Trinity United Presbyterian Church,Santa Ana

September 20, 2012

Presbytery presented the following for the Open Space Segment of the Presbytery gathering:

SESSION 1 – 2:10-3:30

1.First discussion of 2013 budget – Lanny Hawkinson and Michael Haggin

2.A report to presbytery for Open Space from GA Commissioners

3.The board of ZephyrPointPresbyterianConferenceCenter, our synod-owned property on Lake Tahoe presenting information to increase exposure to Zephyr Point.

SESSION II-3:40-5:00

1.First discussion of 2013 budget –Lanny Hawkinson and Michael Haggin

2.A report to presbytery for Open Space from GA Commissioners

3.Carmen Siegel, Insurance Board - Protecting our People and our Buildings

4.The board of ZephyrPointPresbyterianConferenceCenter, our synod-owned property on Lake Tahoe presenting information to increase exposure to Zephyr Point

Presbyters gathered for dinner (5:00 p.m.) and for worship (5:45) before the stated meeting of the Presbytery.

The Stated Meeting of the Presbytery of Los Ranchos was called to order at 6:26 p.m. by Moderator Elder Kirk Winslow. The Stated Clerk, Dr. W. Keith Geckeler was present and a quorum was declared present. The meeting was opened with prayer by Moderator Winslow. The following presbyters were present:

THE PRESBYTERY OF LOS RANCHOS Minutes of September 20, 2012


ANAEIM, Canyon Hills (3)

101Frank Webster

103Melissa J. Smith

Jana Kidd

ANAHEIM, First (3)

ANAHEIM, Korean (3)

101Yoonsuk Shin

ANAHEIM, St. Paul’s (3)

101Bill Halliday

Jan Patton

BELLFLOWER, Community (3)

COSTA MESA, Covenant (3)

Cathy Rasmussen

Erlinda Martinez

DOWNEY, First (3)

101Candie Blankman

791Alfredo Delgado

FULLERTON, First (3)

101Duncan McColl

103Josh Matthews

Jan Regitz

Chuck Zincke

FULLERTON, Indonesian (3)

101John Mambu

Dani Sigar

Sonja Surber

FULLERTON, Morningside (3)


GARDEN GROVE, Formosan (2)

GARDEN GROVE, Vietnamese (2)

108Cedar Dang

Tuyet Ko


101Gary Watkins

Arlene Chatman

Phil Chatman

Ken Smith

Cathey Ryder


101Chris Grange

103David Rohde

Phyllis Smith

IRVINE, Irvine(4)

103Tim Avazian

103Kirk Winslow

Cheryl Williams


101Geoff Pfaff

Bob Schwenkmeyer

Keith Tellinghuisen

LA MIRADA, Community (2)

101Jason Ko

Rick Norton

LAGUNA BEACH, Laguna (4)

103Kathy Sizer

Cynthia Blaylock

LAGUNA HILLS, Geneva (4)

105Mike Wallman

105Leanne Strommen

Mark Reed

Howard Prol

Colette Cozean

Elena Bennett


105Emily McColl

Judy Grant

Debbie Heath

Jaime Colley

LAKEWOOD, Christ (2)

101Michael Conan

Kirk J. Real

Jason Riddle

LONG BEACH, Community (2)

101Chris Logan

Bonnie Coombs

Mary Uht

LONG BEACH, Covenant (2)

101Rob Langworthy

LONG BEACH, Emmanuel (2)

101Tom Dykhuizen

LONG BEACH, First United (2)

LONG BEACH, Grace First (4)

101Steve Wirth

103Marion Young-Me Park

Bill Saul

Tim Jackert

LOS ALAMITOS, Good Shepherd (4)

101Jim Wilson

103Curtis Bronzan

Kirk Brown

Phyllis Spielmann

Warren Spielmann

Donald Travis

LOS ANGELES, Divine Saviour (2)

Hagar Benitez

MISSION VIEJO, Ch of the Master (5)

101Jackson Clelland

103Chris Pritchett

Don Roberson

Frank Strech

Carol Todd

Pat Hernandez

Vernon Diggs

NEWPORT BEACH, St. Andrew’s (8)

101Richard Kannwischer

103Leah Stout

103Bryan Eckelmann

103Steven Good

Larry Beaty

James Carter

Judy Combs

Judith Johnson

John Lehman

Alix Riley

Fritz Winterhout


105Curtis Webster

Suzanne Darweesh

Diana Light

Deborah Mayhew


101Bill McReynolds

Elizabeth Romero

NORWALK, ShinIl(2)

