Tuesday, June 12 ∙ 9:00 - 4:00
8:00 - 9:00 Registration / Exhibit Booths
9:00 - 9:30 Welcome: What’s New with the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging? (Marquette Ballroom A)
Betsy Abramson, Deputy Director, Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging
9:30 - 10:30 General Session: Technology and Aging:Active Aging Research Center (Marquette Ballroom A)
Fiona McTavish, UW, College of Engineering, Deputy Director, CHESS
Dave H. Gustafson, Jr., Web/Social Media Developer, UW, College of Engineering
How does technology fit within healthy aging?Can it effectively and realistically be used to address social isolation among older adults?This session will explore the work being done by the Active Aging Research Center, to include Elder Tree (a social media communication tool developed, implemented, and researched). Hear shared stories from participants, stereotypes needed to be overcome, and learn how we can use technology to help reduce isolation and build social ties among older adults and across generations.
10:30 - 10:45 Break / Exhibit Booths
10:45 - 11:45 Breakout Sessions
A. Living Well: GWAAR Mini-Grant Volunteer Recruitment Projects (Lewis Clark Room)
Trisha Bailkey, Resource Specialist; ADRC of Barron, Rusk, & Washburn Counties
Stephanie Koch, LEEPS Volunteer Coordinator / Living Well Coordinator, ADRC of
Southwest Wisconsin
Learn how two ADRCs have worked with volunteers to promote and advance the Living Well program with the recent GWAAR mini-grant awards.
B. Incorporating EBPPs Into the Insurance Culture: How it Affects the Bottom Line (Marquette Ballroom C)
Mike Van Ryzin, Director, Quality Improvement, Network Health Plan
Mary Jane Mihajlovic, RN, Quality Care Coordinator, Health Services, Unity Health Plan
How do insurance companies evaluate evidence-based prevention programs as a Health Promotion incentive? Learn how Network Health Plan and Unity Health Plan have adopted Living Well into the business culture.
C. Celebrating Diversity: Overview of Healthy Equity, Diversity, and Evidenced-Based Programs (Nicolet Room)
Sherri Ohly, Program Coordinator, Wisconsin Arthritis Program
TeAngelo Cargile Jr., Arthritis Toolkit Outreach Coordinator, Wisconsin Arthritis Program
Adalia Jansen, Tomando Master Trainer
Saúl Juárez Aguilar, Health Promoter Program Advisor, ProHealth Care
Learn about outreach to the Hmong 18-Clan Leadership, African Living Well Leaders, and AgriAbliity program. We will also discuss the process of translation of Stepping On to a Spanish bi-lingual/bi-cultural program, Walk with Ease in the Spanish-speaking community, and Arthritis toolkits in inner-city African-American churches.
D. Community Academic Aging Research Network (CAARN): Discussion on Technology and Aging – Active Aging Research Center (LaSalle Room)
Fiona McTavish, UW, College of Engineering, Deputy Director, CHESS
Dave H. Gustafson, Jr., Web / Social Media Developer, UW, College of Engineering
Facilitator: Jill Ballard, CAARN Research Associate / GWAAR OAA Consultant
E. Care Transitions Intervention Reaches Wisconsin (Marquette Ballroom B)
Miranda Hotter, CSW, Prevention Program Coordinator / Care Transitions Coach,
ADRC of Eau Claire County
Jennifer Owen, CSW, Options Counselor Supervisor, ADRC of Eau Claire County
The Coleman evidence-based Care Transitions Intervention model was implemented in February 2012 by the ADRC of Eau Claire County with the support of numerous partners.The Coach and program developer will describe the local planning process, partners, training, implementation, and the community's plans. Come to hear lessons learned and consumer outcomes to-date.
12:00 - 1:00 Lunch: Volunteer Recognition Luncheon (Marquette Ballroom A)
Review of the Falls Survey: The Importance of Volunteers
Ann Christiansen, MPH, Assistant Director, Injury Research Center
Volunteer Recognition for Living Well, Stepping On, and Sure Step Volunteers
Lyndsay DeKeyser and Janell Keeter, GWAAR OAA Consultants
1:00 - 1:15 Break / Exhibit Booths
1:15 - 2:15 Breakout Sessions
F. Strong Women Healthy Hearts (Marquette Ballroom C)
Angela Flickinger, Family Living Educator, University of Wisconsin Extension, Rock Co.
Join us in this session to learn about the Strong Women Healthy Hearts program in Wisconsin. This evidenced-based program was piloted in 2011 in Wisconsin and focuses on cardiovascular exercise and health/nutrition education to prevent and manage heart disease in women. Learn about the momentum and results we have had in Wisconsin and also the opportunities you will have to become trained in this program.
G. Implementing Successful Community Falls-Prevention Programs (Lewis Clark Room)
Ann Christiansen, MPH, Assistant Director, Injury Research Center
Ms. Christiansen, the Study Director of the CDC-funded study, “Dissemination of Injury Interventions: A Randomized Community Trial" will discuss recent findings from a study assessing the dissemination of evidence-based fall prevention interventions in several Wisconsin communities. Successes and challenges faced when implementing community fall prevention programs will be explored.
