November 14, 2018

DCU Center, Worcester, MA

Call for Exhibits – Proposal Form

Before filling out this form, we recommend reviewing the “2018 STEM Summit Call for Exhibits Guidelines”which can be found on the STEM Summit website:

Note: Exhibits will be expected to be open and staffed from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm.

  1. Exhibit Organizer(This is the person we will contact regarding your submission.)

Phone #:
  1. Strand (choose 1):

Early Education (Early Ed)
Sub-Strand (check all that apply)
Infant/Toddler (B-age 3)
Preschool (Age 3-5)
K-12 Education (K12Ed)
Sub-Strand (check all that apply)
Elementary school (grades K-4)
Middle school (grades 5-8)
High School (grades 9-12)
Higher Education (Higher Ed)
Sub-Strand (check all that apply)
2-year College
4-year+ College or University
Workforce and Business (WorkBus)
  1. Exhibit Title(*100 characters or less, including spaces and punctuation*).Type in box below.
  1. Please provide a full, detailed description of your proposed exhibit (Approximately 500 words is usually adequate. In any case, no more than 750 words).

Issues to address include:

  • Intended visitors (Be as specific as possible.)
  • Intended objectives/takeaways for visitors
  • How the exhibit relates to the Strand, or is otherwise particularly relevant to the Summit
  • How the exhibit relates to the theme of the Summit or is otherwise particularly relevant to the Summit
  • If presenting a specific program, innovation, curriculum, etc.: What evidence is there of its effectiveness (e.g., evaluation findings)

Type your detailed description in the box below.

Please provide a short descriptionof your exhibit(250 words or less). This is the description that will appear on the STEM Summit website.Type in box below.

Please provide a very brief overview of your exhibit(1-2 sentences, 50 words or less). This is the description that will appear in the STEM Summit program.Type in box below.

URL for your program’s website(if applicable)Type in box below.

5.Please check up to six (6) of the following keywords that apply to your exhibit. These will be included with your online description to aid attendees in searching for exhibits of particular interest. Definitions of the keywords can be found at the end of the 2018 STEM Summit Call for Exhibits Guidelines.

Academic Success Strategies / In-school Programming
Achievement / Interest
Administrator Perspective / Math
Business / Industry Perspective / Out-of-School Time
Career Awareness / Partnership
Community / Partner Perspective / Policy
Digital Literacy / Digital Educ. / Research and Evaluation
Diversity / Science
Dual Enrollment / Early College / STEAM
Educator Perspective / Student Perspective
Educator Preparation / Technology & Computer Science
Engineering / Vocational-Technical Education
Innovation & Entrepreneurship / Workforce Development
  1. Please provide the following information for all individuals who will participate in your exhibit, including yourself if applicable. (Note: You must provide contact information for all of your adult exhibitors in order for your proposal to be considered complete. Applications with adult exhibitors listed as “TBD” may not be considered. It is understood that student participants might not be determined until the new school year.)

NOTE: All those participating in an exhibit will be required to register for the Summit. They will NOT be exempted from the conference registration fee of $50 unless they are full-time students.

Name #1:
Role: / Moderator

Has been notified re: $50 registration fee?

Name #2:
Role: / Moderator

Has been notified re: $50 registration fee?

Name #3:
Role: / Moderator

Has been notified re: $50 registration fee?

Name #4:
Role: / Moderator

Has been notified re: $50 registration fee?

Please submit yourproposal as an MS Word document, not as a PDF.

Final Proposals should be sent as email attachments to:


Format for proposal filenames: Exhibit_Strandname_Proposer Last Name. For example, Mary Smith’s proposal to the Higher Education Strand would be named: Exhibit_HigherEd_Smith (A list of the strand names and their abbreviations can be found in the 2018 STEM Summit Call for Exhibits Guidelines.)

Questions? Please contact:

Deadline for receipt of proposals: Friday, May 4, 2018, 5:00 pm.