Physiotherapy Department
Ariel University
Ariel, Israel
Tamar Jacob,Ph.D
Personal Details
Name: Tamar Jacob
Place of birth: Israel
Regular military service (dates): 1970-1971
Address and telephone number at work: Physiotherapy Department, Ariel University, Ariel 03-90666753.
Address and telephone number at home: Rakafot St. 9, Even-Yehuda, 40500; 09-8997646.
- Registered physiotherapist, 1974. Physiotherapy school, Wingate institute, Netanya
- Bachelor degree (BA) in education and Israel studies. 1982.BarIlanUniversity, Ramat Gan. Teaching certificate.
- Masters of public health (MPH), 1993. HebrewUniversity, Hadassah School of Public Health and Community Medicine, Jerusalem.
Thesis subject: New health problems among post-polio survivors - A community based cross sectional survey.
- PhD, 2002. HebrewUniversity, Hadassah School of Public Health and CommunityMedicine, Jerusalem.
Thesis subject: A community based study of low Back Pain prevalence, outcomes
and predictors. Conducted by Prof. Leon Epstien.
Academic Employment History
- 2014- Today: Head of Master's degree program, Physiotherapy Department.
- 2011- 2014: Ariel University, senior lecturer, Physiotherapy Department.
- 2007-present - Senior lecturer, Physiotherapy Department, Ariel University
- 2006-2011: Ariel University Centre of Samaria, Head of Physiotherapy Department
- 2000 - 2005: The College of Judea and Samaria, Physiotherapy Department.Deputy Director, Lecturer, Academic coordinator(Established the department).
- 1991- 2005: ZinmanCollege of Physical Education and Sport Sciences at the Wingate Institute, Netania. Lecturer, Pedagogic instructors.
- 1995-1997: TelAvivUniversity, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Physiotherapy department, Tel Aviv, Israel.
Lecturer. Clinical affiliation coordinator.
- 1983 – 1988: Physiotherapy school, Wingate institute, Netanya, Lecturer.
ClinicalEmployment History
- 2004- Instructor of adapted physical activity group for Post-Polio subjects.
- 1999: Lewinstein Rehabilitation Centre, Physiotherapy Department.
Physiotherapist, Consultations on neurological rehabilitation.
- 1994 – 1998: Asaf-Harofe Medical Centre, Post-polio outpatient Clinic.
- 1992 – 1993: Meir Hospital, Geriatric Department. Research Assistant, Physiotherapist.
- 1988-1989: Bait Izi Shapiro, center for children with developmental disabilities, physiotherapist.
- 1984-1990: Clalit HMO home-care unit, physiotherapist (part-time)
- 1978-1982: Lewinstein Rehabilitation Center, physiotherapist, chief clinical instructor.
- 1976-1978: Lewinstein Rehabilitation Center,physiotherapy in charge, Neurological Rehabilitation Department physiotherapy department.
- 1974-1976: Lewinstein Rehabilitation Center, physiotherapist.
Professional Activities
Membership in professonal Organization
- 1990-Today: Israeli Physical Therapy Association
- 2014-Today: Member of the advisory committee of the National Council of Physical therapy in Israel for "Expertise in Physical therapy".
- 2013 – Today: Editor in Chief - The Journal of the Israeli Physiotherapy Society.
- 2008-2010: Member of the National Council of Physical therapy in Israel
- 2009 -2012: Member of The Journal of the Israeli Physiotherapy Society editorial board.
Membership in Organizational Committies (Ariel University)
2007-2008: Member of computers commitee
2008-2009- Member of Library commitee
2010-2014: Member of Ethical Committee
Educational activities
Courses taught- Past:
- Physiotherapy for the neurological patient
- Physiotherapy for the rheumatic patient
- Sport and recreation for the disabled
- Aging of the human movement system
- Adapted physical activity
- Rehabilitation techniques and ADL
- Multidisciplinary rehabilitation
- Traumatic Brain Injuries
- Statistics and research methods
- Research seminar
- Scientific writing and bibliographic searching
- Therapeutic exercises
- Movement education and group exercises
- Problem Based Learning (PBL)
Research students
2006-2007: RefaeliNoa, master thesis, Tel Aviv University.
Thesis: Efficiency of ergonomic intervention to reduce upper-limb work-related musculoskeletal symptoms in office environment.