101Mark Hong

ORANGE, First (2)

101Winston Presnall

Virginia Carson


103Frank Harmon

Mike Markwith

Eric Schreiner


101Tod Bolsinger

Joan Hoover

Ernest Koch

Sally Lawrence

Jim Ritchie

Robert Whittier


Frances Bucklin

SANTA ANA, Canaan (2)

101Inn Chul Joseph Kiim

SANTA ANA, First (2)

101Lance Allen

Linda Becker

Bobbie Rooker

SANTA ANA, Trinity United (5)

101Doug Rumford

103Jeff Wagner

103Rachel Hamburger

Leslie Day Ebert

Bill Peck

Judith Porath

Muriel Morse

John McAlpine

SANTA ANA, Wintersburg (2)

101Ted Esaki

103Fred Tanizaki

Al Uchizono

Bill Oei


101John McKeague


105Tom Erickson

Sue Currie

Richard Loeble


101John Furman

103Paul Muresan

Ed Bush

WESTMINSTER, Journey Evangelical (2)

101Richard Pfeil

Phil Jen Kin

Roger Yee

WHITTIER, East Whittier (2)

101Jeff Rumble



101Daniel White

Marlies Lunger

Anne Sivley


Anaheim, Getsemaní Hispanic Ministry

Garden Grove, Cornerstone

IRVINE, Irvine Taiwanese Ministry


ORANGE, New Hope

301Chineta Goodjoin

PLACENTIA, Agape Formosan




701Estuardo Bazini-Barakat

299Bob Cassell

303Tom Cramer

791Alfredo Delgado

703Ron Eckert

299Thomas Erickson

797Gabe Fung

303W. Keith Geckeler

797Michael Haggin

701Ernesto Hernandez

109John A. Huffman

797Peter I. Kim

701Feleti Ngan-Woo

797Anne Oglesby-Edwards

701Don Oliver

299Roger Purdy

701Anette Rihovsky

701Gail Stearns

701Sharon Yagerlener

Judy Anderson

Bill Ewing

Dave Swidrak

Susan Thornton (not elder)


Rob Ebert

Lanny Hawkinson


Bonita Carr (non-member)

Kathy Hill Long

Elvira Ortez (non-member)


