[Foundation for People and Community Development, Inc.]
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
[Well Informed Youth, Better Choices, & Healthy Youths in Port Moresby settlements, Papua New Guinea]
SectionI. Project Strategy
Section II. Results and Budget Framework
Section III. Workplan and budget
Section I - Project Strategy
- Organization or group submitting the project.[Explain the background, important activities or projects already developed by your organization or group and why you are interested. Please specify who are the project leaders, their gender and age and contact information]
The Foundation for People and Community Development, Inc., (FPCD), is a not-for-profit, non-government organisation registered in Papua New Guinea (PNG) on 5th February 1993. It is based in Port Moresby, with a field office in Madang, Madang Province. FPCD’s goal is “improved livelihoods and greater self-reliance for Papua New Guineans through community development initiatives and sustainable resource use including Forest Stewardship Council certified forestry.”
FPCD implements its activities through three main programmes– Certified Community Forestry (Eco-Forestry); Advocacy/Policy Development; and Integrated Community Development. The Integrated Community Development Program runs three projects in three provinces of PNG. These include Community Disaster Preparedness in Central and Madang Provinces; Youth and Mental Health Project targeting urban settlement youths in the National Capital District; and Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Project in Madang province.
The Youth and Mental Health Project works with urban settlement youths in Port Moresby and has initiatted a number of sustainable livelihood activities, and sponsored youths to take up lifeskills courses.One such programme, currently in its second year, is having youth farmers attend a year-long course at the Port Moresby Farmer Training Centre. This programme has been so successful that more youths are showing interest. Units covered are aimed at a holistic development of youths and includes religious studies, basic farm machinery, basic bookkeeping, farming techniques of farm crops and small husbandry.
This proposed project intends to supplement these topics with sessions on sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and HIV/AIDS. Sensitising and mainstreaming the youths’ minds about the impacts of the dreaded HIV/AIDS and other STIs will go along way in ensuring they live responsable and healthy lives. This programme will also be extended to eight (8) target youth groups in the six (6) settlements of Port Moresby where FPCD Works, as summarised below.
Number / Youth Group Name / Originating Settlement in Port Moresby / Youth MembershipMale / Female / Total
1 / SiGo / Two Mile Hill / 40 / 15 / 55
2 / Goilala / Two Mile Hill / 17 / 8 / 25
3 / Arere Street / June Valley / 16 / 7 / 23
4 / Gevana Avenue / June Valley / 12 / 6 / 18
5 / Kisere / Kaugere / 21 / 6 / 17
6 / Kusai / Joyce Bay / 20 / 7 / 27
7 / Sinex Street / Morata #2 / 15 / 5 / 20
8 / Talai / Badili / 30 / 15 / 45
Totals: / 171 / 69 / 240
More youth groups from other settlements in Port Moresby who have shown interest to participate in Youth & Mental Health project include Kipo (East Boroko), Kesa (Taurama Road), Gomosasipo (June Valley), and Goilala (Baruni Dump). HIV/AIDS awareness and sensitization sessions will extended to them as well.
The team leader and his contacts are listed below;
Name of Project Team Leader: / Michael KAWAKDesignation at FPCD: / Coordinator, Youth & Mental Health Project
Organisation: / Foundation for People and Community Development, Inc.
Postal Address: / P.O.Box 1119, BOROKO, NCD111
Phone: / +675 325 8470
Fax: / +675 325 2670
Office Location: / Sec. 60, Lot. 08, Queenscliffe St., Korobosea, National Capital District
Email: /
- HIV/AIDS and the human rights based approach.[Explain how your project refers to one or several of the action areas and why you consider you are having recourse to a human rights based approach]
The rights of citizens are given foremost substance in the National Goals and Directive Principles of PNG’s National Constitution which states that every citizen must be given an equal opportunity to partake in the political, social, religious, and cultural life of the country. However, in reality there is a lot to be desired. Youths in the National Capital District and rural PNG get little opportunity participating in nation-building.
Additionally, changes from rapid modernization causes difficulty for youths to adjust and manage life stresses so they respond negatively by developing maladaptive patterns to new lifestyles like resorting to drugs, alcohol, armed robbery, prostitution, and street vending, to meet basic economic needs. Unfortunately, many become victims of police brutality, tribal violence, and harassment by employees of the National Capital District Commission (NCDC), the cityauthority. Young men and women have trouble obtaining capital, and when they do it is shared with relatives to purchase the basics of daily living, or used to consolidate other social bonds. Either way, it does not accumulate.
