Technology Integrated Lesson Plan

MEDT 3401

Name: / Angela Marasco, Rachel Smith
Lesson Plan # / 1
Classroom Configuration
1 Computer / 3-5 Computers / 6-10 Computers / 1 - 1
Design for Learning
Whole Group / Small Group / Pairs / Individual
Bloom’s Taxonomy - Levels Addressed
Knowledge / Comprehension / Application / Analysis / Synthesis / Evaluation
x / x / x / x / x / x
Lesson Title / Places in the U.S.
Subject(s) / Social Studies
Duration / 1 ½ -2 hours
·  Grade Level(s) / Fifth Grade
·  Special Needs / If a student is unable to use their hands for the lesson, they will be assisted by the teacher or another classmate. They may also partner up with another classmate for the lesson. If a student has a learning disability or an attention disorder, they will be allowed more time on the activity.
·  ELL / English Language Learners will be assisted by the teacher or with their partner.
·  Prerequisite Skills / The students will have to know how to use the internet; however the websites will be given to them. The students will have to know how to use Microsoft PowerPoint.
·  GPS and Elements / SS5G1 The student will locate important places in the United States.
a. Locate important physical features; include the Grand Canyon, Salton Sea, Great Salt Lake, and the Mojave Desert.
b. Locate important man-made places; include the Chisholm Trail; Pittsburgh, PA; Gettysburg, PA; Kitty Hawk, NC; Pearl Harbor, HI; and Montgomery, AL.
·  Objectives / a. Students will locate important physical features; include the Grand Canyon, Salton Sea, Great Salt Lake, and the Mojave Desert.
b. Students will locate important man-made places; include the Chisholm Trail; Pittsburgh, PA; Gettysburg, PA; Kitty Hawk, NC; Pearl Harbor, HI; and Montgomery, AL.
·  Teacher NETS / 1. Technology Operations and Concepts
Teachers demonstrate a sound understanding of technology operations and concepts.
A. demonstrates introductory knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts related to technology (as described in the ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Students).
2. Planning and Designing Learning Environments and Experiments
Teachers plan and design effective learning environments and experiments supported by technology.
A. design developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that apply technology-enhanced instructional strategies to support the diverse needs of learners.
3. Teaching, Learning, and the Curriculum
Teachers implement curriculum plans that include methods and strategies for applying technology to maximize student learning.
C. applies technology to develop students' higher-order skills and creativity.
4. Assessment and Evaluation
Teachers apply technology to facilitate a variety of effective assessment and evaluation strategies.
B. use technology resources to collect and analyze data, interpret results, and communicate findings to improve instructional practice and maximize student learning.
·  Student NETS / 3. Research and Information Fluency
Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information
D. process data and report results.
4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources.
A. Identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigations.
6. Technology and Operations Concepts
Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations.
A. understands and uses technology systems.
Assessment Evidence
·  Student Processing/
Products / Students will create a PowerPoint presentation describing important physical features in the United States and locating them on a map. They will also show and explain important man-made places. They will have to be creative in the development of their PowerPoint in presenting their findings.
·  Assessment Instrument / The grade will be determined by the use of a rubric. The students will have to meet all requirements fully to receive full credit. Creativity, accuracy, neatness, etc. will count.
Instructional Media
·  Materials / Microsoft PowerPoint
1 computer for each group of 2 students
·  Teacher / Microsoft PowerPoint-have it already pulled up for the students.
Websites from the internet- have a list for the students
·  Student / Microsoft PowerPoint- creation of their findings
·  Teacher URLs /
·  Student URLs /
Learning Plan
·  Hook/Motivation / The teacher will get the students attention by telling them they are going to take a trip around the U.S. Then the teacher will ask the students if they have ever been to the Grand Canyon, Great Salt Lake, Montgomery Alabama, etc, and they will tell the class a little bit about the place that they went to.
·  Connections to Previous Learning / Students can connect to this lesson because they will have already learned a little bit about Pearl Harbor and the Grand Canyon from Social Studies. They will be expanding their knowledge of these places and many more places around the United States.
·  Activities / The teacher will start out with the hook and then begin describing different physical features and man-made places in the United States. The teacher will show these places on a map on the computer. The teacher will also give a little background information about each one of these places. Then, he/she will allow time for questions.
The students will then be asked to partner up into groups. They will research information on the internet about the different places in the United States. They will have list of websites they can use to research. The students should take notes while researching on the internet. After they have completed all of their research, they will create a PowerPoint Presentation describing and explaining why these places are important. They will also have to include maps and pictures of these places on a map, so the teacher knows they can
locate the places. They should have at least two slides for each place. The teacher will come around and help the students with the computer and make sure they are staying on task.
·  Connections to Other Disciplines / This lesson integrates reading in with the Social Studies. The students will have to be able to read the information on the websites and comprehend it. This lesson also incorporates writing as well since they have to type on PowerPoint.
·  Extensions/Enrichments / If students finish early on this lesson, they should add more pictures to their PowerPoint Presentation. They can also go back and add more detailed information to their slides.