Hebrews 4-10 Page 9
A. Better Priesthood (4:14-7:28).
1. The fact of His priesthood (4:14-16).
2. His qualifications (5:1-10).
3. Third warning: Dangers of immaturity & apostasy (5:11-6:20).
4. His priestly order: Melchizedek (7:1-28).
B. Better Covenant (8:1-13).
1. A better covenant (8:1-6).
2. A new covenant (8:7-13).
C. Better Tabernacle & Sacrifice (9:1-10:18).
1. Old sanctuary & sacrifice (9:1-10).
2. New sanctuary & sacrifice (9:11-10:18).
1. What have we studied so far that shows Jesus can understand our infirmities &
weaknesses (4:14-15)? Why is this important in Him as our High Priest?
2. What sets Jesus apart from all others who claim to be great spiritual leaders
3. Based upon what Jesus has done, what can we do "with boldness" (4:16)?
HEBREWS 5:1-10
4. From whom is every high priest taken (5:1)? Why (5:1-3)?
5. For whom does he offer sacrifices & sins (5:1, 3)?
6. How was anyone ever appointed to be a high priest (5:4)?
7. What two statements show that Jesus was appointed by God (5:5-6)? When
was he appoint? After what priestly order?
8. (T) (F) When Jesus faced death, He was not concerned or fearful of what was
happening (5:7).
9. What caused Jesus' prayers to be heard (5:7)?
10. Considering what Jesus prayed for (Matt. 26:39), and that He was still
crucified, was His prayer answered? Explain.
11. Since God knows all things & is perfect, in what way did Jesus "learn"
obedience & "become" perfect (5:8-9)?
12. To who is Jesus the author of eternal salvation (5:9)? How is this
HEBREWS 5:11 - 6:20
13. While the inspired writer wanted to say more about Christ's Melchizedek
priesthood, why would it be hard for them to understand (5:11)?
14. (T) (F) There is a time when God expects spiritual "babes" to be spiritual
"men" (5:12).
15. What does chapter 5:11-14 tell us about how to become mature spiritually?
16. What are WE to press on to (6:1)?
17. Explain the following & how they are "the first principles of Christ" (6:1-2):
A. Repentance from dead works -
B. Faith toward God -
C. The teaching of baptisms -
D. Laying on of hands -
E. Resurrection of the dead -
F. Eternal judgment -
18. .Your friend views the ones who "fell away" in 6:4-6 as those who were never
"true believers". Is he right or wrong? Explain.
19. What do these mean?
a. Enlightened (6:4)
b. Heavenly gift (6:4)
c. Partaker of the Holy Spirit (6:4)
d. Taste that the word of God is good (6:4)
e. Partaker of the powers of the age to come (6:5)
20. (T) (F) If you "taste" of the heavenly gift, you are not truly a full partaker of it
(6:4-5). Explain.
21. When is it "impossible to renew them again unto repentance" (6:6)?
22. How do verses 7-8 fit with this point?
23. Though the inspired writer speaks pointedly about sin and it's consequences,
what is he persuaded of (6:9)?
24. Of what was God mindful regarding these Christians (6:10)?
25. How long should we continue such behavior (6:11-12)?
26. (T) (F) The inspired writer thought it was enough that "some of you" show this
same diligence unto the end (6:11).
27. What qualities should we imitate in those who inherit the promises (6:9-12)?
28. How should we view spiritual sluggishness in our brethren (6:12)?
a. It is none of our business.
b. We would be a busy body to interfere.
c. It is better than "driving them away."
d. We should warn them against it.
29. What promise did Abraham receive (6:13-15)?
30. Is it always sinful to swear oaths & make promises (6:13, 16-18)? If not, then
when is it sinful to swear (6:16; Matt. 5:33-37; 23:16-22)?
31. Why did God swear an oath here (6:17)? This and what other fact give us
"strong encouragement" (6:18)?
32. Describe the role the hope plays in our lives (6:18-19). Where is our "anchor"
of hope cast (6:19-20)?
