Lincoln Canoe Club

Minutes of AGM 10th January 2006

Present: Laurence Oliver (Chair), John Bannister (Minutes Sec.), Robert Guest (Treasurer), Dave Mylett (Membership Sec.), Tony Lond (Hon. Auditor), Corinne Gourlay, Andy Grimwood, Shane Harrison, Ian Richards, Jane Tonner (10)

All decisions at the meeting were passed unanimously.

The following documents are filed with these minutes:

  • Chairman’s Report (Item 4)
  • Secretary’s Report (Item 5)
  • Treasurer’s Report (Item 6)
  • Membership Secretary’s Report (Item 7)
  • Racing Manager’s Report (Item 8)
  • List of 2005 Trophy Winners (Item 11)
  • Changes to the Constitution ‘Paper B’ (Item 12)
  1. Apologies.

Peter Wright (President), Eric Cox and Catherine Mead, Jason Smith, Chas Tonner, Emma Tonner, Simon Wright.

  1. The Minutes of the 2005 AGM were circulated, approved and signed.
  2. Matters Arising. No matters arising were raised other than those covered by later items in the agenda.
  1. The Chairman thanked all present for their attendance, and then read his report.
  1. The Secretary presented his report. He had brought a lengthy communication from Rt. Hon. Douglas Hogg about Access to Rivers and invited interested members to consult it after the meeting. The Chairman thanked him for his work, commenting on effective letter writing.
  1. The Treasurer presented his report.

Questions and comments:

i)Takings for raffles were actually £409.22 + £100.78 (the latter figure being expenses). Future listings should make this clear and maximise evidence of the club’s fund-raising achievements.

ii)LO observed that there was still no bill from the University for electricity. AL asked about buildings insurance – again there had been no account from the University, indeed none since RG became Treasurer. It was observed that the terms of the lease required the club to pay for these things and that there was the possibility of accumulating bills. IR suggested a letter (with sae) to ensure that if no payment was required, we had documentation to confirm this. RG was asked to look up dates of last payments and write accordingly.

iii)Auditing of the accounts was not yet quite complete.

Action: RG/AL

LO thanked RG on behalf of all members for his continuing work.

  1. The Membership Secretary presented his report. 2005 had been the best year for recruitment since 1994, and the best for total membership since 1988. Concerns remained about retention of new members. (See below item 13) There was a continuing trend for increasing numbers of older members and relatively fewer juniors. The number of girls amongst the juniors was heartening and the club had overall approximately 35% female membership. LO observed that this was a notable achievement in relation to BCU stated aims. He thanked DM on behalf of the Club, not only for this report and for membership activities but for the vast amount of work willingly and efficiently done in organising events and general running of the club’s affairs.
  1. The Chairman presented his Team Manager and Coach’s Report, adding a verbal report of Club members Alison Bent, Andy Grimwood, Phil Wilkinson and Phil Barrett who had competed in a Quadrathlon event in Czech Republic. PW had won a bronze in the over-40s event.

JB asked if this and other reports were circulated to members not present at the meeting. DM offered to email to all members.

Action: DM

  1. The Chair was passed to the Secretary for the election of Chairperson for 2006.. Laurence Oliver was re-elected. He resumed the Chair and the following committee members were elected:

Chair & Team Manager / Laurence Oliver
Secretary. / John Bannister
Membership. Secretary / Dave Mylett
Treasurer / Robert Guest
Committee Members: / Corinne Gourlay
Andy Grimwood
Shane Harrison
Ian Richards
Jason Smith
Jane Tonner

Tony Lond had agreed to serve on the committee and it was intended to co-opt him at the next meeting of the committee on February 7th.

  1. Tony Lond was elected as Hon. Auditor.
  1. The Chairman read the list of Trophy Winners, completed since the last committee meeting. Trophies would be presented at the Annual Dinner on February 25th.
  1. Changes to the Constitution, as detailed in the accompanying documentation and including the additional proposal for 6a, were approved.
  1. As all members present would be serving on the new committee, major discussion of future plans was postponed until the next committee meeting on 7th February. It was reiterated that there was a need for a 2-star course to take on last year’s newly recruited members and lead people towards eventual coaching qualifications. This should be a priority, but should if possible not exclude provision as needed for 1-star courses for beginners. Pool sessions were again mentioned. IR would renew negotiations at Branston. JT would bring proposals to next meeting for an Egg Hunt, and a Halloween Event. RG suggested a camping weekend. DM would be able to make an events calendar (and up-date it from time to time on the web-site) once dates of races were fixed…i.e. after February.
  1. AOB:

LO reminded members about the Boat Inventory and the need to keep this accurate.

There being no other business, the meeting was closed at 2049.


Laurence Oliver, Chair