H. Modernization of the Elderly Nutrition Program (LaSalle Room)
Mike Glasgow, GWAAR Nutrition Team
The Elderly Nutrition Program started in 1972 and overalllittle has changed in the past 40 years. This session will outline the process that Wisconsin has implemented toevaluate and modernize theprogram and ensure that the target populations are being served and services are relevant for the next 40 years and beyond.
I. Recognizing and Responding to Suicidality QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) Training (Nicolet Room)
Debi Traeder, Mental Health America of Wisconsin
This QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) workshop is an interactive format to improve staff and the community’s response to suicidality. Debi will include how to access local data, additional training resources, how to respond to completed suicides in your community, and more.
J. Living Well with Chronic Conditions: "Let's Sell Living Well" (Marquette Ballroom B)
Harvey Padek, LW Master Trainer, Wisconsin Arthritis Program
Jennifer Lefeber, LW Master Trainer, Milwaukee County Department on Aging
Let us help you fill the room.Just like in the Living Well workshops, learn skills and tools that will assist you in successfully promoting your workshops. Gain the confidence to create your own personal presentation to help you "seal the deal".
2:15 - 2:30 Break / Exhibit Booths
2:30 - 4:00 General Session Panel: Community Partner and Academic Researcher Showand Updates on Project Findings (Marquette Ballroom A)
Betty Chewning, University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Pharmacy
Janet L. Zander, Director, ADRC of Portage County
LaVerne Jaros, Director, Kenosha County Division of Aging and Disability Services
Dave Mott, University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Pharmacy
Barb Michaels, RN, Project Coordinator, ADRC of Brown County
Jeff Kirchner, Streu's Pharmacy Inc. / Bay Natural
Facilitator: Jill Ballard, CAARN Research Associate / GWAAR OAA Consultant
Community partner and academic researcher show! Hear updates from three different CAARN projects, including project overviews, success, and research findings. Also, community and academic partners will discuss challenges and successes in their partnership experience. This will be a fun, entertaining, and informative session.
4:15 - 5:00 After Hours Just for Fun: Looking for Some Exercise? (Tai Chi Demonstration)
(Marquette Ballroom C)
Joyce Aiello, Tai Chi Instructor, Nekoosa Community / Senior Center
After Hours Walk with Ease Demonstration (Marquette Ballroom B, then outside—weather permitting)
Alison Eschweiler, Wisconsin Arthritis Foundation
Nancy Krueger; ADRC of Calumet, Outagamie, Waupaca Counties
Looking for a dinner group on Tuesday night? We will have a sign-up available at the registration table if anyone is interested in joining us for dinner at a restaurant to be determined at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday.
Wednesday June 13 ∙ 9:00 - 2:30
7:45 - 9:00 Networking Breakfast / Registration / Exhibit Booths
Breakfast Table Focus Groups (Marquette Ballroom A)
Sure Step: Existing Sure Step trainers and evaluators; time to collaborate.
Moderator: Alice Schwalbe, Sure Step Master Trainer, ADRC of Kenosha County
Stepping On: Tips on finding guest experts and how to organize a workshop.
Moderator: Anne Hvizdak, WI Department of Health Services, Office on Aging
Health Care Transitions: Come to share stories, activities, and have questions answered.
Moderator: Sharon Beall, WI Dept. of Health Services, Office for Resource Center Development
Living Well: Join this follow-up Q&A session to boost your workshop participation.
Moderators: Harvey Padek, Living Well Master Trainer, Wisconsin Arthritis Program
Jennifer Lefeber, Living Well Master Trainer, Milwaukee County Department on Aging
CAARN – MedWise CAARN Network: Discussion on MedWise
Moderator: Betty Chewning, UW-Madison School of Pharmacy
A pilot intervention aimed at increasing communication between older adults and their pharmacists, hear updates from the MedWise intervention program pilot (currently being done in Portage County) and next step plans for further implementation and research within WI Aging Network.This session will be informal and presenters look forward to hearing your feedback and questions regarding this exciting project.
9:00 - 9:45 Welcome: Jane Mahoney, Stepping On Research Updates (Marquette Ballroom A)
Jane Mahoney, MD, Associate Professor, Geriatrics, Department of Medicine, UW School of Medicine and Public Health / Executive Director, Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging
Dr. Mahoney will share the results of Wisconsin’s statewide Stepping On implementation evaluation, as well as results of the Stepping On CDC research grant.
9:45 - 10:30 General Session: The Importance of Reducing Sedentary Behavior in Older Adults (Marquette Ballroom A)
Lisa Colbert, Ph.D., MPH, Associate Professor, Dept. of Kinesiology, UW-Madison
It is becoming increasingly understood that too much sitting, also known as sedentary behavior, contributes to poor health, regardless of how much exercise one gets.This session will discuss emerging research on physical activity versus sedentary behavior and how this can affect older adults and their health.Also, learn about an emerging project within WI Aging Network that will provide valuable information which may change the way we address sedentary behavior and exercise among older adults. If we can demonstrate that simply not sitting more has similar effects as exercising more, we have the potential to have a huge impact on the health of older adults in Wisconsin, and beyond.
