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Find past exams in Search


Welcome to this short demonstration in finding past exam papers in Search.

This tutorial will take 2 minutes to complete.

Click on the START button below to start.

01 Introduction to tutorial

Welcome and introduction to the tutorial. This screen introduces the various navigation options on the tutorial screen. This includes a play/pause button in the bottom left hand corner, a close button in the top right hand corner and a set of back and next buttons in the bottom right hand corner.

Instruction caption:

Welcome to this short demonstration in finding past exam papers in Search.

This tutorial will take 2 minutes to complete.

Click on the START button below to start.

Click on the “skip tutorial” link to go straight to Library Search (

Information caption:

Use the play/pause button (bottom left corner) to control playback when needed.

You can close this tutorial and go to Search ( at any point by clicking on this icon (top right corner)

Use the BACK and NEXT buttons (bottom right corner) to go through, and revisit, any of the screens.

02 Accessing Library Search

Library Search on the Library website. The Search section on Library home page is highlighted

Information caption:

You can go in to Search ( by clicking on the Search icon

Information caption:

The cursor on the screen moves to click the Library Search icon

03 Entering unit code

Library Search home page. The search box is highlighted

Instruction caption:

Now we’re in Search…

Firstly, click on the text entry field to start specifying your unit code. E.g. MGC1010.

Information caption:

The cursor on the screen moves to type “MGC1010” in the search box

04 Executing the search

After a unit code has been entered into the search box, the Go button to the right of the search box is highlighted.

Instruction caption:

Press ENTER or click on GO

Information caption:

The cursor on the screen moves to click the “Go” button

05 Refining search results

A search results screen. The “Past Exams” link in the left hand side panel under the “Refine results” section is highlighted.

Instruction caption:

In the Refine Results section, click on Past Exams

Information caption:

The cursor on the screen moves to click the heading “Past Exams”

06 Viewing past exam records

A list of past exam records are displayed that matches the search term “MGC1010”. The title of the record, “ MGC1010 Managing People and Organisations” is highlighted.

Instruction caption:

Select the unit name to view details

Information caption:

The cursor on the screen moves to click the title of the record, “ MGC1010 Managing People and Organisations”

07 Viewing past exam paper details

A detailed record for the past exams of MGC1010 is displayed. The “Links” box on the right hand side of the record is highlighted. Past exams are listed according to their year and semester as links inside this box.

Information caption:

You’ll find the links to view each year and semesters exam in the Links section.

08 Choosing past exam papers

On the same screen as the previous slide, now the “Semester 1, 2004” listing inside the “Links” box is highlighted.

Instruction caption:

Click on the specific past exam you with to see.

Information caption:

The cursor on the screen moves to click the first listing inside the “Links” box titled “Semester 1, 2004)

09 Logging in using Authcate (optional)

The log in page

Instruction caption:

Log in with your Authcate (if you are not logged in).

Information caption:

The cursor on the screen moves to enter login details

10 Viewing past exam papers

A scanned copy of the past exam paper is displayed as a PDF document. An options toolbar appears at the bottom right corner indicating PDF access options including view adjustment, zoom, download and print.

Information caption:

The cursor on the screen moves to resize the display of the PDF using the options in the toolbar at the bottom right corner.

11 Summary and review

A summary screen

Instruction caption:

You have completed this tutorial and should now be able to find past exams in Search.

If you wish to review this tutorial click on the RESTART button.

Otherwise CONTINUE to Search or simply exit this tutorial.

Information caption:

The CONTINUE button on the screen directs you to the Library Search home page (

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