2012- The Implications and Influence of the National Health Care Law and the Law for Health Care Practitioners on public Physiotherapy Services in Israel.A grant awarded by the Israel National Institute for Health Policy and Health Services Research. (27,000 NIS)
Fellowships: 2008- Physiotherapy Department, Melbourne University, Australia.
Scientific Publications
Jacob T, Yaretzki A. Physical Activity for subjects with neuromuscular diseases. (Review). Hrefua 1993; 124:162-24. (Hebrew).
Jacob T, Yaretzki A. Physical Activity for subjects with Osteoporosis. (Review). Hrefua 1993; 123:541-5. (Hebrew).
Jacob T, Donchin , Levental A. Late health problems among Post Polio survivors in Jerusalem. Hrefua 1995; 128:477-81. (Hebrew).
Shapira A, Jacob T, Haness D. Muscle soreness syndrome. (Review). Hrefua 1998; 134:212-5. (Hebrew).
Yaretzk A, Raviv S, Jacob T, Netz Y, Lao M, Finkeltov B. Ipsilateral upper and lower extremities response-time of post-stroke patients. Clin Rehab 1994;8:293-300. (ISI; IF-2.123)
Yaretzki A, Raviv S, Netz Y, and Jacob T. Primary visual memory of post-stroke patients as revealed by the GEMAT test. Dis and Rehab 1995; 17:293-7. (ISI; IF-1.992)
Netz Y, Yaretzki A, Salganik I, Jacob T, Finkeltov B, Argov E. The effect of supervised physical activity on cognitive and affective state of geriatric and psychogeriatric in-patients. ClinGerontol1994; 15:47-56. (Citation no. 14)
Netz Y, Jacob T. Exercise and psychological state of Institutionalized elderly: a Review. Perception and Motor Skills 1993; 79:1107-18. (IF-0.45)
Jacob T, Hutzler Y. Sports-medical assessment for athletes with a disability. Dis and Rehab 1998; 20:116-9. (ISI; IF-1.992)
Jacob T, Baras M, Zeev A, and Epstien L. Reliability of a set of LBP related measurement tools. Arch Phys Med Rehab 2000; 82: 735-41. (ISI; IF-1.6)
Jacob T, Zeev A, and Epstein L. (2003). Low back pain - A community-based study of care-seeking and therapeutic effectiveness. Dis and Rehab, 25: 67-77. (ISI; IF-1.992)
Jacob T, Baras M, Zeev A, and Epstein L. Physical activities pattern and low back pain – A community based study. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2004;36:9-15. (ISI; IF-3.71)
Jacob T, Baras M, Zeev A, and Epstein L. A longitudinal, community based study of low back pain outcomes. Spine 2004;29:1810-7. (ISI; IF- 2.078)
Jacob T. ICF- A new model for the classification of function and health. JIPTS 2005; 2: 24-28. (Hebrew)
Jacob T, Zeev A, and Epstein L. Are localized LBP and generalized LBP similar entities? – Results of a longitudinal community based study. Dis & Rehabil. 2006; 28:369-77. (ISI; IF-1.992)
Jacob T. Low back pain incidence – A community based study. Spine J 2006; 6:306-10. (ISI; IF- 3.29)
Sataph J, Jacob T. A new scale for exercise performance evaluation. JIPTS, 2007;8:10-8. (Hebrew)
Jacob T. The need, justification and guidance for case studies. JIPTS, 2008;10:3-5. (Hebrew)
Jacob T. Stress and sources of stress among physiotherapy students. JIPTS, 2009;12:3-9. (Hebrew)
Bracha J, Jacob T. Using exercise classes to reduce lymphoedema.Journal of Lymphedoema 2010; 5:46-56. (Citation no. 8)
Jacob T. Shapira A. Quality of Life and health conditions reported from two Post-Polio Clinics in Israel. JRM.2010; 42:377-9. (ISI; IF- 2.376)
Jacob T, Shor F. Reading Habits of Undergraduate Physiotherapy Students. JIPTS, 2010;12:9-17. (Hebrew)
Jacob T, Davidovitch N. Physical Therapy graduate's work integration and satisfaction with job and academic training – Results of alumni survey: 2004-2009. JIPTS 2010;12: 22-8. (Hebrew)
Davidovitch N, Jacob T. Where is the line dividing between academe and the field?The Relationship between Academe and Practice in a Physical Therapy Program at the Ariel University Center of Samaria. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IJHSS) 2011;1:14-27. (IF- 0.981)
Jacob T, Gummesson C, Remedios L, El-Ansary D, Nordmark E, and Webb G. Sources of stress among physiotherapy students: A cross-cultural perspective. Journal of Physical Therapy Education, Fall 2012;26 (3):57-65. (IF- 1.581)
Davidovitch N, and Jacob T. Academe and the field: A case study of a physical therapy program. Int J Disabil Hum Dev 2012; 261-11(3):1231-2191. (ISI; IF- 0.3)
Jacob T. Ben Izhak E. Raz O. Stress among health-care students – a cross disciplinary perspective. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 2012. (ISI; IF- In 2016)
Jacob T. The Implementation of the International Classification of Function and Health (ICF) in Israeli Rehabilitation Centres – The case of physiotherapy. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 2013:29:536-546. (ISI; IF-in 2016)
JacobT,Bruill M, Cahana C. Physiotherapy services for people with developmental disabilities from a legal perspective. International Journal of Disability & Human Development2014:13:121-140. (IF- 0.3)
Jacob T. Garama Y, Patana R. Parag A. Regulation of physical therapy services in Israel-View of national directors. Journal of Israeli Physical Therapy Society 2014;15:15-22. (Hebrew).