A situation analysis completed by FPCD in 2006 identified the following key issues;
- Youth unemployment was high in Port Moresby. Youths are unable to obtain formal employment because they mostly lacked experience, qualifications or were casualties of nepotism. Youths were unable to fully participate in the informal sector as they lacked start-up capital and are suppressed by NCDC agents and Police.
- Substance abuse of alcohol and drugs were second highest. Many youths became involved to blot out stigmatization associated with unemployment.
- Gambling was third highest often leading to prostitution, drugs, and petty economic crimes.
- High involvement in prostitution, adultery, with men (and even women) in executive positions for monetary and material favours. Many of these youths, mostly female, obtain money through these means to finance their education and other economic needs.
These findings show that many youths in PNG do not have their economic or social rights met, preventing them from fully participating in society and realizing other social and political rights.
This project will build capacities of youths in NCD settlements who have been deprived of these rights so that they can become more resourceful and responsible citizens. High unemployment rates within NCD youths has been the main contributing factor to increase in crimes and youth problems such as break-and-enter, stealing, armed robbery, and other social problems. Interventions identified to address these problems would include induction into formal employment, short-term contract jobs, and engagement in informal businesses through provision of start-up funds.
In addition, since adultery and prostitution is high amongst the youth population, appropriate information in STIs, HIV and AIDS must be directed at them. TheUNESCO-funded project will ensure youths targeted by FPCD’s Youth and Mental Health Project get the necessary information to make better choices and to refrain from participating in risky lifestyles.
- Objective, results and activities
Overall Objective
The overall objective of this proposed project is “To reduce the number of youths participating in risky behaviours in NCD settlements.”
Specific objectives of this proposed project are;
i)To conduct STI awareness and education in settlements of the National Capital District;
ii)To build capacities of youth sexworkers in alternative sustainable livelihood projects to sustain themselves in formal & informal sectors;
iii)To provide appropriate assistance to youths participating in prostitution and the rehabilitation of selected sex workers; and
iv)To provide effective sensitisation of HIV/AIDS in target settlements of Port Moresby.
- Four (4) awareness sessions on sexually transmitted infections conducted with youths in NCD settlements.
- Five (5) sex workers identified and engaged in lifeskills training course of their choice.
- Three (3) rehabilitated sex workers engaged in successful informal businesses as alternative sustainable livelihood projects.
- Four (4) sensitization workshops conducted in target Port Moresby settlements.
1.1: Identify youth groups and assess their information needs in reference to STIs, HIV and AIDS through one-to-one interviews and group discussions.
1.2:Organise and collate information pamphlets, posters, and print copies, with relevant information on STIs, and HIV/AIDS for youths.
1.3:Facilitate two educational sessions with target youths in NCD settlements and distribute information pamphlets, posters.
1.4:Conduct two follow-up sessions with the same target youth groups after three months.
2.1:Youth sex workers identified in close consultation and discussions with group leaders.
2.2:Youth sex workers sponsored to take up short lifeskills courses at identified vocational training centres.
2.3:Negotiate with potential employers for employment opportunities of reformed sex workers.
3.1:Assist reformed youth sex workers startup informal sector businesses within respective settlements.
3.2:Facilitate basic bookkeeping sessions for reformed youth sex workers intending to start their own informal businesses
3.3:Follow-up and document successful reformed youth sex workers in both formal and informal sectors.
3.4:Publish success stories of reformed youth sex workers.
4.1:Conduct a general STI, and HIV/AIDS sensitization workshop in identified settlements of NCD.
4.2:Conduct a follow-up assessment of target settlements and further information.
- Impacts.[Explain how your project aims to improve or enhance the HIV/AIDS targeted situation or population]
The findings of a situation analysis facilitated by FPCD on youths revealed that this group of citizens, being future leaders of the nation, was neglected. Information dissemination to them was seriously lacking. For this reason they were unable to make better informed decisions to improve their lifestyles. They instead resorted to serious economic crimes to make ends meet.
Additionally, the youth population of PNG makes up about one-third of the country’s population and that of the NCD. Yet there is no specific service for young people except educational institutions and sporting activities. Hence, utilization of services by youths is extremely low. Services like health, financial institutions, counseling, agricultural, to name a few as young people are often discouraged from using such services because of high costs, disapproval by service providers and the community, logistical constraints such as inconvenient hours or lack of transportation, fears about violation of confidentiality, uncertainty, embarrassment or simply because they are not aware of these services. Stigma keeps many young people living with HIV/AIDS and psychiatric patients from receiving treatments they need. Many, especially female youths, turned to prostitution to make ends meet in Port Moresby where costs of living have skyrocketed.
