This supersedes #96-44 released August 1996, which informed you of a change in vendor for newspaper publication services as well as procedures for publishing citations in a newspaper.
On September 28, 1999, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors approved the Daily Journal Corporation as the new vendor for newspaper publication services for termination of parental rights. They will publish the citation in their “Daily Commerce” newspaper, a daily publication.
The contract calls for an electronic newspaper publication system. Daily Journal Corporation will install a printer and a PC with a modem in regional offices, including Adoptions, for direct transmitting to their newspaper. The installations will occur over the next 15 days.
- Effective October 1, 1999, CSWs shall request newspaper publications in the Daily Commerce newspaper, when preparing the DCFS 4378, Order For Publication of Citation, to the court (unless a need arises for specific geographical area or English is not the primary language of the parents).
- Upon receipt of the signed Order For Publication of Citation from the court, the CSW shall prepare the DCFS 4379, Citation.
- For publication in the Daily Commerce newspaper, the CSW shall submit the required documentation to their Regional Office Publication Clerk who will do the following:
From 10/1/99 through 10/15/99, the documents shall be faxed to the Daily
Commerce at 1-800-474-9444, Attention: Mae Ingles.
Effective 10/18/99, the computer equipment will be installed and all citation
documents shall be electronically transmitted by modem.
- For all publication requests in community-based, ethnic, foreign language, or out-of-county, state or country newspapers, one set of the Order for Publication and Citation shall be faxed to the attention of the Publication Clerk, located at DCFS headquarters, who will process the requests. The FAX number is (213) 637-0939. The Publication clerk will be responsible for faxing information to the appropriate newspaper.
- Please remember that if the CSW determined that the citation should be published in a non-English community based newspaper, the law requires that notice shall also be published in English. The procedure for publishing in the Daily Commerce shall be followed for the English language publication.
- It is the responsibility of the CSW and his/her regional management staff to determine which newspaper is most appropriate to use to notice absent parents.
- Upon completion of the publication of citation by the designated newspaper, the proof of publication is returned to the CSW who initiated the request.
NOTE: CSWs need to be alerted that the publication must be completed no later than 30 calendar days prior to the WIC 366.26 Hearing and, therefore, should promptly process the Order Of Publication once it is received from the court.
BO CONTACT: Caroline Rankin (213) 351-5501
APPROVED: ______
Renee Windsor, Acting Deputy Director