Jacob T, Silberstein I. Assimilation of the Patient Rights Law and Code of Ethics into Israeli Physical Therapy Practice and Services.International Journal of Allied Health Science 2014;12:1540-580.
Jacob T. Adapting group exercises for post-polio survivors. Journal of Israeli Physical Therapy Society 2014;16:23-33. (Hebrew)
Jacob T. Vision of Israeli Physical Therapy National Directors. International Journal of Disability & Human Development 2014.ISSN (Online) 2191-0367, ISSN (Print) 2191-1231,DOI:10.1515/ijdhd-2013-0038.(IF- 0.3)
Jacob T. Strengths and weaknesses of physical therapy services in Israel- Perception of physical therapy national directors. Journal of Israeli Physical Therapy Society, 2014;16(3):11-27. (Hebrew).
Jacob T, Parag A. Equality, accessibility, and availability of physical therapy services in Israel. Health Policy 2015;119: 990-997. (ISI; IF-1.923).
Jacob T. Diving modification for Post-Polio survivors – Three case studies.Palaestra 2015; 29(2):15-18.
Accepted for publication
Jacob T. Exercise group modification for Post-Polio survivors – Three case studies. Palaestra 2015.
Jacob T, Einstein O.Stress among physical therapy students during clinical affiliations and academic achievements– Results of a longitudinal study. International Journal of Allied Health Science2016.
Submitted for publication
Jacob T, Einstein O. Academic achievements, perceived stress, admission data and socio-demographic background among physical therapy students. 2015.
Hutzler Y. Jacob T. Almosny Y. & Bergman U. Including children with disabilities in the classroom: A teacher training module. Tel Aviv, MOFET, The Institute for Research and Development of the Colleges for Education. 2001.[Hebrew]
Lotan M, Jacob T, Kozol Z. A guideline for Activities of Daily Living. 2013. Ariel University press.
Chapters in books
Jacob T. Accessibility and mobility limitations. In: The accessibility of the Israeli society for persons with disability on the threshold of the 21st century. D. Feldman, Y Daniely-Lahav, S. Haimovitz Eds. The Governmental Advertising Agency, The State of Israel. 2007; 783-804. (Hebrew).
Davidovitch, NJacobT. Satisfaction with academic training: A case study of aphysical therapy program. InUniversity and College students: Health andDevelopment Issues for the Leaders of Tomorrow. Edited by D. T. L. Shek, R. Sun and J. Merrick. (2013). NY: Nova Science. Chapter 6.
Lectures and Presentations at Meetings and Invited Seminars
not Followed by Published Proceedings
- May 2015 - Academic achievements, perceived stress, admission data and socio-demographic background among physical therapy students. The 14th Israeli Physiotherapy conference.
- February 2015- Adapted, exercise group for Post-Polio survivors. Haifa University conference. Invited lecture.
- June 2014- Diving modificationsfor Post-Poliosurvivors – Threecasestudies. Second European Post-Polio conference, Amsterdam.
- May 2012- The Implementation of ICF in rehabilitation frameworks in Israel – The case of Physical Therapy. The 12th Israeli Physiotherapy conference.