33. For whom is Jesus a "forerunner" (6:19-20)?
HEBREWS 7:1-10
Melchizedek Priesthood / Aaronic Priesthood / Christ's PriesthoodNo priestly genealogy Heb. 7:1-3 / Priestly genealogy
Ex. 28:1; Num. 20:232f / No priestly genealogy
Heb. 7:3
Not Levitical
Heb. 7:6, 11 / Levitical
1 Chron. 6:1-3 / Not Levitical
Heb. 7:11, 13-14
King and Priest
Heb. 7:1 / No kings were priests
1 Chron. 6:1-3;
Gen. 38:29; Ruth 4:18-22 / King and Priest
Zech. 6:13; Heb. 8:1;
Rev. 1:5; Acts 2:30
Heb. 7:3 / Hindered by death
Heb. 7:8, 12, 23 / Continuing
Heb. 7:3, 8, 25
One priest Heb. 7:1-4 / Many priests Heb. 7:23 / One priest Heb. 7:23-24
Without oath Heb. 7:21 / With God's oath Heb. 7:21
A sinner Heb. 7:28 / Sinless Heb. 7:26
Sacrifices for self and for people Heb. 5:2-3; 7:27 / Offered for people only Heb. 7:27
Goat and calf blood
Heb. 9:12 / His own blood
Heb 7:27; 9:12
Repeated daily & annually
Heb 5:27; 9:25; 10:1 / Once for all
Heb 5:27; 9:12
No forgiveness
Heb 7:11, 18f; 9:9; 10:1-4 / Eternal redemption
Heb. 9:12
On earth
Heb 8:4 / In Heaven
Heb. 6:20; 8:4; 9:24
Man made tabernacle
Ex. 25:8-9 / God made house
Heb. 8:2; 10:21-22
34. What dual position did Melchizedek have (7:1; Gen. 14:18)? When did he
meet Abraham (7:1)?
35. What did he do to Abraham (7:1)? What did Abraham give him (7:2)?
36. What do the words "Melchizedek" and "King of Salem" mean (7:2)?
37. (T) (F) Melchizedek literally had no father or mother, no ancestors, no
beginning or end (7:3).
38. How is Melchizedek seen as the TYPE of Christ's priesthood (7:3)?
39. What evidence is given to show that the priestly order of Melchizedek was is
greater than the Levitical order (7:4-10)?
HEB. 7:11-28
40. How do we know that the Levitical priesthood was not perfect (7:11)?
41. What had to happen in order for the priesthood to be changed from the
sons of Aaron to Melchizedek (7:11-14)?
42. Why must the law itself change in order for the Lord to be a priest (7:12-14)?
What principle of authority would require this?
43. To what does the priesthood after the "carnal commandment" refer (7:16)?
How is Christ's priesthood better (7:16-17)?
44. In what way was the Old Law "weak" and "unprofitable" (7:18-19;
Rom. 8:2-3)? What was done to it because of this?
45. What is the "better hope" that we no have (7:19)?
46. What further evidence is give that shows Christ's priesthood is greater than
Aaron's (6:20-21)?
47. By the same oath that made Him priest, His also made the " ______of a
better ______" (7:22).
48. Why were the priests under the Old Law "many in number" (7:23)? In
contrast, why is Jesus' priesthood unchangeable (7:24)?
49. Because of this, what is He able to do (7:25)?
50. In contrast to the daily sacrifices under the old law, how is Jesus superior
51. Because the priests were not perfect, what did they have to do, that Jesus
did not (7:27)?
52. Your Mormon friend tells you that the Levitical priesthood and the
Melchezidek priesthood have been restored to men and brought
together through Joseph Smith. He also claims to be one who possesses both of these priesthoods. How would you help him see the truth?
HEBREWS 8:1-13
53. In all tyhat the Hebrew writer is saying, what is the "chief point" (8:1-2)?
Also, what dual role does Jesus have (8:1; Zech. 6:13)?
54. How is His tabernacle better than the one under the Old Law (8:2)?
55. Why could Jesus not be a priest upon the earth (8:4)? How does this affect
premillenial doctrine?
56. How are the things of the Old Law described as compared to the New
(8:4-5)? What scripture testifies to this fact (8:5)?
57. How do we know that "keeping patterns" was not just for those under the Old
Law (8:5)?.
58. Describe the ways in which His ministry is "more excellent" than old one (8:6).
59. How many covenants are under consideration here (8:7)? How does this
affect the doctrine that there is only "one eternal covenant"?
60. What are some examples of the "better promises" of the New Covenant
61. Where was this change of covenants prophecied of (8:8)?
62. Why would there be a change FROM the one where God led them by the
hand out of Egypt (8:9)?
63. (T) (F) The New Covenant is a law (8:10).
64. Instead of being written on stones, where would the New Law be written
(8:10)? Is this true of you?
65. Under the Old Law, infants were circumcised and later taught to know God.
How is the New Law different (8:10b-11)?
66. How does this (8:11) expose the error of infant baptism?
67. In contrast to the faults of the Old Law (7:18-19), what does the New Law
provide (8:12)?
