQ07 / Pavel / report to Ivo
production rider / Ivo/Alex/Erik / collect good example riders
production rider / Ivo/Alex/Erik / make draft template
production rider / Ivo/Alex/Erik / make intro for examples
production rider / Alex / get DVD of a load-in
Risk Assessment / Ivo / 1/03/2007 / provide belgian example for website
Risk Assessment / Bert / 1/03/2007 / provide dutch example for website
Risk Assessment / John / 1/03/2007 / provide UK example for website
Risk Assessment / All / 1/03/2007 / provide whatever examples one can find
Serbian Pilot Project / Alex / 2/10/2006 / develop proposals for TC to provide guidance
technical economics / Fritz / provide link to "Tech Briefs" and other technical solutions
technical economics / John / provide link to "Prisoners' inventions" and other technical solutions
technical riders / Fritz / done / provide USITT technical rider
Theater Atlas Template / Ivo / done / put template on Website
web / Ivo / done / put TC members current info on website