Wednesday, October 5th

Central Jersey APICS Presents a Full Day Seminar

How to Achieve Personal Sustainability &

Reduce Corporate Health Care Costs to Boot!

Maryanne Ross - CFPIM, CIRM, CSCP, CDDP

This presentation is designed to help reduce personal burnout, stress, and chronic disease, while reducing company absenteeism and health care costs.

APICS, the association for operations management, defines sustainability as the ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the resources of the future. Managing a sustainable organization involves achieving high performance levels over the long term without engaging in detrimental behaviors in the short term. The triple bottom line is a measure of sustainability that includes financial, social and environmental performance measures.

Now more than ever, we need a similar triple bottom line metric to apply to our own lives. This lively and completely interactive workshop will enable participants to develop a life balancing plan (we call this personal sustainability planning) that ensures career and financial success without compromising health and personal relationships in the process. We think of this program as a new type of wellness program, with proven success. You will leave this session with tools, templates, and action plans that will help you employ these new ideas immediately.

After this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Identify career, health and relationship goals, and employ powerful business tools to achieve them
  • Organize your thinking and daily activities to reduce stress and increase productivity for yourself and your team
  • Develop the proven success habits of the world’s highest achievers and teach them to others

Hotel Somerset, 110 Davidson Ave., Somerset, NJ 08873 (732) 560-0500

8:00 – 8:30Continental Breakfast and Introductions

8:30 – 11:45Achieve Personal Sustainability & Reduce Corporate Health Care Costs

11:45 – 12:30Lunch

12:30 – 4:30Achieve Personal Sustainability & Reduce Corporate Health Care Costs

Cost:Includes all instruction, workbook, certificate, breakfast, lunch and breaks

$99.00 - $250 for multiples of 3 from the same firm – register:

Maryanne Ross, President of the APICS Maine Chapter, is an author, speaker, leadership consultant, and life-long advocate for Positive Thinking. She has uncovered startling evidence about the connection between out-of-balance lifestyles and the rampant rise in corporate (and personal) health care costs. According to research by Integrative Nutrition, Huffington Post and other researchers, corporations are spending over $2 trillion a year on healthcare costs, but only 2% of that is spent on prevention! Some researchers put the number higher and cite “presenteeism” (employees who report to work, but are too sick to perform their duties properly) as being more costly than absenteeism. The root cause of these rising costs is the poor lifestyle choices being made by our workforce. Almost 67% of US adults are overweight or obese. 29+ million Americans are diabetic. These two factors alone lead to chronic and often fatal diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and certain cancers. And it is predicted to get worse. Researchers also predict a 42 percent increase in chronic disease cases by 2023, adding $4.2 trillion in treatment costs and lost economic output.Much of this cost is preventable, since many chronic conditions are linked back to unhealthy lifestyles choices.