68. What does talking about a "new covenant" imply about the previous
covenant (8:13)?
69. At the time this letter was written, was the Old Law still in effect? What does
it mean that the first covenant was "becoming old" and "nigh unto
vanishing away" (8:13)?
HEBREWS 9:1-10
70. (T) (F) The first covenant was purely a fleshly covenant, it taught nothing
71. Consider the following items in the tabernacle chart. Explain their purpose &
what they represent (9:2-5).
1. Altar of burnt offering
2. Brazen laver
3. Golden lamp stand (Ex. 25:37; 27:20)
4. Table of showbread (Ex. 25:30; Lev. 24:5-9)
5. Altar of incense (Luke 1:9-10; Rev. 5:8)
6. The second veil (Ex. 26:33)
7. Ark of the covenant (Ex. 25:16)
8. The mercy seat above the ark (Ex. 25:22; Heb. 9:5; Rom. 3:25)
9. Pot of manna (Ex. 16:32-34; Deut. 8:3)
10. Aaron's rod that budded
(Num. 17:1-11)
11. Tables of the covenant (Ex. 24:12;
Deut. 10:1-5)
72. Into what part of the temple did the high priest alone enter once a
year, with blood (9:6-7)? For what purpose?
73. What did the holy Spirit signify by this (9:8-9)?
74. What happened to the inner veil at Christ's death (Mt. 27:51;
Mk. 15:38)? What did this signify?
75. What did this fact teach about the effectiveness of the O.T. sacrifices
76. When is the "time of reformation" (9:10)?
HEBREWS 9:11-22
77. Christ, our high priest, has entered through the greater more perfect
tabernacle (9:11). Where has he gone?
78. If He has obtained "eternal redemption", why is "once saved always
saved" NOT true (9:12)?
79. In what way did the blood of goats & bulls sanctify the people (9:13)?
80. What does the blood of Christ cleans (9:14)? What are we cleansed
FROM and for what purpose?
81. How is Christ described here (9:14-15)?
82. How effective was His death (9:15)?
83. In order for a will or a testament to be in effect, what must happen
84. Based on this principle, when did the command to be baptized for
the remission of sins come into effect?
a. While Christ lived. d. When He was buried.
b. When He was nailed to the cross. e. When He arose.
c. When Jesus died on the cross. f. When He ascended.
85. Give 2 examples of where Jesus forgave sins BEFORE the New Law
was in force.
86. What did Jesus do by His death that was like what Moses did by the
blood of calves & goats (9:18-22)?
87. Since "the book" of the New Law was sprinkled by the blood of Christ,
how should we view it (9:18)? If the book does not speak of it, how
should we view it?
88. Since "the people" of the New Law were sprinkled by the blood of
Christ, how should we view them (9:18; Acts 20:28; Rev. 5:9-10)?
HEBREWS 9:23-28
89. Why was it necessary for the copies to be sanctified by the sacrifice &
blood of animals (9:23-24)?
90. Why was it necessary for the heavenly things to be sanctified by the
blood of Christ (9:23-24)?
91. IF Christ's sacrifice was NOT better than those of the Old Law, how
often would He have had to suffer (9:25-26)?
92. (T) (F) It is appointed unto men to repeatedly die and be
reincarnated so that they may work their way to perfection.
93. (T) (F) It is appointed unto men once to die, then to go to their
second chance in purgatory where they can "burn away"
their imperfections.
94. (T) (F) Christ continues to be offered in a "bloodless sacrifice"
every time we partake of the Lord's Supper.
95. How & why will Christ appear "the second time" (9:28)?
HEBREWS 10:1-18
96. What can the "shadow" not do for those who draw near to the "very
image" (10:1)?
97. If we have "consciousness of sin", what must not have happened in us
98. What did the O. T. Sacrifices do "year by year" (10:3)? Why (10:4)?
99. Why did God take no pleasure in sacrifices & offerings of the Old Law
(10:5-10)? What did Jesus do that "pleased" or satisfied God?
100. Again, what can ALL the O.T. sacrifices combined NEVER do (10:11)?
101. How does the fact that Jesus offered one sacrifice & then sat down
show the greatness & all sufficiency of His sacrifice (10:12-14)?
102. Explain what it means that we are "perfected forever" by His sacrifice
(10:14). Does this teach once saved always saved?
103. How does the Holy Spirit bear witness to these things (10:15-17)?
104. Once there is ______of sin, there is no more a need for an
______for that sin (10:18).