
Chapter 25 Review Guide

The Universe

1. What are the 3 types of galaxies?

2. What is the name of our own galaxy?

3. What type is our galaxy? How big is it?

4. What type of galaxy is most abundant in the universe?

5. What type of galaxy contains both young and old stars?

6. What type of galaxy contains only old stars?

7. What type of galaxy contains only young stars?

8. Besides their shape what other characteristic distinguishes the different types of galaxies from each other?

9. Why do distant galaxies appear redder than they should?

10. What are 2 pieces of evidence for the big bang?

11. What color would galaxies shift towards if they were moving towards us?

12. What is the name of the cluster that our galaxy is in?

13. What are 2 possibilities for the ultimate fate of the universe?

14. What is a nebula?

15. What force causes stars to form?

16. What do we call a beginning star that is not yet hot enough to engage in nuclear fusion?

17. What is the main fuel source of stars? Which element?

18. In what phase does a star spend the majority of its life?

19. Which live longer? Big stars or small stars?

20. After a star like the sun runs out of hydrogen to burn what will happen to it?

21. What are the final two stages of the sun’s life?

22. What is it called when a star explodes?

23. After a star explodes one of two things can be left over. What do the largest stars leave behind?

24. What is a pulsar?

25. Color is a clue to a stars ______.

26. What color are the hottest stars?

27. What color are the coolest stars?

28. Over half the stars in the universe exist as ______.

29. How do astronomers calculate the mass of stars?

30. What technique do astronomers use to calculate the distance to stars?

31. Do close stars or far stars have smaller angles?

32. What is apparent magnitude?

33. What is absolute magnitude?

34. What does a hertzsprung-russel diagram show the relationship of?

35. On an H-R diagram where are the brightest hottest stars?

36. On the H-R diagram where are bright cool stars?

37. Last the stages of the suns life in order.