- September 2011 - Stress and sources of stress among physiotherapy students enrolled in three universities. Ariel University Centre of Samaria.
- June 2011 - Stress and sources of stress among physiotherapy students enrolled in three universities. The WCPT 16th International Congress, Amsterdam.
- May 2011- Sources of stress among physiotherapy students: A cross-cultural perspective. The 11th Israeli Physiotherapy conference.
- Nov. 2009 – Health condition and quality of life among Post-Polio Survivors in Israel. The 60th National Congress of the Israeli Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Society.
- May 2007 – ICF core set for stroke patients and the evaluation of its validity. A conference held by The Israeli Physiotherapy Society.
- June 2006 – The implementation of ICF model among PT students. -The 4rd Mediterranean Congress of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Portugal).
- June 2005 – ICF – A new classification of function and health among children. The Israeli national meeting of the NDT
- Mach 2005 –Case study of Post Polio Subject using the ICF model. The 5th National Congress of The Israeli Physiotherapy Society.
- Nov. 2004 – ICF – A new classification of function and health. The 55th National Congress of The Israeli Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Society.
- June 2003 – Changes in and validity of perception of therapeutic effectiveness among LBP subjects. The 14th Congress of the WCPT (Barcelona)
- May 2003 –Outcome of Low Back Pain – results of a longitudinal community based study. The 3th National Congress of The Israeli Physiotherapy Society.
- September 2000 – A community based study of low back pain – results of a cross-sectional survey. The 3rd Mediterranean Congress of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Athena).
- June 2000 – Low back pain – prevalence and risk factors. The 4th National Congress of The Israeli Pain society.
- May 1998 – New tools to evaluate Low Back Pain. The 14th Congress of The Israeli Physiotherapy Organization.
- June 1996 – A model for assessment of disabled athletes. The 4th National Congress of Sports For The Disabled
- December 1995 – Evaluation of Tel-Aviv university physiotherapy curriculum. The 13th National Congress of The Israeli Physiotherapy Organization
- June 1995 – Physical activity for Post Polio survivors. An international congress of Sport and Physical Activity - EISEP.
- December 1994 –Changes in leisure activities and in health condition among sheltered home's residences. The 12th National Congress of The Israeli Society of Gerontology
- April 1993 – Post polio syndrome. The 9th National Congress of The Israeli Physiotherapy Organization
- May 1992 – Late health problems among Post-Polio survivors. The 2nd National Congress of Sports For The Disabled. Wingate institute, Netania.
- September 1987 – Physicians referral of Ankylosis Spondylitis patients to physiotherapy. An International Congress of Rheumatology. Jerusalem.
Reviewed articles of the following journals
Disability and Rehabilitation.
Neuro-rehabilitation & Neural Repair
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
The Israel Physical Therapy Society Journal
Review of thesis and dissertation
- 2008: PhD thesis – Haifa University
- 2012, 2013: Masters' thesis – The Academic College at Wingate, Netanya
Professional courses
course / hours / yearMedical screening
Biostatistics course (GCP)
The Art and Science of Medical Screening for Physician Referral.
Good Clinical Practice Fundamentals (GCP)
Exercise is Medicine / 8
16 / 2014
Sabbatical, visiting fellow at the PT Department, Melbourne Uni. Australia / 2008-9
To milk Google / 8 / 2006
Training workshop for the application of the ICF in rehabilitation and the WHO international ICF Core Sets validation study / 15 / 2006
Clinical Rehabilitation (The Shoulder, Tendinopathies, LBP) / 40 / 2006
Pilates training course / 15 / 2005
Pilates instructors / 60 / 2004
Dependence evaluation for National Insurance / 42 / 2003
Neurological rehabilitation / 40 / 1995
PC courses: Windows, ExcelWord,Internet,PPt / 1996-4
Neural tissue movement / 15 / 1993
The Bobath concept - advance techniques / 25 / 1984
Clinical instructors in Physiotherapy – Part B / 40 / 1981
Treatment of the neurological patient – The Bobath concept / 130 / 1980
Mobilization of peripheral joints – Kaltenborn method. / 44 / 1979
Mobilization of spine – Kaltenborn method. / 38 / 1978
Mobilization of spine – Maitland method / 54 / 1976
Clinical instructors in Physiotherapy - Part A / 70 / 1976
ד"ר תמר יעקב 27.5.2015