10:30 - 10:45 Break / Exhibit Booths
10:45 - 12:00 Breakout Sessions
Round Robin Sessions: Register for Two Sessions
Each session will last 20 minutes with 10 minutes for questions and answers. After questions are answered, there will be 5 minutes to move to the next second session.
Room 1 (K/L - Nicolet Room)
K. Tomando Control de Su Salud
Adalia Jansen, Tomando Master Trainer
Saúl Juárez Aguilar, Health Promoter Program Advisor, ProHealth Care
During the recent ARRA grant, the Tomando Control de Su Salud program has seen tremendous growth and is now available in 7 counties. This is a session to learn about the Tomando Control program and for Tomando leaders to join in the discussion.
L. Diabetes Self-Management Program from Network Health Plan
Jan Cobia and Sarah Krause, Diabetes Self-Management Master Trainers, NHP
Learn more about Network Health Plan's innovative approach to assist commercial members with the unique challenges of diabetes.Members are rewarded twice-yearly for achieving key diabetesbenchmarks. Additional rewards for attending Living Well with Diabetes or Living Well with Chronic Conditions are given as well. Learn about the differences between Living Well with Chronic Conditions and Living Well with Diabetes.
Room 2 (M/N - Marquette Ballroom C)
M. Arthritis Self-Help Program
TeAngelo Cargile Jr., Arthritis Toolkit Outreach Coordinator, Wisconsin Arthritis Program, Milwaukee Area Health Education Center
The Arthritis Toolkit is a Stanford evidence-based program that focuses on helping those with arthritis better manage their pain. The toolkit is an independent program allowing participants to create an individualized plan to focus on their specific needs.
N. Gardening and Arthritis
Bill Wright, Organic Learning Center, Brown County UW-Extension, Wisconsin Arthritis Action Council Chair
Gardening is one of America’s most popular hobbies but pain and stiffness form arthritis can act as a deterrent. Through stretches, proper body mechanics, adaptive tools and techniques, the Gardening and Arthritis Program allows participants to reduce joint stress and pain while gardening. A pilot study has shown promising results but is only the first step in establishing this as an evidence-based program.
Room 3 (O/P - Marquette Ballroom B)
O. Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program
Alison Eschweiler, Health Promotion Coord., Arthritis Foundation, Upper Midwest Region Angie Knutson, Exercise Program Instructor, Appleton Parks and Recreation Department
This program features gentle, joint-safe exercises developed specifically for people with arthritis to help relieve stiffness, decrease arthritis pain, and improve balance.Interactive health education lessons and stress-reducing relaxation techniques to help participants better manage their arthritis.This session will simulate an AFEP with participation by attendees.
P. Taking Care of You: Powerful Tools for Caregivers
Deb Brunner, Powerful Tools Master Trainer, Bethany Services
The most important thing we can do for ourselves and for the person or people we care for is to take care of ourselves.We want to thrive, not just survive. One tool for thriving is being able to recognize and manage stress; if we don’t it will be hard to do anything else.
Room 4 (Q/R - Lewis Clark Room)
Q. Winnebago County Falls Coalition
Barb Wolf, RN, Public Health Nurse
Teresa Paulus, RN, PHN, Winnebago County Health Department
The coalition has developed a vision/mission and goals and has started work on a Winnebago County Fall Resource Guide. Learn about how the county brought a wide range of partners together to address falls-related issues.
R. HomeMeds: A Homebound Medication Screening Tool
Shannon Rhode, Health Promotions Program Coordinator, ADRC of Adams, Green Lake, Marquette, and Waushara Counties
Implemented in Wisconsin in 2010 through the Greater Wisconsin Agency on Aging Resources, the ADRC of Adams, Green Lake, Marquette, and Waushara Counties was one of the recipients of the HomeMeds grant. HomeMeds is the only evidence-based medication management system developed by Partners in Care Foundation and recognized by the Administration on Aging.
Room 5 (S - LaSalle Room)
S. CAARN: Discussion on the Importance of Reducing Sedentary Behavior in Older
Adults (Limited to 30 participants)
Lisa Colbert, Ph.D., MPH, Associate Professor, Dept. of Kinesiology, UW-Madison
Facilitator: Jill Ballard, CAARN Research Associate, GWAAR OAA Consultant
12:15 - 2:00 Lunch (Marquette Ballroom A)
General Session Lunchtime Discussion (Marquette Ballroom A)
Better Together: The Future of State Public Health-Coordinated Chronic-Disease Programming (Marquette Ballroom A)
Sherri Ohly, Wisconsin Arthritis Program
Pam Geis, Wisconsin Diabetes Prevention and Control Program
Katherine Vaughn-Jehring, Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Division of Public Health
The CDC has been encouraging programs focusing on chronic disease within state health departments to work together to coordinate services. The Wisconsin Department of Health Services has been working toward this goal before it was a directive from the CDC. What will be happening in your community that could be used as a positive marketing tool for your workshops?