Through this project, it is anticipated that targeted youths, especially sex workers, will be able to have improved opportunities to participate meaningfully in the formal and informal sectors. Youths will also have improvedand informed decision-making processes. Appropriate assistance will be given to youths who need to improve their skills and personal life management.
This project will;
a)Youths will be able to meet regularly to discuss issues affecting them; receive capacity building training including Start Your Business and Manage Your Business; and other skills development courses from the Centre including tie dyeing, screen printing and sewing.
b)It will assist youths obtain formal employment where possible, and/or assist them start livelihood projects like poultry farming, to improve their living standards.
Immediate impacts / Long term impacts- Accessibility to up-to-date information on STIs, HIV/AIDS.
- Reformedyouth sex workers in identified target communities.
- New skills and income-generation alternatives for sex workers and other youths of target youth groups.
- Improved informed decision-making by youths.
- Reduction in risky behaviours of youths.
- More empowered youths in decision-making and community organisations.
- General improved living standards and behaviour.
- Youths are able to handle new additional productive activities in respective communities.
- Healthy community members.
- Alliances. [Add the partners you will work with for the project implementation. Please indicate their contact information]
This project will be implemented by FPCD’s Youth and Mental Health Project. Latest data and other information on HIV/AIDS will be obtained from the National AIDS Council of PNG.
- Associated risks.[Explain the envisioned risks associated to the project execution]
Please kindly refer to table of possible associated risks compiled below;
Possible Risks to Project / Consequence Level4 - Extreme
3 - High
2 - Medium
1 - Low / Probability of Occurrence
4 - Almost Certain
3 - Likely
2 - Possible
1 - Unlikely / Risk Rating
(multiply columns 2 & 3) / Risk Management Strategy
(If risk is medium to high how will it be managed; and if risk is low explain why it is so)
Low capacity of key personnel / 2 / 2 / 4 / Conduct regular training needs assessment of personnel and identify short course to improve capacities.
Youths not interested in STI, HIV/AIDS information. / 2 / 2 / 4 / Educate youths about importance of such information.
Lack of community support / 3 / 2 / 6 / Involve community at all levels of planning and implementation
Target youthsex workers have other interests / 2 / 2 / 4 / Proper awareness on the Project conducted prior to project commencement.
Disruption to work progress due to community involvement in other cultural and political programmes / 2 / 2 / 4 / Understand seasonal activity calendars per target community and develop work schedules accordingly.
Lack of political and government support at Local Level Government and District Administration / 2 / 2 / 4 / Project Manager conducts PowerPoint presentations and provides ongoing updates to authorities and liaises for their support before, during and after project implementations.
Financial mismanagement / 3 / 3 / 9 / Finance Manager and Project Manager monitor every expenditure/ Budget request from officers engaged on the project.
Section II – Results and Budget Framework
General Goal: To reduce the number of youths participating in risky behaviours in NCD settlements.Results / Benchmarks/ Indicators / Activities / Associated resources (US $)
1. Four (4) awareness sessions on STIs conducted with youths in NCD settlements. / i)Information needs assessment report by end of Month 1.
ii)One set of posters and pamphlets compiled and printed by Month 2.
iii)Twoawareness sessions conducted by Month 7.
iv)Two follow-up awareness sessions conducted by Month 12. / 1.1.Identify youth groups and assess their information needs in reference to STIs, HIV and AIDS through one-to-one interviews and group discussions.
1.2. Organise and collate information pamphlets, posters, and print copies, with relevant information on STIs, and HIV/AIDS for youths.
1.3 Facilitate two educational sessions with target youths in NCD settlements and distribute information pamphlets, posters.
1.4 Conduct two follow-up sessions with the same target youth groups after three months. / 100.00
Subtotal / 2,400.00
2. Five (5) sex workers identified and engaged in lifeskills training course of their choice. / i)Five youth sex workers identified for assistance by Month 6.
ii)Five youth sex workers graduate from respective short course of their interest by Month 10.
iii) Three reformed youth sex workers are engaged in formal employment by Month 12. / 2.1. Youth sex workers identified in close consultation and discussions with group leaders.