Chuck Wakamoto CPM

Sharon Wakamoto PWP

John Griffin COM



Rev. Johnson Kimuhu,

KanithaWaUfugiWa Mggegania

Rev. Larry Ballenger, HR, San Gabriel

Tamara John - Christ

Rick Norton – Community, La Mirada

Jack Clement – PCOM, Mission Viejo

Amy Sabala – St. Andrew’s, Newport Beach

Kwan Park – ShinIl, Norwalk

Renee Coffman-Chavez – San Clemente

Bill Ditewig – Trinity, Santa Ana

Mary Dee Foft -Trinity, Santa Ana

Sharon Lancaster – Trinity, Santa Ana

Bruce Eisenhower – Trinity, Santa Ana

Jeri Lee – Wintersburg, Santa Ana

Gayle Harvill – First, Westminster

Jeanie Reed – First, Westminster

Kathleen Julian – Yorba Linda

Sheryl France-Moran, San Clemente

THE PRESBYTERY OF LOS RANCHOS Minutes of September 20, 2012


Seating of New Commissioners and Corresponding Members
Rev. Larry Ballenger, Presbytery of San Gabriel, was introduced and seated.
It was M/S/P to approve the Docket for the day.
Consent DOCKET
It was M/S/P to approve the Consent Docket acting on the following: (Originating Committee name in parenthesis)
  1. ApprovedT/E James R. Blades for membership in Los Ranchos Presbytery and to request transfer of his membership from Presbytery of Santa Barbara when the way be clear. Mr. Blades is a candidate for Intentional Interim at First Presbyterian Church of Anaheim(COM)
  1. ApprovedT/E Steven Good for membership in Los Ranchos Presbytery and to request transfer of his membership from Presbytery of The James when the way be clear. Mr. Good is Candidate for Associate Pastor of Disciple Making at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Newport Beach. (COM)
  1. Approved the Honorable Retirement of T/E Arleen Whitney effective August 18, 2012(Stated Clerk)
  1. Approved the Honorable Retirement of T/E Tae Hwan (Peter) Son, effective August 31, 2012. (Stated Clerk)
Omnibus Motion
It was m/SP to approve the Omnibus Motion, which includes Reports of Council, COM, CPM, Strategic Coordinating Team, Stated Clerk (non action items).
Stated Clerk Report
I am sorry to inform you that Rev. George Leon Wilder, Honorably Retired, and long time pastor of Community Presbyterian Church of Long Beach, passed away July 22nd, he was 82.
Stated Clerk presented a summary of legal, remedial, disciplinary, administrative commissions and other actions involving the presbytery—and the need to utilize “Legal Reserve Fund” money for 2012 expenses. (Up to $5000 was approved.) (Council 8/28/12)
As of September 7, 2012
  1. Minister 11-X. The Investigating Committee in this case anticipates a decision by the end of September on whether or not to file charges
  2. Minister 12-X. This involves an Investigating Committee from another presbytery and if charges are filed, the other presbytery will prosecute the case.
  3. Minister 12-Y. The Investigating Committee has negotiated a settlement with the accused which will go to the Permanent Judicial Commission of Los Ranchos on Saturday, September 15. If the PJC concurs in the agreement and makes it their decision, the decision will be read at the September 20 presbytery meeting.
  4. Anaheim Korean Administrative Commission. The commission continues to meet with the session, attempting to assist the session to fulfill its responsibilities as the session. The Administrative Commission has taken no formal action as of September 8 but will be presenting a report and clarification at the September 20th meeting of presbytery.
/ Corresponding
Docket Approved
Consent Docket Approved
James Blades
Steven Good
Arleen Whitney
Tae Hwan Son
Omnibus Motion Approved
G. Leon Wilder
Summary Of Legal, Remedial, Disciplinary, And
Administrative Commissions
Summary Continued
NAncy Pearson Certified Ready
to receive a call
Minda Schweizer
Annual Consultations approved
Financial Aid
Exam Readers
Anette Rihovsky
commission /
  1. Remedial Complaint: Policy regarding interpretation of G-3.0104a and b. The Synod PJC decision on this matter has been appealed to the General Assembly PJC who will hear the case on Friday, October 26. Ruling Elder Neal Wells and Teaching Elder Emily McColl will be representing the presbytery.
  2. Remedial Complaint: Three members of the Anaheim Korean Presbyterian Church have filed a complaint against the presbytery (and its Administrative Commission) for improperly dismissing the church’s Music Conductor. They have also submitted a request for a Stay of Enforcement. A response has been prepared and will be submitted by September 10. Inasmuch as the Administrative Commission itself did not dismiss the Music Conductor, there is no ground for the complaint.
Given all matters involving the presbytery, including advice on three congregational matters with potential for legal exposure, presbytery will exceed its budget for legal expenses and Council has approved utilizing up to $5,000 from Legal Reserves if necessary.
Actions Taken: (Originating Committee name in parenthesis)
