Sargodha University Date Sheet M.A/M.Sc Part-I/Composite 2nd Annual Examination 2015
Time 2:00 pm to 05:00 pm
Written Examination
Note: Candidates must keep their Original National Identity Card and Roll No. Slip with them during the course of Examination failing which they would not be allowed to take the Examination
Date & Day / Subject / Paper22-03-2016Tuesday / Economics / I. Micro Economics Theory
Punjabi / I. Classici Shairi (Old Course / New Course)
Urdu / I. Urdu Ghazal (New Course)I. Classici Urdu Shairi (Old Course)
Zoology / I. Biochemistry
Botany / I. Phycology and Bryology (NewScheme/Old Scheme)
Sociology / I. Principles of Sociology
Education / I. Philosophy of Education (New Course)
Pakistan Studies / I. Muslim Nationalism in South Asia1857-1947
International Relations / I. Introduction to International Relations
Chemistry / I. Inorganic Chemistry
24-03-2016Thursday / English / I. Classical Poetry (Old / New Course)
Arabic / I. Tatbeeq-Ul-Qawaid-UL-Arabia
History / I. Research Methodology and Historiography
Islamic Studies / I. Al-Quran
Mathematics / I. Real Analysis
Social Work / I. History & Philosophy of Social Works
Psychology / I. Contemporary Schools & Perspectives in Psychology
Education / II- Introduction to Education (New Course)
Physical Education / I. Philosophy of Physical Education and Recreation
Political Science / I. Western Political Thought
Mass Communication / I. Functional Media Language (English/Urdu)
25-03-2016Friday / Economics / II Macro Economics Theory
Pakistan Studies / II. Research Methodology and Historiography
Punjabi / II. Nasar Qadam Tay Jadeed (Old Course/New Course)
Urdu / II. Urdu Adab Ki Tareekh (New Course) II. Tareekh Zaban-o- Adab Urdu (Old Course)
Zoology / II. Development Biology
Botany / II. Mycology and Plant pathology(New Scheme/Old Scheme)
Sociology / II. Sociological Theory
Education / III. Educational Psychology (New Course)
International Relations / II Theories of International Relations
Chemistry / II. Organic Chemistry
28-03-2016Monday / English / II. Drama -I (New/Old Course)
Political Science / II. Muslim Political Thought & Institutions
Arabic / II. Al- Inshao Walmuhadisa
History / II. Early History of Islam (571 – 661 )
Islamic Studies / II. Al-Hadith
Mathematics / II. Algebra
Social Work / II. Social Case Works
Psychology / II. Research Methodology and Research Designs
Education / IV Instructional Methods (New Course)
Physical Education / II. Movement Education (Basic Concepts)
Mass Communication / II. Feature, Column & Editorial Writing
Tuesday / Economics / III. Mathematical Economics
Pakistan Studies / III. Constitutional & Political Development in Pakistan 1947-2009
Punjabi / III. Deen Tay Tassawaf (Old Course / New Course)
Urdu / III Urdu ka Afsanvi Adab (New Course)III. Afsanwi Nasar Aur Drama (Old Course)
Zoology / III. Biostatistics
Botany / Page : 1/3
III. Plant Biochemistry (New Scheme / Old Scheme)
Sociology / III. Methods of Social Research
Education / V- Curriculum Development (New Course)
International Relations / III. International Relations Since 1945
Chemistry / III. Physical Chemistry
30-03-2016Wednesday / English / III. Novel ( Old Course)III. Fiction – I (New Course)
Political Science / III. Comparative and Developmental Politics
Mass Communication / III. Media History, Laws and Ethics
Arabic / III. Al- Nasar-UL-Hadith
History / III. State & Society in Muslim India 1206 – 1707
Islamic Studies / III. Comparative Study of Religions
Mathematics / III Complex Analysis and Differential Geometry
Social Work / III. Social Group Work
Psychology / III. Psychological Assessment
Education / VI – Educational Assessment and Evaluation (New Course)
Physical Education / III. Basic Anatomy and physiology
31-03-2016Thursday / Economics / IV. Statistics for Economists
Pakistan Studies / IV. Pakistan Society and Culture
Punjabi / IV Khasoosi Motalia Waris Shah (Old Course/New Course)
Urdu / IV. Tanqeed Adab Nazrya-o-Amal(New Course/ Old Course)
Zoology / IV. Cell and Molecular Biology
Botany / IV. Morphology and Anatomy of Vascular Plants ( New Scheme)V. Morphology and Anatomy of Vascular Plants (Old Scheme)
Sociology / IV. Social Statistics
Education / VII. Classroom Management (New Course)
International Relations / IV. Foreign Policy Analysis
Chemistry / IV. Industrial Process and Quality Control
01-04-2016Friday / English / IV. Prose (Old/New Course)
Mass Communication / IV. News Writing Techniques
Political Science / IV. International Relations
Arabic / IV. Al- Nasar-Ul-Qadeem
History / IV. Muslim Freedom Movement in South Asia (1858–1947)
Islamic Studies / IV. Islamic History
Mathematics / IV. Mechanics
Social Work / IV. Community Development and organization
Psychology / IV. Abnormal Psychology
Education / VIII. Communication Skills in English (New Course)
Physical Education / IV. Sports Psychology
04-04-2016Monday / Economics / V. Islamic Economics
Punjabi / V. Tareekh Adab (Old Course / New Course)
Urdu / V. Urdu Lisaniyat Aur Qawaid (New Course)V. Amli Qawaid-O-Insha (Old Course)
Zoology / V. Animal Physiology
Botany / V. Bacteriology and Virology (New Scheme)V. Genetics (Old Scheme)
Mass Communication / V. Communication Theory
Social Work / V. Social Policy & Welfare Administration
Sociology / V. Cultural Anthropology
Physical Education / V. Science of Track and Field
International Relations / V International and Regional Organizations
Pakistan Studies / V. Foreign Policy of Pakistan 1947 – 2009
Tuesday / Arabic / V. Al-Adab-Ud-Deeni (i) AL Quran Kareem (ii) Al-Hadith Un Nabbvi
Economics / VI. Major Issues in Pakistan Economy
History / V. History of Pakistan (1947 – 1999 )
Islamic Studies / V. Arabic Language & Literature
MathematicsSocial Work / V. Topology and Functional AnalysisVI. (a) Gender and Development
or (b) Criminology or (C)Human Rights
Mass Communication / VI. Research Methods
Zoology / VI. Genetics
Botany / VI. Cell and Molecular Biology (New Scheme)VI. Environmental and Conservation Biology (Old Scheme)
Psychology / V. Applied Statistics in psychology
Sociology / VI. Social Psychology
Physical Education / VI. Rules and Techniques of Games and Sports
English / V. American Literature (Old/ New Course)
Political Science / Page : 2/3
V. Ideology and Dynamics of Politics in Pakistan