2.2. Youth sex workers sponsored to take up short lifeskills courses at identified vocational training centres.
2.3 Negotiate with potential employers for employment opportunities of reformed sex workers. / 100.00
Subtotal / 2,200.00
3. Three (3) rehabilitated sex workers engaged in successful informal businesses as alternative sustainable livelihood projects. / i)Two reformed youth sex workers assisted to start own informal businesses by Month 12.
ii)One coaching session on starting informal business and basic bookkeeping course facilitated by Month 12.
iii)Documentation of successful informal business by a reformed youth sex worker by Month 18 (after project completion). / 3.1. Assist reformed youth sex workers startup informal sector businesses within respective settlements.
3.2. Facilitate basic bookkeeping sessions for reformed youth sex workers intending to start their own informal businesses.
3.3 Follow-up and document successful reformed youth sex workers in both informal and formal sectors.
3.4 Publish success stories of reformed youth sex workers. / 1,000.00
Subtotal / 1,800.00
- Four (4) sensitization workshops conducted in target Port Moresby settlements.
ii)Two follow-up sessions conducted by Month 9. / 4.1Conduct a general STI, and HIV/AIDS sensitization workshop in identified settlements of NCD.
4.2Conduct a follow-up assessment of target settlements and further information. / 1,500.00
Subtotal / 1,600.00
TOTAL / 8,000.00
Section III—Workplan and budget[please note the last three month period –Q4- only covers one month of execution]
Results / Activities / Execution period(10 months) /
Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Detail / Amount(US $)
1. Four (4) awareness sessions on STIs conducted with youths in NCD settlements. / Activity 1.1: Identify youth groups and assess their information needs in reference to STIs, HIV and AIDS through one-to-one interviews and group discussions. / Proj. Team Leader; Integrated Comm. Dev’t Program Manager / One-to-one interviews of youth group members and leaders; youth group discussions; questionnaire analysis, salaries for Proj. Team Leader / 100.00
Activity 1.2:Organise and collate information pamphlets, posters, and print copies, with relevant information on STIs and HIV/AIDS for youths. / Proj. Team Leader; Youth Group Leaders assist / Research and collate relevant information; develop posters and pamphlets; engage printing company to mass produce posters/pamphlets / 1,000.00
Activity 1.3:Facilitate two educational sessions with target youths in NCD settlements and distribute information pamphlets, posters. / Proj. Team Leader; Youth Group Leaders assist / Workshop venue hire, refreshments for participating youths, transport costs, administrative costs / 1,000.00
Activity 1.4:Conduct two follow-up sessions with the same target youth groups after three months. / Proj. Team Leader; Youth Group Leaders assist / Workshop venue hire, refreshments for participating youths, transport costs, administrative costs / 300.00
2.Five (5) sex workers identified and engaged in lifeskills training course of their choice. / Activity 2.1: Youth sex workers identified in close consultation and discussions with group leaders. / Proj. Team Leader; Integrated Comm. Dev’t Program Manager / One-to-one interviews of youth group members and leaders; youth group discussions; questionnaire analysis, salaries for Proj. Team Leader / 100.00
Activity 2.2:Youth sex workers sponsored to take up short lifeskills courses at identified vocational training centres. / Proj. Team Leader; Integrated Comm. Dev’t Program Manager / Course fees at respective vocational centres; transport costs for the youths; stationery / 2,000.00
Activity 2.3:Negotiate with potential employers for employment opportunities of reformed sex workers. / Proj. Team Leader / Logistical support costs; administration costs; utility costs / 100.00
3.Three (3) sensitization workshops conducted in target Port Moresby settlements. / Activity 3.1:Assist reformed youth sex workers startup informal sector businesses within respective settlements. / Proj. Team Leader; Integrated Comm. Dev’t Program Manager / Administrations costs; salaries for Proj. Team Leader / 1,000.00
Activity 3.2:Facilitate basic bookkeeping sessions for reformed youth sex workers intending to start their own informal businesses. / Proj. Team Leader; Integrated Comm. Dev’t Program Manager / Workshop costs; stationery; Allowance for resource person/s / 150.00
Activity 3.3:Follow-up and document successful reformed youth sex workers in both formal and informal sectors. / Proj. Team Leader; Integrated Comm. Dev’t Program Manager / Follow-up notes; interviews; transport costs. / 450.00
Activity 3.4:Publish success stories of reformed youth sex workers. / Proj. Team Leader; Integrated Comm. Dev’t Program Manager / Follow-up notes; interviews; transport costs; administration costs. / 200.00
- Four (4) sensitization workshops conducted in target Port Moresby settlements.
Activity 4.2:Conduct a follow-up assessment of target settlements and further information. / Proj. Team Leader; Youth Gourp Leaders / Follow-up notes; interviews; transport costs; administration costs. / 100.00
Total / 8,000.00