  1. (CPM) voted to certify that Nancy Pearson, a member of Presbyterian Church of the Master, Mission Viejo, has satisfactorily completed all the requirements of the preparation for ministry process as set forth in G-2.0601of the Book of Order and is now certified ready, pending a call, to be examined for ordination. (Min. 6/7/2012)
  1. (CPM) Certified that Candidate Ryan Romberg, a member of San Clemente Presbyterian Church, has satisfactorily completed all the requirements of the preparation for ministry process as set forth in G-2.0601of the Book of Order and is now certified ready, pending a call, to be examined for ordination. (Min. 8/2/2012) Correction in 11/29/12 Omnibus Motion
  1. (CPM)voted to enroll Minda Schweizer, a member of San Clemente Presbyterian Church, as an inquirer and a covenant agreement is made with her based on Form 2 and according to Book of Order G-2.0601, which shall also include the following: (Min. 8/2/12)
  1. Approve Minda’s attendance to PittsburghFuller Theological Seminary;
  2. That all required core courses be completed according to CPM guidelines;
  3. That Minda complete a unit of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE).
  1. (CPM) Approve the following Annual Consultations. They have been continued as Inquirers or Candidates and a summary of the Consultations have been/will be sent to their session and seminary (where applicable). (Min. 6/7/2012, 8/2/12, 9/20/12)
  2. Inquirer Jesse Lund, Presbyterian Church of the Master in Mission Viejo
  3. Inquirer Evan Amo, Trinity United Presbyterian Church, Santa Ana
  1. (CPM) Approved distribution of $7,000 in financial aid.
  1. (CPM)Ruling Elder Chuck Wakamoto, Teaching Elder Geoff Pfaff, and Ruling Elder Ed Bush will serve as readers for the standard senior ordination exams. Exams will be read October 1-5 at the LAX Sheraton.
  1. (COM) Approved the following Administrative Commission to ordain Anette Rihovsky on Sunday, June 24, 2012, 2:00 p.m. at the Presbyterian Church of the Master in Mission Viejo: (Min. 6/14/2012)
Moderator of the Commission: Rev. Leanne Strommen
T/E Jackson ClellandR/E Judy Combs, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Newport Beach
T/E Arleen WhitneyR/E Greg Chao, Presbyterian Church of the Master, Mission Viejo
T/E Steven Toshio Yamaguchi R/E Howard Prol, Geneva Presbyterian Church, Laguna Hills
Other Participants
T/E Jeff McCrory, Member at Large
T/E Sharon Yagerlener, Chaplain Long Beach Memorial Care
T/E Carolyn McOwen, Member at Large
  1. (COM) Approved the following Administrative Commission to install Rev. Richard Pfeilon Sunday, August 26, 2012, 5:00 p.m. at JourneyEvangelicalChurch, Westminster:
Moderator of Commission: T/E Leanne Strommen
T/E Wayland Wong, hrR/E Kathy Smith, Trabuco Presbyterian Church
T/E Mike Wallman, lhgR/E ___tbd_, JourneyEvangelicalChurch, Westminster
  1. (COM) concurred with the recommendation of the Response Coordinating Team to approve a grant of up to $40,000.00 {from Pastor’s Compensation Fund of Sale of Property Fund} over the 10 months to assist the Session of Tustin Presbyterian Church in staffing transitions. (Min. 7/19/12)
  1. (COM) concurred with the request of Tustin Presbyterian Church to dissolve the Associate Pastor position effective September 1, 2012. (Min. 7/19/12)
  1. (COM) approved the Temporary Pastoral Relationship Contract/Covenant between T/E Tom Erickson and Tustin Presbyterian Church effective July 1, 2012 for three months. (Min. 7/19/12)
  1. (COM) approved the Interim Pastor Contract between T/E Curtis Webster and St. Mark Presbyterian Church effective March 11, 2012. (Min. 7/19/12)
  1. (COM) approved Interim Pastor Position Description for Tustin Presbyterian Church (Min. 7/19/12)
  1. (COM) approve the Position Description for new Associate Pastor of Spiritual Formation for Mission at Presbyterian Church of the Master, Mission Viejo. (Min. 7/19/12)
  1. (COM) Initiated the process to move to installed Associate Pastor regarding Presbyterian Church of the Master in Mission Viejo. (Min. 7/19/12)
  1. (Council/Trustees) Several proposals from the Trustees were presented for Council action. Included in these proposals was increase in Per Capita from $16 to $18
  1. (Council/SCT) Received an extended report from the Strategic Coordinating Team regarding ministries and partnerships being undertaken with the presbytery. Funding for several ministries was reported and approved.
Motions for Council Review and Action from SCT Meeting on May 10, 2012
  1. BereanSafari 2012 – Motion: (Bill McReynolds) that SCT will empower Worldwide Mission Partnership (WMP) to select a representative for this program and approve a matching contribution up to $1,500 from SOCP Leadership Development Funds; balance to come from WWMP or other sources M/S/P.
  2. New Beginnings – Healthy Congregations approved up to $1,500-$1,900 from the Sale of Church Property (SOCP) Church Development Fund for each congregation as a matching contribution for the New Beginnings assessment process. A congregation may submit an additional grant request if they are unable to afford their part.
