Collie Horse and Pony Club
Winter in the Valley Dressage Day.
July 30th 2017
8:30 am Start
Entries via Nominate only
Prep – Advance Classes and Freestyle available
Plaiting Compulsory.
Entries close Monday 24th July 8pm unless classes are filled prior to this. Places are limited.
Draw will be posted prior to the event on nominate and emailed to entrants.
Helper duties will be allocated, pencilling, marshalling, sheet runner, dismantling arenas or canteen. Refunds will not be accepted after the closing date without a vet certificate or doctors certificate.(50% refund with a certificate) Please advise of scratchings as there may be riders waiting.
Full Canteen available on the day.
Camping available.
Enquiries to
Lara Burek0406617624
Amanda Davidson 0427345130
Rules of Competition:
- The welfare of the horse is top priority. Injured, lame horses are not eligible for competition and will be asked to leave the arena at the judges and organizers discretion
- Riders and spectators must adhere to the PCAWA code of conduct or risk elimination.
- No dogs allowed.
- If horses are deemed unsafe by the judge they may be asked to dismount immediately at any stage.
- Duty of care. It is your responsibility to report a dangerous or hazardous situation to organizers of the competition.
- It is the riders responsibility to know the rules of a PCAWA dressage competition and gear checking requirements.
- Riders who do not complete a gear check will be eliminated.
- Classes are open to PCAWA and PCAWA Open riders and will be run under PCAWA Insurance only. PCAWA membership is required on your entry.
- A rider of a horse may not be changed if another rider had ridden the horse on the day either in warm up or competition.
- This event contributes to the PCAWA leaderboard competition.
- Riders must wear their official Pony Club uniform or hacking attire and rider age is of the 1st January 2017
- Open riders must be PCAWA insured and are to wear either hacking jackets or neat casual attire in accordance with the PCAWA Gear Checking Manual 2017. ( long sleeves is compulsory)
- Each rider can only enter and compete in two consecutive levels and you may enter and compete in no more than 3 tests in one day on each horse.
- Maximum 3 horses per rider.
- Costs $ 30:00 first test (Includes ground fee)
$20:00 second test
$15: 00 third test
Nominate levy 5%
PCAWA levy $2:50
- Collie pony club members $10:00 reduction . Please select member category on nominate.
- Helper duties are compulsory. Elimination will apply. Non helper fee of $50:00 is available (limited)
- Organizing committee reserves the right to alter or amend the program as they see fit.