Supplementary Table S1: Characteristics of cytokines excluded for further analysis

GM-CSF / IL-2 / IL-4 / IL-5 / IL-9 / IL-10 / IL-13 / IL-17A / IL-17F / IL-22 / IL-23 / IL-33
Median concentrations1
Nil / 3
(1-7) / 2
(1-111) / 1
(1-1) / 1
(1-2) / 1
(1-2) / 4
(1-23) / 1
(1-4) / 2
(1-124) / 1
(1-5) / 5
(1-33) / 4
(2-7) / 6
TB / 3
(1-9) / 2
(1-108) / 1
(1-1) / 1
(1-4) / 1
(1-2) / 3
(1-26) / 1
(1-18) / 1
(1-123) / 1
(1-7) / 7
(1-36) / 4
(2-7) / 6
Mitogen / 18
(2-59) / 3
(1-63) / 1
(1-16) / 1
(1-5) / 1
(1-6) / 226
(1-898) / 1
(1-22) / 5
(1-133) / 1
(1-23) / 9
(1-88) / 20
(3-113) / 6
Positive responders2
All / 2
(4%) / 4
(8%) / 0
(0%) / 0 (0%) / 0
(0%) / 2
(4%) / 3
(6%) / 3
(6%) / 1
(2%) / 2
(4%) / 0
(0%) / 0

1Concentrations in pg/ml, with 10th and 90th percentile shown in brackets. 2A modified threshold was used (for details see methods section).

Supplementary Table S2: Interpretation criteria for QFT-TB Gold (Qiagen).

Interpretation / TB specific antigen response1
(pg/ml)2 / Nil control
(pg/ml)2 / Mitogen control1
Positive / ≥ 17.5
(and ≥ 25% of Nil) / ≤ 400 / any
Negative / < 17.5
≥ 17.5 and < 25% of Nil / ≤ 400 / ≥ 25
Indeterminate / < 17.5
≥ 17.5 and < 25% of Nil / ≤ 400 / < 25
any / > 400 / any

1Corrected for Nil response. 2IFN-γ concentration converted by 1 IU/ml = 50 pg/ml. The table was adopted from manufacturers’ instructions.

Supplementary Table S3: Mitogen response

IFN-γ / IL-6 / IL-21 / TNF-α / IL-1α / IP-10
All / 3311
(34-25399) / 28995
(49-42588) / 487
(1-1165) / 4684
(1-20243) / 171
(1-938) / 5856
HIV status
TB+HIV- / 4034
(73-25343) / 28939
(390-41614) / 477
(7-1053) / 3134
(5-18660) / 192
(1-911) / 3251
TB+HIV+ / 3311
(21-25205) / 28995
(59-43610) / 487
(1-1250) / 7187
(84-22032) / 170
(6-912) / 9995
p-value / 0.96 / 0.94 / 0.38 / 0.08 / 1 / 0.22
< 6 years / 2407
(121-24089) / 29908
(389-40511) / 473
(6-1008) / 5192
(129-18905) / 279
(9-880) / 8192
≥ 6 years / 5982
(1-26727) / 28995
(59-45159) / 533
(1-1172) / 4128
(1-21772) / 139
(1-916) / 4751
p-value / 0.56 / 0.88 / 0.44 / 0.65 / 0.28 / 0.57
Disease manifestation
Pulmonary / 3311
(15-24647) / 28995
(132-46702) / 533
(5-1172) / 5694
(14-22747) / 202
(1-950) / 5591
Extrapulmonary / 4408
(47-30515) / 26921
(54-37651) / 370
(1-976) / 3594
(1-12766) / 165
(1-698) / 6122
p-value / 0.54 / 0.57 / 0.06 / 0.44 / 0.72 / 0.79

Median and (10th - 90th percentile) for mitogen-induced cytokine response. Non-stimulated response has been subtracted. Concentrations are shown in pg/ml. Mann-Whitney U test used for evaluation of group differences.