  3. Congregation Dev Grant Trabuco Presbyterian Church – Healthy Congregations recommended approval of up to $18,000 in matching funds (up to one half the costs) from the SOCP Church Development Fund for Injoy Consultants, the consultants that will guide Trabuco Presbyterian Church through its capital campaign process.
  4. St. Peter’s Arabic-speaking Fellowship – Racial-Ethnic & New Church Development team (RE&NCD) approved up to $5,000 in vouchered expenses for ministry equipment, part of which could fund childcare staff. In addition a stipend of $1,000 per month plus Board of Pension (BOP) dues for 3 years partial position for temporary pastor. Total grant funding would be $41,000, to come from SOCP Church Development Funds M/P. Initial oversight team is Adel Malek, Bill McReynolds, Tom Cramer, Chris Grange, David Rhode, and Bill Welch.
/ Commission
Richard Pfeil
grant approved
Associate Pastor position dissolved
Tom Erickson
Curtis Webster
Position Description
Position Description
Per Capita Proposal
Re[prt pf SCT
Report of SCT continued /
  1. Bridgebuilders Training w Peter Steinke – Healthy Congregations team approved matching the cost of vouchered expenses for Tim McCalmont and Randy Steele to attend the “Bridge Builders” training w/ Peter Steinke in Minneapolis, MN, on August 27-29 for a total grant of $1,325/p. This grant is funded by the Sale of Church Properties Leadership Development Fund.
Other Items of note from SCT Meeting on May 10, 2012
Report of the Administrative Commission for Getsemaní Worshipping Fellowship
On behalf of the Administrative Commission for Getsemaní Worshipping Fellowship, Bill McReynolds reported that all is proceeding as planned.
Sabbatical Plan for Steve Yamaguchi
A written sabbatical plan for Steve Yamaguchi was given to all committee members as requested.
Academy of Learning
Lydia Sarandan presented a synopsis of the concept paper for the Academy of Learning, submitted to the SCT in April of 2012 by Ann Oglesby-Edwards. Lydia will continue to dialogue with Ann about next steps with the hope of having a more concrete plan by September of 2012, including the forming of a task group to implement the plan. Information from session visitations could be very helpful in determining what congregations need in training.
Motions for Council Review and/or Action from SCT Meeting on July 26, 2012
  1. Process for Selecting a Moderator of the SCT: SCT’s Coordinating Council will seek input regarding candidates for the position of Moderator for the upcoming year and present a candidate for vote at the November SCT meeting (Bill McReynolds) M/s/p.
  1. Policy for balance of Synod Stimulus Funds: The SCT recommends the following for approval by Presbytery Council: The balance of the Synod Stimulus Funds will be placed into a restricted account called “Missional Opportunities Fund,” and will be overseen and distributed by the SCT in a way consistent with the missional objectives* of the SCT and the presbytery (John McKeague) M/S/P
*On 2/9/12, the SCT affirmed the following as PLR’s essential mission and SCT’s three priorities:
PLR’s Mission: Partnering together to foster effective missional congregations.
SCT Priorities:
  1. Listen to congregations and communicate opportunities for networking and partnerships.
  2. Assist congregations to develop leaders for effective ministry and mission.
  3. Fund and foster experimentation, imagination, and creative ministry with missional potential.
  1. Getsemani Expenses: Empower the Racial-Ethnic & NCD network team (RE&NCD), in concert with the current Administrative Commission for Getsemani, to work with Getsemani’s steering committee to determine the appropriateness of funding on an interim basis, with specific requests for funds not to exceed $1,500 per month, and to present a report of progress back to the SCT (Bill McReynolds)M/S/P. Source of funding is the SOCP Church Development Fund.
  2. Extension of Village-San Clemente Partnership Agreement: To recommend to Council approval of an extension of the Tri-Party Covenant Agreement between Village Presbyterian Church of Ladera Ranch and the San Clemente Presbyterian Church until December 31, 2013. The original agreement was from February 22, 2011-June 30, 2012 (Bill McReynolds) M/S/P. Extended agreement available upon request.
  3. SCT Request for Disbursement Authority: The SCT recommends to Council that the SCT receive disbursement authority for the balance of the Joining Hearts & Hands Fund, restricted for the use of supporting the Village Presbyterian Church NCD*. Submitted by electronic vote on 7/30/12, to be ratified on 9/13/12.
*The motion is a technicality, but it gives the SCT disbursement authority for the balance of the Joining Hearts & Hands Fund, the fund from which the Village Presbyterian Church NCD receives support from Presbytery. Please note that the Joining Hearts & Hands Fund is a restricted fund of our presbytery, the balance of which is restricted for the use of the Village Presbyterian Church NCD. The effect of this motion is that SCT will not need Council’s approval to disburse the balance of the Joining Hearts & Hands Fund.