April 13, 2009
Dr. Bernadette McGuire-Rivera
Associate Administrator
Office of Telecommunications and Information Applications
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce
1401 Constitution Avenue, N.W.
Dear Dr. McGuire-Rivera:
RF CHECK is submitting this letter in response to the Joint Request for Information released on March 10, 2009 by the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications Information Administration (NTIA) and the U.S. Department of Agricultures’ Rural Utility Service (RUS) concerning the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP).
RF CHECK commends the NTIA and RUS for their efforts in gathering as much information as possible prior to designing an effective and efficient BTOP in accordance with the goals of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA).[1] This exploratory endeavor has enabled companies like RF CHECK the opportunity to make a significant contribution to our nation by providing a comprehensive nationwide inventory map of existing broadband services within the United States.
RF CHECK, a privately-held and socially responsible company based in San Diego that has invested over $6,000,000 and several years in research and development to perfect a comprehensive RF safety and compliance solutionfor the purpose of protecting the health of the public and all workers that come in close proximity to a RF transmission site. The solution includes a comprehensive, transmitter-specific, database for all of the wireless telecommunications transmission sites in the United States that the FCC regulates. Once populated, the database will include the details of each RF transmission antenna including its GPS location, 3D image andtechnical parameters, the service provider and property owner contact information and a site specific RF safety plan. Equally important, through its unique business model, RF CHECK has the resources to continuously and indefinitely monitor and update the state of every wireless broadband telecommunications transmission site in the United States - in perpetuity.
RF CHECK wishes to submit a proposal that focuses on item 8 of the Joint Requestspecifically dealing with Broadband Mapping, as follows:
8. Broadband Mapping: The Recovery Act directs NTIA to establish a comprehensive nationwide inventory map of existing broadband service capability and availability in the United States that depicts the geographic extent to which broadband service capability is deployed and available from a commercial provider or public provider throughout each State.
RF CHECK is prepared to provide access to itscomprehensive and “living” database ($700 million in implementation costs) containing every wireless broadband service deployment in the United States to the NTIA and RUS for free. RF CHECK will also consider including, at the request of the NTIA and RUS, all wireline broadband service deployments at no additional cost. To maintain its status as a neutral third party facilitator, RF CHECK cannot accept any payment from the NTIA, RUS or any other organization or entity. However, RF CHECK will have the ability to provide the public Internet access to its proprietary database through a NTIA website interface.
RF CHECK is funded by a very small monthly fee from wireless subscribers. It's somewhat similar to the mitigation fee paid by all utility users in the U.S. for "underground alert services." In San Diego the service is called Dig Alert and in the D.C. area it's called Miss Utility. Its purpose is to protect workers from being injured by accidentally coming into contact with underground utilities such as gas mains or electrical lines. RF CHECK provides a similar service, but it protects hundreds of thousands of workers who on a daily basis come into close proximity to RF transmitting antennas and can easily be over-exposed to RF radiation without their knowledge. It's designed to protect workers and the public from RF radiation over-exposure which, as you may know, is currently an impossible task for all FCC licensees. RF CHECK's service is provided free to all workers, contractors, building owners, FCC licensees, and every municipality, county and state in the country.
RF CHECK will employ between 4,000-5,000 high-paying (lowest hourly rate is $22.50) jobs here in the U.S. with full benefits to populate the highly-accurate and living database within the next 26 months. Not only is it free (allowing the government to spend the $350 million that was allocated for 'broadband mapping' to another worthy cause), but, more importantly, it will also help the economy by immediately employing up to 5,000 well-paid Americans across every state in the country.
If thisgenerous proposal is presented to the Obama Administration, the NTIA and RUS could become one of the many prestigious organizations that will have helped save our economy in the very short term. In fact, this is the only reason why RF CHECK would make such an offer.The company only intends to provide this to the NTIA at no cost (in perpetuity) on the condition that it will assist the president in showing how his Stimulus Package is working for the benefit of the citizens of this nation.The RF CHECK solution can be a prime example of that.Everyone in our organizationwants to see our nation succeed in recovering from this current recession as quickly as possible.
As mentioned earlier, RF CHECK has spent over five years and $6 million in R&D on developing this solution and is ready to launch!The solution is supported by several members of Congress, 15 unions that represent 8 million workers, insurance carriers, wireless health & safety people, Consumers Union, cities, states, etc.RF CHECK hastruly developed a comprehensive solution that will benefit everyone involved.
RF CHECK welcomes this opportunity to provide the NTIA with this proposalin support of the BTOP. We feel strongly that the program’s success will be made possible throughgood 'ole American ingenuity and companies like RF CHECK - to make this nation great again, now more than ever. We would be happy to answer any questions or provide any further information on RF CHECK and its proposal at any time.
Doug Williams
Founder & CEO
Tel: 877.RF.CHECK
[1] Public Law 111-5, Section 6001(b)(1) and (b)(5).