Eighteenth Senate Session
February,27th 2018
Stern Center Ballroom
Call to Order
The Eighteenth Session of Senate was called to order at 6:00pm
Roll Call
- Absences
- Senator Caleca
- Senator Meis
Motion to waive the reading of the minutes.
- Passed
Executive Council Reports
- President Alexandra Helfgott
- Thank you for participating in the listening session just now
- Excess food distribution initiative
- Working with Dr. Caudil and food instability task force to distribute food from on campus events
- Going to start a pilot program after spring break
- Still working on details
- Super excited about it
- Secretary Emily Ramsayer
- No clubs from us today
- Miscommunication about clubs having to meet with the Treasurer Graham so you will see a lot of clubs from us next week
- Treasurer Sara Graham
- One student outreach request coming from Tanner
- Only limitations with student outreach is that it is not for class credit or student organization
- Ask good questions
- Chief of Staff Runzo
- I wanted to gage interested in starting a SGA intermural dodge ball team
- More info next week
- Deputy Chief of Staff Eney
- No report
- Pro Tempore Palacios
- Thank you for the emails that you have been sending me with club representatives
- I apologize if it was rude how I asked people not to cc club representatives, that was not my intention
- I know the bill that we had last week was under a lot of opposition but it still had people in favor of it
- We are here to represent all students so moving forward, we all must speak up when things are intense, even if it goes against the majority
- Today we are going to be face timing this student so please bear with me
- Vice President Tripp Keefe
- Diversity forum tomorrow!
Unfinished Business
New Business
1.)SB-76-2018— A bill to allow the Comedy Club at the College of Charleston to become a budgeted organization.
Motion to table this bill
2.) SB-77-2018— A bill to allow the Blockchain Club at the College of Charleston to become a budgeted organization.
Motion to table
3.) SB-78-2018— A bill to allow Pretty Active at the College of Charleston to become a budgeted organization.
Motion to table
4.) SO-3-2018— A bill to allocate up to the amount of $493 to the student, Tanner Crunelle for the purpose of Real Fictions: Resistance to and Reception of Contemporary Narratives Conference.
- First Rights
- Senator Hicks:
- I yield my time to him
- Tanner Crunelle:
- Thank you for dealing with my request
- I am glad to be in front of Senate
- I am requesting funds for attending a conference in Finland
- It’s title is “Reception to and Resistance to Contemporary Narratives”
- It is looking at how we use stories to relate to one another and how that all is somehow related to the condition of being human in its variety of context
- I think it will be an interesting connection with my major; I am an English major and want to be a teacher
- It is all about connecting stories to real people
- Period of Discussion
- Deputy Chief of Staff Eney: How do you plan on bringing back your experience to CofC?
- I plan on bringing back the theoretical frame works in my classes
- I am a part of a lot of organizations on campus
- I am on the Honor Board so I will be able to bring a critical eye
- I am a South Carolina teaching fellow and serve on a professional development committee
- The human condition is bound to stories and if we can pass on the skills to know stories to educators, that can have wide reaching impact on schools
- Director Lifchez: Is the conference an affiliate program and if not how did you hear about it?
- No it is not
- I heard about it because I looked it up
- Director Lifchez: How much research about thelegitimacy of conference have you found?
- I am looking about going here for grad school
- It has a great media education
- Whole center for interdisciplinary narrative research on their campus
- It is a center for narrative research so they have international legitimacy
- Director Lifchez: If you were not to receive the funding, how else would you fund this trip?
- I could dip into my savings
- I hope that won’t have to happen
- Applied for scholarship from the School of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Treasurer Graham: When did you learn about this conference?
- I’m not sure
- Sometime last semester when I was planning my aboard experience
- Treasurer Graham: Is there a reason why you wanted to submit after you went abroad?
- I was busy; I know that is a poor excuse
- I found that when I was able to settle here, I had a lot more thinking space and ability to intentionally look at what I would be doing
- Motion to pass by unanimous consent
Committee Reports
- Allocations- Treasurer Sara Graham
- No report
- Student Organization Review Board- Secretary Emily Ramsayer
- No report
- Director Brown
- Umbrellas on their way
- Tables will be ordered in the next week
- Bike share program
- Printing posters to publicize
- Director Conti
- Going to start looking at getting reusable water jugs to be stored in Stern for student events
- Working with Erin Day on accessibility initiatives, such as optimizing SNAP and disability orientation sessions
- Senator Bridges:
- You should have gotten an email about the upcoming games
- Sign up on the google sheet if you want a free ticket to first round of the CAA tournament
- Say if you can drive people
- Get that in there by tomorrow
- The game is this Sunday at noon
- Deputy Chief of Staff Eney: Just SGA gets free tickets?
- Yes, just through SGA
- Senator Johnson: Is this for future games too?
- Director Lifchez
- Getting markers into Addlestone; not a 100% sure thing yet
- ContactingAddlestone this week
- Roller is working on his Enough is Enough campaign
- He came up with a couple of main initiatives
- Senator Roller:
- Establish an anti rape culture and make CofC a safe community
- On April 9th -13th sex assault awareness week
- SGA will be tabling during which we will have signs and teal ribbons to give out.
- These will be given out for students to wear
- We will give these poster boards to the Office of Victim Services who will give them to the victims
- Let me know if you have any questions or concerns
- Ribbons in dining hall entrances too
- Director Pullin
- Getting library chargers
- Mr. Staples is going to order sample charger from Umph to test
- A lot of deliberation because expensive
- Maybe charger towers as an alternative
- Purchasing dog waste stations right now
- Should be completed for this semester
- Asked Barnes and Noble to replace plastic bags with grocery SGA bags
- You should have all received the clocks spread sheet so please fill out for Maybank
- SGA Related
- Vice President Keeffe:
- Diversity Forum tomorrow
- I was in meeting about Umph stuff
- Staples is committed to getting supplemental charging by finals time; this is a great thing so shout out to Olivia
- Director Brown:
- Is there interest in having a SGA vine party? Yes, ok
- Non-SGA Related
- Senator Bridges: Sign up for the basketball game this Sunday please!
- Director Conti:
- You have probably gotten a lot of email about doing the ICAT program
- I am the marketing intern and have been through the ICAT program
- I think it is great for all majors that are looking at create a business
- Senator Rothstein:
- CofC Democrats is having a meeting at 7pm Thursday in Maybank
- We are doing T-shirt designs
- Senator King:
- Dean Student Forum
- Accepting applications until Thursday
- Senator Odac:
- United African Students is having an African night
- Dress to impress
- March 10th Stern ballroom from 7:30-9:30pm
- Chief of Staff Runzo:
- SGA t-shirts are in the office if you haven’t picked your up yet
The Eighteenth Session of the Student Senate adjourned at 6:30pm