2016 Letter of Agreement

This agreement is valid as soon as it has been signed by both parties.

Section 1

Today’s Date

Company name(s)

Our company agrees to donate the trip components or package detailed on the following forms to Center for Responsible Travel (CREST) to be auctioned to the highest bidder using the online service www.charitybuzz.com.

In addition the company agrees:

1. The donation is valid for one calendar year, beginning the day of auction close, subject to black-out dates specified below.

2. To honor without discrimination the below stated donation.

Name of Donation Country

Length (# of nights) Approximate Retail $US value

Redemption Contact (person to contact for redemption of prize)

Phone Number Email:

By checking this box, I, as a representative of the above company, authorize that the above statements and descriptions are accurate. Please sign below.

Donor: CREST Representative:

Print name: Martha Honey, Co-Director

Section 2 - Donation Details and Promotional Description

Name of lodge(s), tour or attraction

(as listed in Section 1)


This stay/trip is valid for people (minimum 2).

Location (city & country) # of nights

Unless otherwise specified, this donation is valid for one year, beginning the date of auction close in 2015.

Please list ALL Blackout dates in DETAIL:

Please provide a description of this donation to be included with the promotional materials (up to 3 paragraphs describing your property and package – entice them to want to bid!).

Please check here if you are sending materials separately

Terms & Conditions (please list):

Please check the box or boxes which best describe the package meal plan (NOTE: This section refers

to meals and beverages which are provided at no additional cost to the package winner(s))

Breakfast Alcoholic Beverages Additional


Lunch Snacks

Dinner Non-alcoholic Beverages

What else is included? Please indicate whether or not the following items are included in

the package at no additional cost. The more inclusive the better!

Transfers to and from international airports included not included


Local Ground Transportation


Local or international airfare


Equipment rentals (i.e. climbing or scuba gear)


Guided tours or other activities


Hotel Taxes


NOW… Help us promote you.

How is your company leading the responsible travel industry? (if this information is located on your website – feel free to simply provide a link)

Which ‘green’ practices are implemented by your company/lodge?

Please list any eco or responsible travel awards (including year)

Have you been certified? If so, under what program? At what level?

Are you involved in Travelers’ Philanthropy? What do you support in your host community?

See the Travelers’ Philanthropy website: www.travelersphilanthropy.org